Re: [CTRL] China White, USA

1999-01-02 Thread Gerald Harp

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/2/99 9:23:14 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>   The use of China White and other forms of illegal drugs is now
>   rampant in the United States.

I trust we are all aware of the irony.

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[CTRL] China White, USA

1999-01-02 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-

 Date: Fri, 1 Jan 1999
 Subj: [A-M] China White

 A newsletter dedicated to the peaceful
 reform of the United States government.


 China White.  Do we mean beautiful white porcelain dishes from
 China?  No, the above title refers to the street name for a high
 grade of heroin produced in China.  The Chinese grow the opium
 poppy in Yunnan Province, and they also buy the raw opium from the
 drug caravans coming out of southeast Asia.  Refineries are mainly
 located in Shanghai, a very convenient place since from there the
 refined product can be shipped wherever China's merchant fleet
 sails and air lifted to "friendly" airports all over the world.

 The use of China White and other forms of illegal drugs is now
 rampant in the United States.  Previous administrations have made
 some efforts to stop the drugs from entering this country, and up
 until the Clinton Administration the problems of drug addiction
 had not reached epidemic stage.  But Clinton opened the Mexican
 border with NAFTA, and he has been less than helpful in supporting
 other measures to restrict and control importation.  Congress needs
 a 2/3 vote to override his veto, so it seems fair to conclude that
 the president and at least one third of our Congress is either
 corrupt or intimidated so that they failed to help to pass laws
 that would curb the drug trade, failed to enact laws to protect
 the general public.

 Public personalities do not even talk about the drug problem and
 newspapers are silent on the subject.  News about the deaths and
 havoc caused by the flood of drugs has been carefully kept out of
 the news even though the House of Representatives at one time sent
 troops to the border and has appropriated millions to keep the
 traffic from causing anarchy in both Florida and Texas.  Clinton
 confines his remarks about the drug problem to recommending
 advertising!  This is a partial list of what The President and
 Congress could have and should have done:

 (1) Enact a law making the death penalty mandatory for anyone
 importing given quantities of illegal drugs into this country.
 If a corporation is caught doing it, the penalty would extend on
 up the ladder, perhaps even to the CEO.  In the case of the COSCO
 (China Ocean Shipping Company) smuggling of heroin it should have
 resulted in penalties levied against Chinese shipping
 interests.  (COSCO was caught smuggling Heroin, and they did not
 even get a slap on the wrist).

 (2) Re-negotiate NAFTA in order to make smuggling through the
 Mexican border more difficult.

 (3) Legalize the use of some of these drugs, taking the profit
 away from the criminals.

 (4) Place tight controls on the ingredients used in the manufacture
 and refining of the drugs causing the greatest problems.  Let the
 producers of these ingredients know that they cannot get away with
 sales to illegal operations.

 (5) Make drug testing of congressmen in both the House and the
 Senate mandatory with the results to be made public.

 (6) Make drug testing of the president and presidential candidates
 mandatory with the results also to be made public.

 (7) Make leases to foreign shippers of facilities in containerized
 ports subject to government regulation designed to prevent
 smuggling, and increase funds for inspections at our ports.

 China has actively been trying to subvert our government, a fact
 which is probably well-known and accepted by most Americans.  But
 what the public does not know is the extent of that subversion and
 the cooperation they have had from the big business operations and
 from our own government.  We mentioned corruption in Congress, but
 that corruption is also widespread in the American infrastructure.
 The Rockefellers and the banks have been implicated.

 The Justice Department has finally indicted Citibank, charged by
 Swiss investigators with the laundering of the drug fortune of
 Carlos Salinas, but perhaps the most shocking information to come
 to light recently is that Chicago Mercantile is now reported to be
 accepting shipments of China White coming into the Chicago airport.
 Those shipments are payment on loans that they made to China!
 The Spotlight (12/ 21, 98, p.12) in an extensive report says that
 Chicago Mercantile, one of the biggest financial institutions in
 the United States, is accepting payment in heroin that is being
 resold to our own people!

 We know that parts of Chicago are controlled by criminal gangs
 so it is not difficult to believe that they are bold enough to be
 bringing in large quantities of heroin by air.  These criminals do
 not seem concerned about police interference; they have it better
 than the it was in the twenties.  Things are running wide open.
 It's the Prohibition era all over again only without J. Edgar
 Hoover!  How far has the criminal cancer spread?  China White and
 ties to organized crime, could these be the re