-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

* Veritas Vos Liberabit *
The Conservative e-Journal of Record

Date: 16 February 2001
Federalist #01-07.dgst

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"Few men have virtue to withstand the highest bidder." --George


In the news this week, geneticists from the government-funded
International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium and investor-owned
Celera Genomics Corp. released the first detailed analysis of the
human genome -- the so-called "blueprint of life."  The project
catalogued the roughly 30,000 genes responsible for human
characteristics. Among their findings: humans have only 10,000 more
genes than earthworms, which helps to explain why some of us act the
way we do.

The sequencing catalogue will aid researchers in their efforts to
create new gene therapies for devastating diseases like Alzheimer's
and Parkinson's, and, potentially, cures for cancer.

In other news....

After launching his tax reduction plan last week, Mr. Bush spent much
of this week touring military facilities, where he clarified his
position on holding DoD's budget line. His fiscal 2002 Pentagon budget
will be $14 billion higher than Clinton's budget, and he is calling
for a $5.7 billion "quality of life" appropriation -- $3.9 billion to
improve military health benefits, $1.4 billion for pay increases and
$400 million to upgrade housing. However, he will -- wisely in our
view -- hold the line on expensive weapons system appropriations until
an audit of the rationale for those systems has been conducted.
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld noted, "The president decided to
engage our brains rather than open the taxpayers' wallets immediately,
and what he wants to do is to conduct a quick, prompt review."

At each stop, the military personnel present -- E-1 to O-9 -- exuded
enormous enthusiasm for their new Commander-in-Chief. They are finally
rid of the scourge who masqueraded as their CiC for the last eight

In a nation which spends more than $50,000 per convict annually to
provide prisoners cable TV, well-stocked libraries, computer centers,
three hot regulars, comfortable sleeping accommodations, plenty of
free time, excellent exercise facilities and medical care -- all the
comforts of home -- let's just say that if convicts had to live in the
same conditions many military personnel have endured for the last
decade, the ACLU would be screaming.

Quote of the week...

"George W. Bush may sincerely want to 'reach out' to congressional
Democrats, but the Democrats don't want to reach back." --Former
Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich

On cross examination...

"When Bush Senior came to the presidency, he announced that 'the
people didn't send us here to bicker,' and literally offered his hand
to the Democrats of Congress.  They took it -- and ran.  Mr. Bush gave
the left much of what it wanted: tax increases, high regulation.  But
you don't impress your opponents by giving them half, you embolden
them; they don't respect you more when you break your word, they
respect you less.  He lost his base and gained no converts." --Peggy

Open Query...

"Less than a month in office, George W. Bush faces a test. Does he
stick to total repeal of the estate tax as he and the Republican
national platform promised? Or does he bow to powerful interests who
profit from a complicated tax code? The choice will be duly noted by
the lobby." --Robert Novak

"Today there is the beginning of another entering wedge, with
politicians deciding how much each of us needs and deserves. If they
take on this God-like role, are we still free Americans or just their
serfs and supplicants, begging for what we ourselves have earned?"
--Thomas Sowell

The BIG lie...

"There's not a single, solitary shred of evidence that I did anything
wrong, or that [fugitive financier] Marc Rich's money changed hands.
There's certainly no evidence that I took any of it." --Bill Clinton
who, you will note, did not say he did not do anything wrong -- just
that there is no "evidence that I did anything wrong" -- classic
chameleonic Clintonese. Only the most pathological narcissist would
think he could take such action with impunity.

"I just wanted to go out there and do what past presidents have done,"
whines Clinton, "but the Republicans had other ideas for me."

Actually, the most fervent of Clinton's former apologists are
protesting. "It's terrible, devastating, and it's rather appalling,"
says Clintons former Commerce Secretary William Daley. "Bush ran on
bringing dignity back, and I think the actions by Clinton of the last
couple of weeks are giving him a pretty good platform."

Just "the last couple of weeks..."?

"I just think it's totally indefensible," crows Sen. Joe "Bad-Hair"
Biden. Senator Paul Wellstone now says, "It puts back into sharp focus
all the questions about values and ethics in relation to the Clinton
Administration." Barney Frank calls the Rich pardon a "betrayal" and

Whatever happened to "It's just about sex"?

>From the "Quid Pro Quo" Files, U.S. News & World Report, in an article
on Clinton shakedowns, says, "Clinton fundraisers pressed [Denise
Rich] for...as much as $25 million for [his] library fund. The wealthy
benefactor of the library and longtime Democratic contributor said
fundraisers had suggested a donation of at least $10 million."

After Ms. Rich asserted her Fifth Amendment privilege against
self-incrimination last week, congressional investigators are
considering granting her immunity in order to force her testimony
concerning the relationship between her financial support of Clinton
and company, and Clinton's pardon of her (ex)husband, Marc Rich.

Memo to Congressional Republicans: Drop this hot potato and cheer
Clinton on in silence. Let him roast under the heat he is taking from
reformed Clintonistas and his Leftmedia -- in the absence of his White
House obfuscation machine. As for the conservative press, they should
remain acutely focused on Clinton because, as noted by former DNC
chairman Joe Andrew, "We are the party of Bill Clinton.... We will
continue to be the party of Bill Clinton because we're very proud of
our accomplishments."

Addendum -- Mr. Jack Quinn, the Algorista lawyer representing Ms.
Rich, and who made the pardon plea for Mr. Rich, is now, himself,
being represented by one Joseph diGenova. DiGenova, after receiving a
very large retainer, said of his client this week, "Jack Quinn is an
honorable man. He's a man of integrity. He's a great lawyer. ... He
did what any good lawyer should do."  Three weeks ago, the
pre-retainer diGenova was singing a different tune: "The one pardon
that is absolutely outrageous and clearly represents what must be a
disgustingly political and perhaps money-changing deal is the pardon
of Marc Rich, the fugitive financier. ... Now his lawyer was Jack
Quinn, who was Gore's chief of staff. And I must tell you, if Quinn
represented Marc Rich, I will venture to say that Mr. Quinn's fees
start in the seven figures."

Of course, Mr. diGenova is just doing "what any good lawyer should
do." In other words, "If you've got the facts, pound the facts. If you
haven't got the facts, pound your opponent. If you can't pound your
opponent, pound the table. Regardless, if you've got the big retainer,
pound whatever your client wants...."

In addition to the congressional investigations, federal prosecutors
in New York have opened a case file on Clinton's pardon of Rich.

Memo to the feds: Forget the money trail. Clinton and Ms. Rich worked
the pardon out in the Lincoln Bedroom -- when Streisand was out of

In other Clinton pardonee news, Carlos Vignali, whose father donated
more than $160,000 to Demos pressing Clinton for his release, "was the
central player in a cocaine ring that stretched from California to
Minnesota," reports the New York Times.

The Sociocrats...

>From the "Leftspeak Dictionary," here is Sen. Barbara Boxer on
partial-birth abortion:  "That this Constitution as it currently is --
some want to amend it to say life begins at conception. ... I am not
willing to amend the Constitution to say that a fetus is a person...."

Sen. Barbara Boxer on trees: "We are talking about God's creations
that we have a responsibility to protect. This is Mojave National
Preserve's Joshua trees.  We have to move to protect them."

News from the American Labour Party...

We are shocked -- SHOCKED! -- to report that Arthur A. Coia, former
president of the Laborer's International Union of North America and
mega-fund-raiser for Clinton-Gore, Gore-Lieberman and HILLARY!, had
his law license suspended for two years after his guilty plea to
income tax fraud. U.S. Attorney Donald Stern said Coia "engaged in an
extensive scheme to cheat Rhode Islanders" of $100,000 in taxes, and
developed schemes to "shirk his duty to pay his taxes."

In other Demo-Union dues news, Ms. Leslie King, a former clerk for the
Carpenters Union Hospital Fund in Cleveland, was sentenced to 14
months in federal prison for embezzling more than $194,000 from the
fund. The ex-president of United Food & Commercial Workers Local 1262,
Joseph P. Rizzo, was charged with soliciting bribes from supermarkets
seeking to prevent labor disruptions during the holidays. Labor
activist Daniel Courchesne pleaded guilty to mail and wire fraud after
stealing $124,597 from the N.H. AFL-CIO between 1995 and 2000. Albert
A. Diop, ex-boss of the American Federation of State, County &
Municipal Employees District Council 37, had his $125,000 bail revoked
after a court-appointed psychiatrist found he was not mentally fit to
be tried on charges of stealing $1 million from AFSCME.

"Most Ethical Administration" effluent...

>From the "Clinton Presidue" Files, the Sociocrats' Sovereign and his
Queen are running for cover. In a sure sign that they are in deep,
both the Clintons showed up in Harlem this week, surrounded by mobs of
their most faithful sycophants. Ms. Rodham-Clinton was being hosted
and cheered by a black congregation, while Bill was tying up traffic
at 125th Street, announcing that he really -- TRULY -- always wanted
his post-presidential office in Harlem.

After all of Clinton's most loyal Leftmedia talkingheads objected to
his $800,000 midtown digs, Clinton had a revelation:  "I asked
myself...if I could go anyplace in New York to have an office,
starting today, where would I go? And immediately I thought

Ms. Julia Payne, spokeswoman for Clinton's rock-star transition
office, claims, "He wanted to go to a place where he could be a good
neighbor and be welcomed by the neighborhood as well."

One minor problem: The building where Clinton announced he will
locate, a building housing government offices and programs such as the
IRS, a methadone maintenance clinic and New York's Office of Lesbian &
Gay Concerns, does not have any space for lease.

That did not deter Clinton: "When I was 22 years old, I won a
scholarship to go to school in England and I used to fly back to the
states...from London to LaGuardia. ... And every single time I did, I
took the public transportation to 125th street on the west side -- I
mean the east side -- and I would walk down 125th all the way west in
Harlem. I felt at home."

One minor problem: LaGuardia has never served international flights to
or from London. We suppose Mr. Clinton also remembers seeing black
churches burning in Harlem.

When will black Americans -- particularly those in the middle of
Sunday worship -- stop allowing themselves to be prostituted by

"Bill Clinton is, like O.J., in danger of becoming a pariah in
'polite' circles," pens columnist Robert George. "Thus, like fellow
golfer Simpson, as Clinton's fortunes fade, he seems to have nowhere
else left to turn, except -- where else? -- the black community. ...
It seems only one community willingly accepts them with no questions

News from the Swamp...

Back in town after his tour of military facilities, Mr. Bush was
taking flak from the Left for his modest tax cut proposal. He
responded, "A warning light is flashing on the dashboard of our
economy, and we just can't drive on and hope for the best."

"Yes, we can," said Trotskyite Tom Daschle and sidekick Dick Gephardt,
brandishing a Lexus automobile as a prop and claiming that only those
getting big tax cuts can afford a luxury car. (Of course, those paying
more taxes WILL get to keep more of their own money, however
proportionally, less than those in lower tax brackets.)

The classist rhetoric being spewed by Daschle-Gephardt, et al., was
first regurgitated by their patron saint, FDR, who said, "Here is my
principle: Taxes shall be levied according to ability to pay. That is
the only American principle." Of course, that was not quite an
"American principle," but a paraphrase of Karl Marx's Communist maxim,
"From each according to his abilities, to each according to his

Standing next to that Lexus, Comrades Daschle and Gephardt did not
mention that they are among the Beltway's privileged elite who are
provided chauffeur-driven limos at taxpayer expense.  Neither was
there mention that they both supported President Reagan's tax cuts,
which, notably, were substantially larger than George W.'s proposed
reduction of tax increases made by both Bush the elder and his
successor. According to the National Taxpayers Union, "Mr. Bush would
reduce the federal government's total revenues by no more than 6.2%
per year, while Mr. Reagan's reduced the federal tax bite by 18.7%."

BTW, commuting into the shop this morn, our editor passed a Lexus
sporting a Gore-Lieberman sticker -- a quintessential Leftist

Judicial Benchmarks...

"I think my conservative view is that I should enforce the law as it
is written," said Attorney General John Ashcroft after his first day
on the job. "I think one of the elements of conservatism is to take
the law as it is, and to work to enforce it...to say what the law is
and to live by it." Finally, someone who knows what the meaning of
"is" is!

Regarding your IRS overpayment...

"I'm no economist," says Georgia Democrat Sen. Zell Miller, "but how
big does our surplus have to be before we stop hoarding these
trillions of dollars and start giving some of them back to the people
they belong to?" Mr. Miller, who cosponsored Mr. Bush's tax cut in the
Senate, adds, "I've been in politics for four decades and I thought
I'd seen it all. But when I came to Washington last year, I was not
prepared for the shock of how matter-of-factly both parties in
Congress slurped up the surplus without hesitation. I understand
clearly that if we don't send this overpayment of taxes back to those
who paid it, politicians can always find a new way to spend it. ...
Yes, this plan gives refunds to wealthier Americans -- as it should.
But who are we to pick and choose among our taxpayers? All of them
combined have paid more than it takes to run this government. All of
them combined should get a break."

Mr. Miller is, of course, is doing what he can to maintain support
from the constituency of the deceased Senator he replaced -- one of
the Senate's most conservative members -- Paul Coverdell.

In other taxing news, Warren Buffett, George Soros, and Bill Gates's
father are among 120 wealthy Sociocrats petitioning Congress NOT to
eliminate the "death tax," saying such cuts would be a "terrible
mistake." These elite Sociocrats believe that the central government
should coerce individual decisions about how to plan the distribution
of their estates -- the majority of which have already been subject to
taxation.  Perhaps these Leftist tycoon buffoons are concerned about
their poor fathering skills, knowing their own spawn would just
squander any inheritance. We suggest, to accommodate their concern,
they start a private club and require members to sign their estates
over to faith-based charities. In fact, we nominate Teddy Turner for

>From the department of military readiness...

While the Demo-plunder of Pentagon resources has left U.S. infantry
units scrambling to find enough ammo for range practice, Russian
military have launched large-scale exercises involving a "triad" of
strategic land, sea and air forces. What is wrong with this picture?

>From the "Dumb and Dumber" Department...

The Navy acknowledged that two civilian guests were at the helm of the
Los Angeles class attack submarine, the USS Greeneville, when it
surfaced, sinking a Japanese fishing vessel off the coast of Hawaii.
The Navy claimed the 16 civilians aboard the sub "were under the very
close supervision of a qualified watch stander."

Apparently not....

>From the states...

In news from the People's Republic of California, while Leftcoasters
claim Mr. Bush has some elocution problems, it was their Lt. Gov. Cruz
Bustamante who used an ugly racial slur during a speech at the annual
Coalition of Black Trade Unionists' awards dinner and scholarship
fund-raiser. Many of those in the audience left in protest. "I was
appalled he would even say it as a slip," said Ms. Gwendalyn Bello.
"You don't make a slip like that unless it is something you say

Unfortunately for Mr. Bustamante, there was no rolling blackout to
silence his microphone at the moment of his transgression, but he may
be able to find some office space in Harlem!

In news from the resistance... Ward Connerly and the American Civil
Rights Coalition are back, collecting signatures for a proposed March
2002 California ballot initiative that would prohibit the state from
collecting information about race on most state government forms and
applications in what ACRC spokesman Kevin Nguyen called those "silly
little boxes." Opponents of the measure are already calling it
"racist" to prevent the state from keeping racial information. Sounds
like those "little boxes" aren't  all that's silly here!

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