-Caveat Lector-

just like last year...will they toast to their successes? see:

Pakistan's ISI and 9-11 http://www.guerrillanews.com/intelligence/doc198.html


copied from http://frontierpost.com.pk/main.asp?id=20&date1=8/15/2002

Musharraf to meet Bush on Sept 12

Updated on 8/15/2002 1:36:46 PM

NEW YORK (NNI): President Musharraf will meet with US President Bush on September 12, said an embassy official while talking to this news agency here on Tuesday.Another official of the National Security Council NSC at the White House also confirmed the meeting.

This will be President Musharraf’s third meeting with US President George W Bush since October 12.

The twenty five minutes meeting will be held at the US Mission to United Nations in front of UN headquarters at 11.30 in the morning.

Both the leaders are scheduled to address the UN General Assembly UNGA same day - President Bush the second speaker and President Musharraf the fifth.

President Musharraf who will be reaching United States September 7, will land in Boston where his son Bilal lives.

He will address the Harvard University on September 8th and will fly to Chicago on September 9th.

Arrangements for President Musharraf’s stay with his 12 members entourage in Down Town Hilton Chicago was arranged by New York Consulate last week.

President’s elder brother Dr Naveed resides in Chicago, and a community dinner on September 9th with the Pakistani expatriates living in the mid west of United States is also under consideration.

President would leave for New York on September 10th to attend the commemoration of September 11.

Musharraf will stay at the Pakistan International Airlines PIA owned Hotel Roosevelt.

Prominent world leaders are expected to attend the 911 commemoration.

Both President Musharraf and President Bush might have an handshake meeting at the 911 observance.

On September 12th Musharraf will address the UNGA and will meet with U.S. president.

Same night a dinner meeting with Pakistani natives at Sheraton Towers Hotel .in New York is also confirmed.

Last year the grand dinner was attended by 1600 expatriates.

During his stay in Chicago and New York he might meet with Pakistani professionals and the leaders of prominent Pakistani-American organizations.

President will fly back home on September 13.20 Kindly note that Federal Information Minsiter Nisar Memon was scheduled to come to United States on Sep 15 but his programme was cancelled.

Now he has been rescheduled to reach New York three days before President Musharraf’s arrival.

He will reach New York on September 7th and would meet with Pakistani Local, National, and Foreign Media before the Presidents visit.

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