-Caveat Lector-


Digital moles in White House?
Terrorists had top-secret presidential codes
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

"Air Force One is next," read the message received by the U.S.
Secret Service at 9 a.m. Sept. 11, after two hijacked planes struck
the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York.

Three minutes later, Secret Service agents grabbed Vice President
Dick Cheney from his seat opposite a television set in the White
House and hustled him down to the president's emergency
operations center, a bunker built to withstand a nuclear blast.

The terrorists' message threatening Air Force One was transmitted
in that day's top-secret White House code words. As the clock
ticked away, the Secret Service reached a frightening conclusion:
The terrorists had obtained the White House code and a whole set
of top-secret signals.

This made it possible for a hostile force to pinpoint the exact
position of Air Force One, its destination and its classified
procedures. In fact, the hijackers were picking up and deciphering
the presidential plane's incoming and outgoing transmissions.

The discovery shocked everyone in the president's emergency
operations center – Cheney, National Security Adviser Condoleezza
Rice and Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta. Their first
question was: How did the terrorists access top-secret White House
codes and procedures? Is there a mole, or more than one enemy
spy in the White House, the Secret Service, the FBI, the CIA or the
Federal Aviation Administration?

In the week after the attacks in New York and Washington, more
hair-raising facts emerged. The terrorists had also obtained the
code groups of the National Security Agency and were able to
penetrate the NSA's state-of-the-art electronic surveillance systems.
Indeed, they seemed to have at their disposal an electronic
capability that was more sophisticated than that of the NSA.

This startling observation came as no surprise to those tracking the
globe-spanning investments of Saudi Arabia's bin Laden family and
those of its exiled son, Osama, in some of the world's biggest and
most advanced satellite and telecommunications companies.

Bin Laden also has the NSA beat on the employment front, hiring
the best computer experts on the market. One such is Nabil Khan
Kani, a Syrian who lived in Barcelona with his Spanish wife, Jenna
Florine, in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

No one ever suspected what the amiable Syrian was really up to
until January 2000, when FBI agents found two apartments he used
thousands of miles from Barcelona, in the Bab el-Shabaa district of
Saana, Yemen. The apartments served as transit points for
Egyptians suspected of operational links with the Egyptian Islamic
Jihad and Algerians connected with the Armed Islamic Group, or
GIA. There, investigators turned up nine fake identity cards in
different names, all with Kani's photo, Spanish, Italian, French and
Sudanese passports, likewise with the same photo but in different
names, and two pistols fitted with silencers.

Kani must have used yet another alias for his getaway. His
whereabouts are unknown to this day. Computer and terrorism
experts suggest that the missing Syrian computer whiz was the
author of the technology known as steganography, as first described
in the Washington Post yesterday. This technology enables users to
bypass electronic monitoring by hiding messages randomly in
seemingly innocent digital files, such as music files, those of the
popular online marketplace eBay, pornographic files or even e-mail
headers. Scrambled with the help of basic encryption tools, they can
only be read by those with a "key." These messages leave no trace
of their presence.

U.S. intelligence has been unable to trace their authors and
recipients in the three years since first detecting evidence of their
existence in the files of the bin Laden organization. U.S. agencies
now believe that the attacks in New York and Washington were
coordinated through those encrypted electronic messages, which
were opened by "key" holders.

They also believe that terrorists are in possession of all or part of the
codes used by the Drug Enforcement Administration, the National
Reconnaissance Office, Air Force Intelligence, Army Intelligence,
Naval Intelligence, Marine Corps Intelligence and the intelligence
offices of the State Department and Department of Energy.

Intelligence and counter-terror sources report that, while rescuers in
New York and Washington were sifting through rubble inch by inch,
US government experts were changing codes one-by-one – and
even more difficult, replacing procedures and methods of
encryption. The nagging question of a mole in the highest reaches
of the U.S. government and intelligence community – with direct or
indirect links with bin Laden – remains. Since no single individual
has access to every top-level code at any given time – a single mole
would not answer the case; it would have to be a large, widely
spread number. U.S. experts do not believe bin Laden was capable
of infiltrating double agents into the heart of the U.S. administration
on a large scale. They are looking elsewhere, instead, at a country
with a very well-oiled intelligence apparatus – Iraq.

This theory was argued by an authoritative voice, former CIA
Director James Woolsey, in a New Republic article reprinted by
London's Daily Telegraph on Sept. 17. He refers to a book called
"Study of Revenge: Saddam Hussein's Unfinished War Against
America," by Laurie Mylroie, which quotes a senior FBI investigator
on the problematical identity of Ramzi Yousef, perpetrator of the first
attempt to blow up the World Trade Center in 1993.

For that deed, a U.S. federal court in New York sentenced Yousef
Jan. 8, 1998, to 240 years in solitary confinement. He was also
indicted for conspiring to hijack 12 U.S. and Asian commercial
aircraft on their way to the United States and blow them up over
New York. It was claimed that the name Ramzi Yousef was an alias
for his real identity, which was a Pakistani called Abdul Basit Karim.

However, the FBI investigator cited in the book said that Basit was
not his real identity either; Yousef was actually an Iraqi army agent
who stole Basit's identity. Basit and family were resident in Kuwait
when Iraq overran the oil emirate in 1990. The Iraqis moved the
family to Baghdad with other hostages. Some returned home, but
the Basits were never heard of again, probably murdered for the
sake of disguising Ramzi Yousef.

The former CIA director's advice is this: Iraq was involved in the first
attack on the World Trade Center. Baghdad is therefore the place to
look for the conspirators behind the second.

Intelligence sources can disclose that Woolsey's conclusion does
not rest exclusively on the Mylroie book. While pointing the finger at
Iraqi intelligence, he assigns Baghdad with no more than a partial
role both in the1993 World Trade Center bombing and also in last
week's suicide attack on its twin towers. His conclusions are based
on a CIA investigation opened during his tenure as CIA director from

Evidence kept in a personal dossier codenamed KG-84-HJ
established Iraqi complicity in the 1993 attack. It also contains the
first serious evaluations and theories regarding the identity of the
high-placed penetration agents in the White House and at the heart
of U.S. intelligence.

They appear to be the very moles who made those vital coded
signals available to the kamikaze terrorists Sept. 11.

Related story:

Somalia trail may provide clues to leaks of top-secret U.S. codes


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