-Caveat Lector-

The New Australian

Domestic policy, 2000 and Clinton's Serbian folly

By James Henry
No. 117,   26 April - 2 May 1999

As the Serbian tragedy unfolds and Clinton's miscalculations become more
painfully apparent with each passing day other questions are being raised
about the economic and domestic political consequences of his Balkan
'policies'. Some readers believe that Clinton has become Gore's point man and
that the war will help him promote Gore's electoral prospects. It is also
believed that Clinton can use the war to keep the economy on boil right up to
the 2000 election. One reader colorfully described this policy as "bomb 'em
and feed 'em". Armament factories will be cranked up and food surpluses can
be unloaded on to a hundreds of thousands of grateful refugees and a grateful
electorate will vote Gore president, or some other Democrat.

This is certainly a bleak scenario but one I believe to be totally out of
place. Gore is not a popular politician and it is clear that his campaign,
apart from the fund raising, is doing badly. Regardless of his best efforts
he has not been able to distance himself from the smell of White House
corruption, nor should he be allowed to do so. In addition, there is enough
die-hard green ideology in his book Earth in the Balance to cause him
considerable electoral pain. People closely connected with the Republicans
tell me the Party intends to turn his book into a political millstone. It
certainly wouldn't be too difficult.

Cranking up the armaments industry at this stage would convey the impression
to a very concerned public that Clinton was getting the country into a
lengthy and bloody campaign. This is one impression he is desperate to avoid
giving. There is also the time factor. These factories cannot be turned on
and off like a tap. For example, it would take 18 months to 2 years to get
cruise missile production lines fully operational, not to mention the time
needed to re-man the services and build up combat readiness. As for comparing
Kosovo with Vietnam, I think the appropriate comparison in military terms is
Korea. However, I don't think Kosovo is going to another Korea. The expense
and casualties would destroy the Democratic Party along with Clinton — no bad
thing in my opinion.

The economic angle is certainly erroneous. War materiel is costly.
Implementing a rearmament's program means raising taxes, cutting welfare or
both. Given the present high level of taxes, government spending and the
influence of the welfare lobby the chances of the Democrats rebuilding
America's defenses are slight. All of which is sweet irony. If the Democrats
had maintained the military machine that Clinton inherited and then gutted
and, at the very least, kept spending and taxes at the previous level they
would not be facing this dilemma. Any attempt to fund rearmament out of the
printing press, as was done with the Vietnam War, would meet strong
resistance from Greenspan and particularly the money markets. It is
overlooked by commentators that the Fed is already expanding the money supply
by about 12 per cent a year. The vast majority of people do not realise just
how dangerous for the economy this loose monetary policy really is.

I'm glad to say that this is an extremely dangerous time for Clinton. His
stupidity, corrupt behaviour and craving for a Roosevelt or Truman-like
legacy has led the country into a Balkan folly. He is not likely to find
himself caught between a Kosovo impasse and a recession at home. I do not
know a single stockbroker who thinks the good times will last. Without
exception, they believe that the economy has reached the peak of the business
cycle. It is now, in their opinion, only a matter of time before the downturn
strikes — and that will be before the 2000 election.

Americans are going learn the hard way that character and sound judgement
count in a president. Clinton's lack of both has cost this country dearly and
it has not stopped paying the price in terms of moral capital and economic
welfare. The ultimate price, however, might be measured in body bags. Let us
pray it does not come to that.

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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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