-Caveat Lector-

>From etan.org

 The ETAN/U.S. Condemns Killings, Calls for U.S., UN Action
Sunday, 18 April 1999
For Immediate Release Contact: John M. Miller (718) 596-7668

East Timor Action Network Condemns Latest Killings Calls for U.S., U.N.
Action to Disarm Paramilitaries

The East Timor Action Network/U.S. today expressed outrage at the brutal
attacks by the Indonesian-armed and created paramilitaries in Dili, the
capital of East Timor. ETAN urged the U.S. government and the United Nations
exert maximum pressure on the Indonesian government and military (ABRI) to
disarm and disband the militias.

"Indonesia must allow the immediate deployment of U.N. personnel to protect
human rights and monitor Indonesian troop withdrawals and the disbanding of
the militias," said John M. Miller, spokesperson for the network.

ETAN is planning demonstrations next week at Indonesian diplomatic offices
in Washington, DC, New York and Chicago to protest the killings.

On Saturday, more than 1500 armed pro-Indonesian paramilitary members took
control of the streets of Dili. At least 13 are reported killed and the
death toll is expected to climb as Indonesian police and troops allow the
rampage to continue. Hospitals and clinics are filled with wounded;
photographers have been threatened and foreign journalists attacked.

The paramilitary soldiers organized and armed by the Indonesian military
began their assault on the people of Dili with a rally attended by the
Indonesian-appointed governor of East Timor. The military and police have
stood by refusing to halt the violence, instead providing water and
cigarettes to the paramilitaries, according to accounts received by ETAN.

Last week a coalition of paramilitary groups threatened to "wipe out" all
those who supported independence for the former Portuguese colony or refused
to fly the red and white Indonesian flag.

"Red and white now mean blood and bandages to the East Timorese," said

"This terror campaign is clearly designed to derail any prospect of a UN
organized vote by the East Timorese on their political future," added

At least 275 people have appeared on a death list distributed early last
week by the paramilitary groups. On the list are civil servants, members of
the National Council of Timorese Resistance, and advocates of
reconciliation. Militias have also threatened Catholic Bishop Carlos Ximenes
Belo, co-winner of the 1996 Nobel Peace Prize. Several homes of people on
the hit list have been attacked or burned down.

The ABRI-supported paramilitary rampage may have only just begun. Militia
leaders have threatened to continue their "cleanup operation" into next week
when U.N.-mediated talks on East Timor are scheduled to resume.

The paramilitary groups have been recruited, armed and trained by ABRI in an
attempt to sabotage the UN ballot planned for July, in which the East
Timorese may vote for or against an Indonesian government "autonomy"

The attack on Dili is the latest in a series of assaults by the
paramilitaries. On April 5, at least 25 people seeking refuge from previous
attacks were killed at a church in Liquica in a joint operation between a
paramilitary group and ABRI. Since then there have been daily killings by
paramilitary groups.

"The U.S. State Department has urged the Indonesian government 'to bring the
pro-integration militia groups under control,' but stronger pressure is
really needed," said Miller.

ETAN can arrange interviews with East Timorese leaders and other experts on
East Timor. Contact: John M. Miller (718) 596-7668

The East Timor Action Network/U.S. supports genuine self-determination and
human rights for the people of East Timor and democracy in Indonesia.

On December 7, 1975, the Indonesian military brutally invaded East Timor.
The following July, East Timor was illegally "integrated" into Indonesia as
its "27th province." The UN and most of the world's countries do not
recognize this, and the East Timorese reject it. According to human rights
groups and the Catholic Church more than 200,000 people -- one-third of the
pre-invasion population - have been killed by the Indonesian occupation


The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
                                       German Writer (1759-1805)
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