-Caveat Lector-


does anybody here spot the tired old cliches of propoganda ??


und zen Kommander Worf und his klingon attack pod ver shown to
zee president who has vull authority ...... by Gene Roddenberry

>Apollo X Gets Glimpse Of An Extraterrestrial Monolith In Space;
>Later A Secret Military Space Shuttle Retrieves the Space Beacon
>          by Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
>     The following information was disclosed to me by a reliable
>confidential informant, who
>previously worked on contract for the National Security Agency, and
>maintains connections
>within the Intelligence community. This informant, whom I shall call
>"Jesse", has over 40 years of
>notes from a very close relative, who served as CIA liaison to the
>National Security Council on
>UFO/ET matters. This information has been confirmed by a second source,
>Dr. Michael Wolf of
>the National Security Council's unacknowledged subcommittee, the MJ-12
>Special Studies
>Group. I have talked with Dr. Wolf about the notes' author, Jesse's
>relative. Dr. Wolf said
>that that CIA official "was like an uncle to me."
>     The reports which follow are thus not "leaks", but rather based on
>planned releases of
>information. These releases are part of a public Acclimation Program, an
>official though
>unacknowledged U.S. Government policy of "processed release of
>information", as Dr. Wolf
>described it.
>     According to "Jesse", in 1969 the Apollo 10 astronauts Stafford,
>Cernan and Young were the
>first to film an extraterrestrial space beacon, dubbed The Monolith,
>somewhat like, but smaller
>than, the one in Arthur C. Clarke's book/movie "2001". They were not,
>however, the first
>astronauts to spot this ET beacon. The Monolith was first sighted by
>Russian cosmonaut Yuri
>Gagarin, the first man in space, in 1961. He was followed into space that
>same year by American
>astronaut Alan Shephard, who also sighted the beacon. Apollo 10 went to
>it, and filmed it from
>every angle. The Monolith acted like a communication beacon. Jesse said,
>"It sort of acts like the
>message received in the movie "Contact". It had a message on it, in
>addition to a map of the
>extraterrestrial civilization which placed it there], and how to get to
>     The Apollo 10 astronauts brought back the message captured on film.
>The Monolith's energy
>affected Apollo 10's instrumentation, so that its crew almost didn't get
>back. As soon as the film
>Apollo 10 took came back to Earth, those Intelligence compartments which
>deal with UFOs were
>busy poring over information from the Monolith.
>     The government then used an early secret military space shuttle to go
>get the Monolith itself.
>This covert military spacecraft flew years before the first "official"
>NASA Shuttle's public flights
>in 1981. The spaceplane is operated by a secret military astronaut program
>out of Vandenburg Air
>Force Base, California, among other locations. The second flight mission
>of this unacknowledged
>military shuttle retrieved the Monolith, and brought it back to Earth in
>1972 for study. [1]
>     After being retrieved, the Monolith was then transferred to a secret
>research facility.
>Scientific analysis of the Monolith was conducted at this domed underwater
>facility located north
>of Abaco, the northernmost of the Bahamas Islands. RCA Corporation is in
>charge of that
>experimentation research, Jesse says. Jesse stated, "They did it
>underwater, after they saw people
>dropping like flies. They figured that there would be better containment
>[of the Monolith's
>suspected cosmic energy emanations] underwater." He noted that the space
>beacon "has a sound
>to it, like it talks. It also gives off a light show." Dr. Michael Wolf
>shed additional light on the
>beacons. "They are 'postcards from the rim'. They emit both light and tone
>signals, sending a
>mathematical language. There may be five or more ET civilizations involved
>in setting up these
>     Among the scientists who worked on it were famed astronomer Dr. Carl
>Sagan, U.S.
>Army Intelligence and Security Command General William Stubblebine,
>(ret.), National Security
>Council consultant Dr. Michael Wolf, and a former division head of CIA.
>Everyone who had
>prolonged close physical contact with the Monolith got cancer, Jesse says.
>"And those who tried
>to dissect it [the Monolith] died right there on the spot." The CIA
>Counter-Intelligence official
>and Dr. Wolf got colon cancer. The CIA man required surgery, but Dr.
>Wolf's cancer later went
>into a spontaneous remission. Dr. Sagan eventually died of his cancer.
>     Jesse feels that there are many more space beacons out in space,
>acting as "postcards".
>"I'm sure Mother Russia had one." [2]
>     Jesse also revealed a 1973 formula for gravity control, used by the
>military to construct
>antigravity aerospace vehicles.[a] He disclosed that noted quantum
>physicist Jack Sarfatti was in a
>position to be familiar with this gravity formula used by the government.
>Jesse observed, "With
>regard to Sarfatti, as I can determine it [from the notes], he was on site
>doing work on the
>relationship between downed UFO's and back-engineering, to the degree that
>he assisted in the
>gravity makeup formulae."
>     Jesse added that Sarfatti noticed that the captured UFO's field
>propulsion guidance was
>focused on the ET pilot. "[The UFO pilot console] had the hand placement
>with micro holes and
>light-emitting senses [sensors] to feel the impulse of the sudden hand
>movement; hence it [pilot
>and UFO] became as one. The driver always feels the outer skin's 'road
>feel', so it [the UFO] can
>handle better than a Corvette at 125 mph in fifth gear in the big curve."
>Jesse added, "Then again,
>Sarfatti has these [formula] numbers...he can attest to the numbers and
>even affirm that
>[antigravity field propulsion] is in use today! Matter of fact, the
>formulae even tell a story of the
>skin association between flyer and craft." [3] They [ET pilots] think [a
>command]...and go. Sort
>of like...point-click and ship! Boom...you're there."
>     The RAND Corporation (a CIA think tank) holds the key to the
>formulae." Jesse revealed. "Our Navy even set up the United Earth Space
>Naval Forces. I believe
>this group to be in existence today." [4]
>[a] phi(x) =<0lphi(x) l0 > +  &phi(x), where <0lphi(x)l0> is the vacuum
>expectation value, and
>m2^<0lphi(x)l0>^2 represents the particle's density of the ground state in
>the non-realtivistic limit.
>The action of this field in the presence of gravity is...intrinsic
>gravitational cosmological constant
>Lambda/ 8piG receives a contribution (1/2) m2^<0lphi(x)l0>^2.
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