-Caveat Lector-

>From Tampa Bay Online, http://www.tampabayonline.net/news/news102c.htm
9/9/99 -- 6:31 AM
Report: FBI says illumination flares fired to monitor compound


DALLAS (AP) - A spent illumination flare found in evidence stored after the
Branch Davidian tragedy may have been one of two such devices fired by FBI
agents to stop an intruder from entering the sect's compound during the
early days of the standoff, The Dallas Morning News reported today.
Two of the flares were fired as members of the FBI's Hostage Rescue Team
kept watch over the compound near Waco, FBI spokesman John Collingwood told
the newspaper.

``From talking to people in our Hostage Rescue Team, at one time, when your
floodlight illumination was not active, they shot two parachute illumination
rounds because of concern about people trying to sneak into the compound,''
he said.

Texas Rangers discovered the spent remains of one of the devices, a star
parachute flare, when they searched a Waco storage facility Friday for
missing pyrotechnic tear-gas grenades.

James Francis Jr., chairman of the Texas Public Safety Commission, said the
discovery was troubling because the government had powerful spotlights
trained on the Davidian compound during most of the 51-day standoff and
would not have needed a flare to light up the area.

Collingwood said none of the devices were used by the Hostage Rescue Team on
April 19, 1993, the day the Branch Davidian compound burned, killing David
Koresh and about 80 followers.

The government has maintained the Branch Davidians deliberately set the
fires. An independent review of the standoff has been ordered by Attorney
General Janet Reno.

A major focus of the investigation will be whether the FBI fired flammable
devices into the compound and why it took six years to acknowledge the use
of military tear-gas canisters.

Copyright 1999 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not
be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

Dan S

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