-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.clinton.net/~mewilley/fdr.html">FDR and the New Deal</A>


The greatest enemy of truth is very often not the lie - deliberate,
contrived and dishonest - but the myth - persistent, persuasive and
unrealistic. --JFK, June 11, 1962

You know I am a juggler, and I never let my right hand know what my left
hand does. I'm perfectly willing to mislead and tell untruths...FDR, May
1941 (Morgan p 550)

Karl Marx is going to win this war.-- Father Coughlin

FDR & Lucy Mercer Rutherfurd: Lucy was Eleanor's social secretary in the
period before 1918. In September, 1918, Eleanor discovered a packet of
love letters from Lucy to FDR. Eleanor later admitted, " the bottom
dropped out of my own particular world & I faced myself, my
surroundings, my world, honestly for the first time." FDR and Eleanor
immediately stopped living as man-and-wife. Lucy was dismissed but came
back during FDR's later years.
FDR & Marguerite 'Missy' LeHand, his "other wife". FDR's son Elliot
wrote in his book about his father, "everyone in the close knit inner
circle of father's friends accepted it as a matter of course. I remember
being only mildly stirred to see him with Missy on his lap as he sat in
his wicker chair in the main stateroom holding her in his sun-browned
arms...He made no attempt to conceal his feelings about Missy." FDR left
Missy half of his 3 million dollar estate. Note: before FDR got polio,
he was widely known as a womanizer and playboy.

FDR & his floozy cousin Margaret Suckley. As early as 1920 she was
misidentified as his wife in a newspaper photograph of them at a ball
game. Eleanor who was sitting behind them was cropped out of the
picture. For details of their affair see MARGARET SUCKLEY CLOSEST
COMPANION, by Geoffrey Ward, 1995.

Eleanor & Lorena Hickok lesbian affair- Hickok was an unattractive 5' 8"
200 pound reporter who moved into the White House to be near Eleanor.
Some of the content of their letters to each other: "Hick longed to kiss
the soft spot at a corner of Eleanor's mouth; Eleanor yearned to hold
Hick close; Hick despaired at being away from Eleanor; Eleanor wished
she could lie down beside Hick and take her in her arms." (Goodwin
p.222) On March 7, 1933, Eleanor wrote to Hickok: "Oh! I want to put my
arms around you. I ache to hold you close. Your ring is a great comfort.
I look at it and think she does love me, or I wouldn't be wearing it."

Eleanor and the much younger Joseph Lash- in a very funny scene,
military intelligence bugged Eleanor's room in the Chicago Blackstone
Hotel in March 1943 where she was having sex with Joe and sent the
recordings to FDR. Probably because ER was told about it afterwards by
the hotel, FDR disbanded the unit. He also read Joe's intercepted love
letters to ER. Eleanor also had a long affair with Earl Miller, FDR's


•FDR was born January 30, 1882.
•FDR was a mediocre and unpopular student at Groton and Harvard.
•FDR became a failed lawyer (without a degree) in 1907, which explains
his morals.
•1910-1913 - NY State Senator. He told Rosenman in 1928 about his time
as Senator: "I remember they used to call us socialists and radicals in
those days."
•1913-1920 - Assistant Secretary of Navy (he later bragged that during
WWI he had "thrown money around like water"). FDR played the most sordid
sort of ward politics with Navy contracts.
•VP candidate in 1920.
•THE BUTCHER OF HAITI - In July 1915 FDR, as Assistant Secretary of the
Navy, personally led US Marines into Haiti to overturn the only
independent black republic besides Abyssinia. By all accounts, FDR
administered Haiti brutally and cruelly with no regard for lives. Even
in 1920 after gross atrocities were reported in the media, FDR claimed
responsibility but when that caused an uproar, he denied responsibility.
In the campaign of 1920 President Harding said this: "Practically all we
know is that thousands of native Haitians have been killed by American
Marines, and that many of our own gallant men have sacrificed their
lives at the behest of an Executive department in order to establish
laws drafted by the Assistant Secretary of the Navy...I will not empower
an Assistant Secretary of the Navy to draft a constitution for helpless
neighbors in the West Indies and jam it down their throats at the point
of bayonets borne by US Marines."
•SELF-CONFESSED FELON - 1 February 1920 before an audience of 1500 at
the Brooklyn Academy of Music, FDR said, "Two months after the war was
declared, I saw that the Navy was still unprepared and I spent $40,000
for guns before Congress gave me or anyone permission to spend the
 money." This action had been opposed by the President. FDR further
boasted that he had "committed enough illegal acts" to be impeached and
jailed for "999 years". (Cook, pp 265-266)
•PERJURER 1921 - A Senate subcommittee concluded that FDR had committed
perjury before a Naval Court of Inquiry about his investigation of a
homosexual corruption ring at the Newport, RI, Naval Station. FDR, as
Assistant Secretary of the Navy, had approved the use of decoys to
entrap homosexuals (young sailors were instructed in and ordered by
FDR's men to perform homosexual acts and the details truly are
unprintable). When it became an issue he had lied about it to the Court.
He had signed an order for investigators to go "to the limit" but he
denied under oath that he had read what he had signed and swore he had
no idea what was in the order. On June 11, 1919, FDR had personally
taken charge of every aspect of the case, the most extensive systematic
persecution of homosexual men in American history. When the facts
emerged FDR denied he knew anything about it and if he had known about
it he said he would have stopped it. FDR's testimony under oath at the
May 1920 Navy Board of Inquiry was the height of arrogance. How did he
suppose evidence for sodomy could be obtained, he was asked. FDR:"As a
lawyer, I had no idea. That is not within the average lawyer's
education." Did you realize as a lawyer or a man of intelligence that
the investigation of such matters, very often has led to improper
actions? FDR:"I never had such an idea. Never entered my head..." How
did you think evidence of these things could be obtained? FDR:"I didn't
think. If I had thought I would have supposed they had someone under the
bed or looking over the transom." (Cook pp 267-271 and Ward pp 488-490)
The Senate subcommittee also found "Roosevelt's actions displayed an
utter lack of moral perspective." (Ward pp 571-572) FDR, who had always
reacted to stress with illness, was so stressed that his immune system
misfunctioned and he immediately contracted polio on the publication of
the Senate report.
•FDR contracted polio in 1921. Keeping this disability from the public
has been called a "splendid deception." However, objectively the voters
were deprived of important information about a candidate for the highest
office. In May 1944 after he suffered a heart attack, doctors told FDR
that if he wanted to avert death that he could not work more than 4 hour
days. After this prescription, FDR decided to run for his 4th term. In
1944 he spent 200 days away from the White House in rest or travel
undertaken for his health. From FDR's perspective this was simply a
self-serving deception, a fraud on the people. It damaged the country.
He was utterly unfit for his high office long before the election. The
lives of millions depended on the judgment of a man whose mind was
warped by arteriosclerosis and the strong medication digitalis. FDR also
had cancer.
•Until he became President, FDR always struggled financially. He never
made more than $25,000 a year as a lawyer, which he had to give up in
early 1923 because of his polio, and he flopped in the stock market. His
only business was his Warm Springs, GA, resort, bought with his mother's
money, which he ran as a quack health spa. As a condition of running for
governor in 1928 he had a Democrat kingmaker named Raskob pay off his
$250,000 debt.
•1928 FDR became Governor of New York. The seeds of the Great Depression
were first sown in New York State when FDR was governor.
•1932 FDR turned himself into a corkscrew at the Democratic Convention
to get the nomination.
New Deal

A Red New Deal with a Soviet seal
Endorsed by a Moscow hand,
The strange result of an alien cult
In a liberty loving land.

•1933 FDR became the 32nd President of the United States. He had sent
William Bullitt to the USSR even during the campaign to arrange its
recognition while Stalin was killing 10 million Ukranians. FDR imposed
central planning through New Deal, a.k.a. Raw Deal, regulations and
programs. His close advisor Douglas said "The present pseudo-planned
economy leads relentlessly into the complete autocracy and tyranny of
the Collectivist State." FDR broke every campaign promise he had made
and the New Deal was exactly the opposite of what he had promised. FDR
had promised "I propose to you that the government, big and little, be
made solvent and that the example be set by the President of the United
States and his cabinet...Stop the deficits! Stop the deficits!" FDR made
a flat promise to "reduce the cost of government operations 25 percent"
and called for a sound gold currency (!). Instead, Franklin Deficit
Roosevelt engaged in an orgy of spending and implemented the first
twelve planks of the 1932 Socialist Party platform, which in substance
was the New Deal. In his first year he proposed spending 10 billion on 3
billion of revenues; from 1933 to 1936 government expenditures went up
more than 83 percent. He closed all banks with no intention or thought
of ever re-opening them (banks are not needed in Marxist economics).
After two years the New Deal was such a failure through waste,
mismanagement and outright graft that FDR had to introduce a "New New
Deal.". The ND has been called 'a study in economic confusion.' FDR
undermined the Constitution with blank-check appropriations which
allowed him to control spending and blank-check legislation which
allowed him to set up agencies to pass laws and regulations.

"There is in Chicago and in a very large part of the country, more
suffering than there was in 1933 when the President came into office. It
is a common sight to see children salvaging food from garbage cans."
Grace Abbott to the DNC. Labor leader John L. Lewis told the NAACP in
1940 that "Mr. Roosevelt made depression and unemployment a chronic fact
in American life." Herbert Hoover, 1928 Democrat Presidential Nominee
Alfred E. Smith, and the 1924 Democrat Presidential Nominee John Davis
all called the New Deal communistic. Admitting the failure of the New
Deal, FDR said in October of 1937, "I'm sick and tired of being told by
the cabinet, by Henry and everybody else what's the matter with the
country and nobody suggests what I should do." Gottfried Haberler, P
rofessor of Economics at Harvard and a President of the American
Economic Association and the world's leading authority on depressions,
called the failure of the New Deal a policy disaster "unparalleled in
other countries." Winston Churchill said in 1937: "The Washington
administration has waged so ruthless a war on private enterprise that
the US...is actually...leading the world back into the trough of
depression." The New Deal was repudiated by the voters in 1938 and the
Republicans took effective control of Congress. FDR made the depression
worse and prolonged it, including the FDR recessions of 1937 and 1939.
When he was elected there were 11,586,000 unemployed and in 1939 - seven
years later- there were still 11,369,000 unemployed. In 1932 there were
16,620,000 on relief and in 1939 - after seven years - there were
19,648,000 on relief. The war eventually ended it. FDR supporter Merle
Thorpe wrote in 1935, "We have given legislative status, either in whole
or in part, to eight of the ten points of the Communist Manifesto of
1848; and, as some point out, done (sic) a better job of implementation
than Russia." Colonel Sactuary's pamphlet Is the New Deal Communist?
 made a 35 point comparison of it to Marx's 1848 program.
I'm so tired - Oh so tired - of the whole New Deal;
Of the juggler's smile; the barker's spiel.
Tired of taxes on my ham and eggs;
Tired of payoffs to political yeggs.
I'm tired of farmer's goose-stepping to laws;
Of millions of itching job-holder's paws;
Of Fireside Talks over commandeered mikes;
Of passing more laws to stimulate strikes.

I'm tired of the hourly-increasling debt;
I'm tired of promises still to be met;
Of eating and sleeping by Government plan;
Of calmly forgetting the Forgotten Man.
I'm tired of every new brain-trust thought;
Of the ship of state - now a pleasure yacht.
I'm tired of cheating the courts by stealth;
And terribly tired of sharing my wealth.
I'm tired and bored with the whole New Deal;
With its juggler's smile and barker's spiel.


U.S. Population (1935)...120,000,000
46,000,000 Eligible for Old Age Pension
30,000,000 Children prohibited from working
30,000,000 Government employees
13,999,998 Unemployed
Left to produce U.S. wealth = 2
Just you and me - and I'm all worn out!

•1935 Supreme Court unamimously ruled FDR's National Recovery
Administration (NRA -a.k.a. Nuts Running America), the centerpiece of
the New Deal, unconstitutional (Schechter v US). The NRA was a total
assault on free enterprise. Industry was to be straightjacketed into
government-mandated cartels given the authority to set prices, determine
production levels, and regulate the workplace. This was something akin
to Mussolini's fascist corporativism; and expanded executive power at
the expense of the Congress and the courts. Democrat Senator Carter
Glass denounced the NRA as "the utterly dangerous effort of the federal
government at Washington to transplant Hitlerism to every corner of this
•1936 Supreme Court ruled FDR's Agricultural Adjustment Administration
(AAA) unconstitutional (US v Butler). This was the program that plowed
crops under and senselessly slaughtered millions of animals at a cost of
$700,000,000 over two years. By cutting corn production the US had to
import 30 million bushels from abroad. The Supreme Court ruled the AAA
was "a central government exercising uncontrolled police power in every
state of the union."

•1935 When the Supreme Court was deciding whether gold repayment clauses
in government bonds could be unilaterally voided, FDR prepared to defy
them if they voted against him. He prepared a fireside chat to announce
that he would not comply and when the Court reluctantly found 5-4 in his
favor, FDR confided to an aide "The nation will never know what a great
treat it missed in not hearing the marvelous radio address."
•When asked to do something about silver, FDR said, "All right. I
experimented with gold and that was a flop. Why shouldn't I experiment a
little with silver?" FDR had confiscated all US gold at $20.67 an ounce
and then raised the price to $35.
•1937 with both the Social Security Act and the Wagner Act pending
before the Supreme Court, FDR proposed in Congress that he pack the
Supreme Court by "re-organizing" it by allowing him to appoint six new
•1938 Congress defeated FDR's dictator bill.
•1938-1939 FDR stated a policy that the Soviet Union could build
destroyers in the United States.
•1940 - For the election, FDR repeatedly promised to keep the country
out of war and then did everything in his power to involve the country
in war. No national leader in history has ever so brazenly lied to his
people about such an important national issue: war or peace, life or
•March 1941 - FDR rammed the Lend-Lease Act, a.k.a. Lenin-Lease, thru
Congress. Both selling munitions to belligerents and convoying them were
acts of war and contrary to international law. FDR publicly represented
this as a peace measure. Previously he had said, "Convoys mean shooting
and shooting means war."
•14 August 1941 - During the Atlantic conference, FDR entered into an
illegal and unconstitutional agreement with Churchill that America would
go to war if Japan attacked British territory in the Far East. FDR said:
"I may never declare war; I may make war. If I were to ask Congress to
declare war they might argue about it for three months." This was an
impeachable offense. The best discussion of it is in And I Was There by
Admiral Layton, NY, 1985, Chapter 11. Churchill immediately after gave a
radio address saying that he and FDR had "jointly pledged their
countries to the final destruction of Nazi tyranny" and the Atlantic
Charter itself refers to that destruction. In mid-October the US asked
for and received permission to build airfields on Dutch and British Far
East colonies.
•8 Oct 1941 - FDR ordered US vessels to shoot German vessels on sight.
FDR lied to Congress about the USS Greer and Kearny incidents, in an
attempt to get them to declare war against Germany. He lost all
credibility. FDR also sent troops to occupy Greenland, Iceland and the
Canary Islands without authority. (See Charles Beard's President
Roosevelt and The Coming of War 1941)
•Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes said FDR had a second-class
intellect. The British Ambassador Lord Halifax called FDR's decision
making like "a disorderly day's rabbit shooting." Secretary of War
Stimson said FDR governed by a "topsy turvy, upside-down system of poor
administration...The President is the poorest administrator I have ever
worked under..." Harold Smith, Director of the Budget 1939-1946, said
Roosevelt was "a very erratic administrator." FDR made a point of not
reading books and not consulting experts. FDR was full of tall tales
about himself, for example that he had been a combatant in WWI when he
had actually avoided service. Even FDR's friends called him mentally
light, mendacious, lacking wit, unreliable, vengeful and manipulative.
 His nicknames were Chief Disorganizer and Chief Manipulator. Walter
Lippmann wrote of FDR "his mind is not very clear, his purposes are not
simple, and his methods are not direct." Stimson said that "His mind
does not follow easily a consecutive train of thought..." British
Foreign Secretary Eden called the Roosevelt administration "a mad
house." Lord Halifax said FDR's ideas were "pretty inchoate" and Eden
called them "feckless"(feeble). FDR was the first President unable to
write his own speeches. FDR's Secretary of Labor said he had a "streak
of vanity and insincerity." His Secretary of Interior Ickes called him
"an inactive and uninspiring President." Churchill said that FDR had no
ideas at all. Lord Moran wrote that FDR had used his shrewdness to cover
his ignorance, but at Yalta his shrewdness was gone and there was
nothing left.
•FDR used the IRS to investigate his enemies, e.g. Father Coughlin, Rep.
Hamilton Fish, publisher Moe Annenberg of the Philadelphia Inquirer and
Charles Lindbergh. He also stopped investigations of his friends like
Lyndon B. Johnson who had committed tax fraud.
•FDR requested the FBI files of his political opponents, e.g. Senator
Nye. As he was happily discussing with his circle the sex lives of his
enemies, J. Edgar Hoover was tapping Eleanor's phone! For a general
discussion by presidential historians of FDR's abuse of the FBI see PBS
NewsHour: -- July 5, 1996. FDR's youngest son John said, "Hell, my
father just about invented bugging. Had them spread all over, and
thought nothing of it." The No. 3 man at the FBI confirmed that to
Congress in 1974.
•FDR abused the Secret Service, having them investigate the source of an
unfavorable story in the Wall Street Journal.
•FDR used the prestige of the Presidency to enrich his dysfunctional
sons through their many shady business deals. He not only phoned
financiers but met with them. Jimmy made $100,000 selling insurance to
government contractors in 1939, $25,000 more than his father. Elliot
made $1,175,000 from 1933-1941 on the strength of his White House
connections. In 1939 Elliot got his father to personally strong-arm A &
P Tea Company to loan Elliot $200,000 secured by shares of a shakey
Texas radio station. In 1942 the President gave $4,000 back in return
for the stock, saying that it was worthless. It was worth $1 million. A
& P took the $196,000 loss off their tax returns, so the US Treasury and
public took the hit. FDR was also guilty of nepotism, hiring Jimmy as
his secretary in 1937. Elliot became a brigadier-general in months.
Eleanor made at least $3 million from 1933-1945 in lecture and writing
fees, which is not bad for someone who had no earning power before she
entered the White House. She also got a $10,000 fur coat from Canadian
fur breeders, a gold bracelet from Emperor Haile Selassie and a gold
crown from the Sultan of Morocco. When FDR had destroyed a Tammany Hall
politician, he had said "What of a public official who allows a member
of his family to obtain favors or benefits through his political
connections?" FDR often requested and got original die sheets (back to
1896) and imperferate first sheets of stamps from the Post Office at
cost, knowing that they were worth $20,000 each to collectors. He made
hundreds of thousands of dollars on these stamps. In the sons' defense,
their parents' example suggested that life was a scramble to satisfy
personal needs and appetites. (Flynn Bk 3, ch 2, 'The White House Goes
into Business')
•FDR used the very worst elements of the mob to funnel New Deal money
into big cities in order to bring the political machines to their knees
and ultimately control them through the mafia. In NYC he used Jimmy
Hines associate of the notorious Dutch Schutz; in Chicago it was Al
Capone's man Ed Kelly; it was Frank Hague in New Jersey and this pattern
was repeated across the country. FDR was mobbed up. (Flynn, Bk 2, ch 8,
pt 1)
•TAXES - Roosevelt & the Congress raised the effective federal tax rate
by 700% between 1932 & 1939. --- John H. Makin & Norman J. Ornstein 1994
_Debt & Taxes_ pg 95.
"The 1942 act sharply changed tax policy in the US. The income tax base
more than doubled in size, as the number of tax payers increased from
13M to 28M, while 50M were paying the victory tax. In 1943, yet another
new tax bill introduced Americans to tax with-holding for the 1st time.
By the end of the war, millions of new tax payers had been drawn into
the tax net, & individual & corporate income taxes accounted for 3/4 of
the nation1s federal tax burden -- up from less than 40% before the war.
Before the war, ~7% of the public paid some income taxes; at the height
of the war, 64% of the population did so. 4M Americans were income tax
payers in 1939; the number rose to 43M by 1945. Income taxes had by 1945
become almost as inevitable as death for Americans..." --- John H. Makin
& Norman J. Ornstein 1994 _Debt & Taxes_ pg 101. Lenin wrote that
"Taxation with its offspring inflation, is the vital weapon to displace
the system of free enterprise."

FDR's alter ego, Harry Hopkins, was famous for the quote "We will tax
and tax, spend and spend, elect and elect." Hopkins also said, "This
country does not know what real heavy taxation is."



To do so, FDR trashed the four freedoms, the Atlantic Charter, his
promises and committments to small democracies, his oath of office, the
moral standing of the United States, and he created a perpetual cold war
that bankrupted US. To understand the treason at Yalta, is to understand
Roosevelt. All of his actions were bent in the same direction - dead
left. He unceasingly promoted Communism at home and abroad to the full
extent and possibility of his office. FDR was a hard-core Marxist as
proved by his speeches - in his first inaugural he proposed 3 planks of
the Communist Manifesto. In his 2nd address, he proposed national land
redistribution! Karl Marx explained his plan to destroy all
constitutional government: "The surest way to overturn the social order
is to debauch the currency." FDR carried that out with a vengence by
taking the US off the gold standard and confiscating all gold.
Through 3 declarations of National emergency - March 1933, Oct 1938 and
May 27, 1941, FDR usurped as much dictatorial power as Hitler had on
paper. The first was codified in HR 1491, No. 1 and gave FDR the same
powers as in war.

•FDR gave a speech in Troy, NY, in March 1912, in which he placed the
"liberty of the community" over "the liberty of the individual." He said
competition was bad but cooperation was good. One can hardly ask for a
more blatant expression of Marxism. In his first inaugural speech, he
said, "rulers of the exchange of mankind's goods have failed" and asked
for dictatorial powers.
•Charles Beard, the doyen of American socialists and creator of the
ideas for FDR's NRA and AAA: "FDR accepts the inexorable collectivism of
the American economy...national planning in industry, business,
agriculture and government." "Individual economic activities and
individual property rights will be altered and changed." FDR was
bringing us to a 'collectivist democracy' and "worker's republic."
•Earl Browder, a regular Bolshevik and General Secretary of the
Communist Party USA, went wild with delight and excitement over FDR's
speeches. "If the New Deal could be established, it should be possible
to proceed from this, step by step, without violent overturning, to
socialism." Earl ran his base of operations from the White House and
hired and fired administration officials at all levels. FDR pardoned him
from a 5 year prison sentence in 1942.
•George Bernard Shaw said FDR "is a communist but does not know it." Of
course he did know it, but it would have been political suicide to
express it.
•H.G. Wells wrote "The exciting thing about him, as about Stalin, is
that he, too, has more of the appearance of having modern objectives,
however incompletely apprehended, than anyone else in the world." Also
that FDR was feeling his way toward state capitalism and Washington and
Moscow were 'the twin centers of reconstruction effort.' After reading
Well's autobiography in which he called for a 'greater effort' for
Communism, FDR wrote him "your direction and mine are not so far apart."

•FDR said it was time for US "to become fairly radical for at least one
generation. History shows that where this occurs occassionally, nations
are saved from revolution...Wait until next year, I am going to be
really radical." "National thinking, national PLANNING and national
action are the three great essentials...'socialism' has probably done
more to prevent Communism and rioting and revolution than anything else
in the last 4 or 5 years." National planning necessarily requires
coercion - it is the recipe for tyranny. FDR liked to call himself the
Kerensky of the American revolution.
•"The Russian newspapers during the last election (1932) published the
photograph of Franklin D. Roosevelt over the caption 'the first
communistic President of the United States'." -- Senator Thomas D.
•Stalin called FDR in Dec 1933, "a decided and courageous leader." In
1934 he praised FDR's "initiative, courage and determination".
•Although FDR liked to pretend that Teddy Roosevelt and his family
supported him, in 1935 in Philadelphia, Teddy, jr. leveled this blast at
FDR: "You have been faithless. You have usurped the function of
Congress, hampered freedom of the press...You have urged Congress to
pass laws that you knew were unconstitutional...You have broken your
sacred oath taken on the Bible."
•August 13, 1938, The House Un-American Affairs received testimony from
John Frey, president of an AFL union, about 280 Communist Party members
in the CIO and that communists had infiltrated the government in almost
every bureau through the United Office and Professional Workers Union.
FDR , who was very angry, met with Chairman Dies and told him "Well,
there is no one interested in Communism, no one at all. I've heard it
all my life. There is no menace here in Communism...there is nothing
wrong with the Communists in this country. Several of my best friends
are Communist." The bitterest attack FDR ever made publicly against a
public official was against Dies for his investigation of Communist
influences in union sit-down strikes. FDR refused cooperation with the
Dies committee and tried to kill it by blocking funds to it in 1940.
Dies claimed there were 3,000 communists working in government.
•"Submission, not freedom is to be the future badge of the United
States...the overturn of institutions, including the Constitution, is
the avowed goal of his (FDR's) immediate advisors. -- Woodrow Wilson's
Secretary of State Bainbridge Colby, in Portland, OR, Sept. 1934
•Father Coughlin said in 1936 that the New Deal had its feet of clay
mired "one in the Red mud of Soviet communism and the other in the
stinking cesspool of pagan plutocracy." Also "the efforts are made for
low, practical purposes to confuse a Christian program of social justice
with a Godless program of communism."
•"Now to bring about government by oligarchy masquerading as democracy,
it is fundamentally essential that practically all authority and control
be centralized in our national government. The individual sovereignty of
our states must first be destroyed, except in mere minor matters of
legislation. -- FDR March 2, 1930
•When his Chief of Security Berle brought him information from the
Communist courier Whittaker Chambers that there were 2 Soviet spy rings
at the highest levels of his administration, naming names like Hiss,
White and Silvermaster, FDR told him to "go jump in a lake." The report
was suppressed for years.
•The week before the 1944 election, Izvestia wrote "to announce joyfully
that Mr. Roosevelt's return was secure" and predicted an American
Riechstag fire.
•In 1946 FDR's son Elliot wrote a book titled As He Saw It which was
meant to be the memoir that his father never wrote. It quoted many
important private conversations and opinions of FDR. The real inside
story scandalized the keepers of FDR's myth, who said that it put the
words of the communist newspaper The Daily Worker into his father's
mouth. The truth hurts.

FDR and Eleanor's political views were shaped by a political leech named
Louis Howe who attached himself in 1912 and was always very secretive
about his political beliefs. Similarly, FDR has often been called
'non-ideological' because he could not admit his ideology. Howe saw in
FDR an ambitious, ruthless young man with no moral compass or ideas.
Over years of conversations, and speech writing and agenda planning, and
especially during the onset of FDR's polio when Howe lived with them and
they depended on him, Howe shaped both FDR and Eleanor. He was their
brain. They were his disciples. He taught them an ideology. They became
ideologues. In a 'Cosmopolitan' article in April 1934, Howe wrote
quoting his protege FDR "that the time has arrived to build a new kind
of government founded on the doctrine of the good neighbor and not the
cruel doctrine of 'rugged individualism.' " In other words, FDR stood
for the obliteration of individualism at the hands of a ruthless, all
powerful state.

In early 1939, FDR tried to become a card-carrying communist. He applied
for membership in the front League of American Writers but Earl Browder,
General Secretary of the Communist Party USA, returned his application
saying, "Don't get mixed up in this. There is going to be a lot of
controversy about it." That was the understatement of the decade. Recall
that FDR's choice, when he was aware that he was dying, for
vice-president was Henry "The people's revolution is on the march"
Wallace, a communist; that FDR had supported the communists in the
Spanish Civil War and had tried to get the neutrality act repealed for
them, that FDR sold out Eastern Europe to the Soviets at Yalta; that FDR
made Karl Marx's primary goal, redistribution of income, his primary
goal; that he was against loyalty oaths; that remarkably there was not a
single prosecution of any Soviet spy during his Presidency; that when 12
communists were arrested by the FBI in Detroit in 1940 that he removed
the FBI's power to make arrests; that he vetoed a bill to deport
communist aliens in 1940; that he several times blocked the extradition
of communists; that he constantly sent "greetings" to various Red
organizations and took every opportunity in public to praise Stalin's

When he returned to the United States from Yalta, FDR told his Cabinet
that he had found in Stalin "something else in his being besides this
revolutionist, Bolshevik thing." FDR said it might have something to do
with Stalin's early training for the priesthood in the Russian Orthodox
Church. "I think that something entered into his nature of the way in
which a Christian gentleman should behave," Roosevelt declared. On Sept
30, 1941 FDR told reporters that there was freedom of religion in the
USSR, right after 2 million Christians had been butchered and the
churches were still burning: religious control was "essentailly what is
the rule in this country; only we don't put it quite the same way." "I
may say that I got along fine with Marshall Stalin. He is a man who
combines a tremendous relentless determination with a stalwart good
humor. I believe he is truly representative of the heart and soul of
Russia; and I believe that we are going to get along very well with him
and the Russian people - very well indeed." --FDR after Teheran

FDR lived by the maxim "the ends justify the means" and endlessly
preached class warfare - profit was evil, investors were parasites and
businessmen were scoundrels. FDR stocked his government with communists.
For example the OSS, the forerunner to the CIA, had so many communists
that it was jokingly said that OSS stood for "Oh, So Socialist and
Office of Soviet Stooges". Joe Kennedy complained to FDR that he was
surrounded by "Jews and communists." FDR made sure that the atom bomb
project was crawling with communists. When the FBI started tracking
communist leaks from the project, they were ordered to stop
investigating. Earl Browder praised FDR to the Executive Committee of
the Communist Party, USA, in September 1934 and they officially threw
their support behind him. Prior to that time, they had refrained because
they knew the value of communist opposition - the public would support
what communists attacked. However, by 1934 that ploy had worn thin so
they had no reason not to openly support FDR. The Communist
international conference in Moscow in 1935 ordered support for FDR. In
the Fall of 1936 Moscow ordered support for FDR in the election. The
communist-controlled unions were FDR's main constituency and power base.
In 1936 a communist union put up 1/2 million dollars for his campaign
and an unlimited number of labor campaign workers. It is a statistical
fact that FDR could not have won his last two terms without the Red
vote. Therefore, FDR was a wholely-owned subsidiary of those communist
unions (not all unions were controlled by communists, but many were
through Stalin's agent Joseph Zack). FDR spent millions on propaganda
for Stalin like the nonsense book and movie Mission to Moscow which had
these fine lines: "Stalin's brown eye is exceedingly kind and gentle. A
child would like to sit in his lap and a dog would sidle up to him."
Your tax dollars at work. The House Un-American Affairs Committee in
1940 released the names of 563 communists in his administration. Both
Republican candidates for President Landon and Dewey accused FDR of
being a communist, as did Hearst who called FDR's administration "more
communistic than the Communists".
•FDR defined Freedom of Religion as Stalin did.
•FDR defined Freedom of Speech as Stalin did, i.e. he used the Marxist
formulation 'Freedom of Information'.
•FDR pressed a bill to eliminate the right to bear arms, the guarantee
of all others.
•FDR told Churchill that ":an unwritten Constitution is better than a
written one." When reminded there was the Constitution, FDR said in 1936
"Yes, but it's the Constitution as I understand it - flexible enough (to
do what he wanted)." He admiringly told Churchill that Stalin didn't
have to worry about Congresses and Parliments, "he's the whole works."
FDR did not believe in Constitutional checks and balances - he tried to
destroy and was prepared to defy the Supreme Court. He did not believe
in advise and consent or the rule of law - he waged war and made
treaties without Congressional approval. He did not believe in
representative democracy and often said that since Congress did not
reflect the will of the people they should be ignored.
•FDR defined democracy just as Joseph Stalin did - as the mere act of
voting. (Of course he believed it was good to lie to the people to
influence their votes. He also engaged in vote fraud - he won the 1928
NY Governor's race solely with massive vote fraud in Buffalo.) In a
famous speech FDR said "The truth of the matter was that the public
neither knew or understood what was involved...In other words, public
opinion would be easy to manipulate." So much for the public will.


Churchill came away from the Atlantic Conference on August 14, 1941,
observing the "astonishing depth of Roosevelt's intense desire for war."
Before we entered the war, FDR sent a delegation to the Vatican to get
the Pope to endorse Godless communism - he refused. With lend-lease,
a.k.a. Lenin-lease, before Pearl Harbor FDR pressed his aides to
allocate and speed shipments to the Soviet Union in the strongest
possible way. FDR exerted frenetic personal devotion to the cause of
lend-lease to the communists, distinctly favoring Russia over Britain
(and US) and if you read page 549 volume 3 of The Secret Diaries of
Harold Ickes, Ickes makes it clear that in a choice between England and
Russia FDR would have abandoned England: "if the (public) attitude had
been one of angry suspicion or even resentment, we would have been
confronted with the alternative of abandoning Great Britian or accepting
communism..." On August 1, 1941 FDR said about planes for Russia, "we
must get 'em, even if it necessary to take from our own troops." Ickes
said "we ought to come pretty close to stripping ourselves in view of
Russian aid." The US sent 150 P-40's (the newest) when we were woefully
short. In 1944 Churchill publicly complained about Britain being treated
worse than the Soviet Union (in 1943 we sent 5,000 planes to Russia;
overall we sent 20,000 planes and 400,000 trucks - twice as many as they
had had before the war, 9 million pairs of boots, complete factories as
part of $11 billion in aid that was never expected to be paid back).
FDR's oil embargo of Japan forcing them South to take oil-rich Dutch
Indonesia, is incomprehensible unless you realize FDR did it to relieve
Japanese military threats to the Soviet Union.

1.Not for moral reasons - Stalin was worse than Hitler.
2.Not to defend European democracies - they were flattened years before.

3.Not to defend America - we were totally safe.
4.Not to defend Britain - FDR was anti-British and didn't want to get
into the war until long after they were safe, had won the air Battle of
Britain and Operation Sea Lion, the proposed German invasion, had been
5.FDR became deranged, hysterical and white-hot for war in May 1941 when
the Luftwaffe was transferred to the EASTERN Front! FDR was so
distraught that he not only totally lost control of his emotions but
also control of his body functions- he was bedridden for a month. FDR
declared a national emergency and put the country on a war footing. In
May, he ordered a 25,000 Expeditionary Force to be ready to fight
anywhere on June 22 - the date he knew Russia was to be invaded! FDR
said: "My own thought is that perhaps there is one word that we could
use for this war. The word SURVIVAL. The Survival War." The only country
fighting for survival was the Soviet Union. Only FDR wanted it to

Lenin Lease, unconditional surrender, 2nd front, and Yalta all point to
Russia. But by his actions in May 1941 when he knew Russia was to be
attacked Franklin Roosevelt bared to the world the fact that he was
Stalin's agent.

If you think that FDR's lying to get us into the war was in our
interests or a good thing because of the result, the unleashing of
Communism on a mighty scale, (it's hard to see how we could have been
worse off, especially considering that Japan was third-rate and Germany
had lost the Battle of Britain and in N. Africa and was losing in Russia
already) consider this: if lying for the peoples' good is permitted and
FDR had the right to do it, to whom is the right denied? It is a total
repudiation of our democratic institutions and Constitutional form of
government. It is personal and arbitrary government - the principle of
totalitarianism. FDR broke all committments that he had made - not to go
to war, the 4 freedoms, the Atlantic Charter and limitlessly misrepr
esented his foreign policies and his committments at Yalta both publicly
and privately. A problem for mythmakers is that if Pearl Harbor was a
surprise to FDR, then he was a victim, not a maker of history; he did
not lead the nation into war for reasons of world morality but was
forced into it or drawn into it or compelled to take up arms against his
will, by circumstances beyond his control. If Pearl Harbor was not a
surprise, FDR was a traitor.
Leftists like FDR believed that they were creating a new world order and
that the Soviet Union was the start of it. FDR, who defined himself as
an internationalist, envisioned using the UN with himself and Stalin as
co-leaders to bring New Deal Hitlerism to every corner of the world. On
September 3, 1943 FDR had a conversation with his friend Cardinal
Spellman which is reported in The Cardinal Spellman Story by Robert
Gannon pp 222-24. FDR explained how he world divide up the world after
the war--
Stalin would certainly receive Finland, the Baltic states, the eastern
half of Poland and Bessarabia (Romania)...Britain and Russia get Europe
and Africa. But as Britain has predominating colonial interests, it
might be assumed that Russia will predominate in Europe...The European
people, which includes France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, and Norway and
of course our wartime enemies Germany and Italy, will simply have to
endure the Russian domination in the hope that in ten or twenty years
they will be able to live with the Russians.
He also told Spellman that the population of Eastern Poland "wanted to
become Russian...I look upon the Russians as our strongest ally in the
years to come...Stalin is a great leader." After Yalta FDR told Averill
Harriman that he didn't care if the countries bordering on Russia became
•On March 7, 1942, FDR ordered every agency to give priority shipments
to the USSR "without regard to the effect of these shipments on any
other part of the war program."
•On April 3, 1942 FDR wrote Churchill: "Your people and mine demand the
establishment of a second front to draw off pressure on the
Russians...Even if full success is not attained, the big objective will
be." Big objective? What was that if not saving communism? Hopkins,
speaking for FDR, told the British that on the second front "depended
the preservation of all that democracy held dear." Hopkins stressed to
Churchill "that the disposition of the United States was to take great
risks to relieve the Russian front." FDR assured Molotov that he was
prepared to sacrifice 120,000 British men for a second front. Churchill
wanted to attack the soft-underbelly of Europe for strategic reasons as
explained by the US Commander in Italy, General Clark: "The weakening of
the campaign in Italy in order to invade Southern France, instead of
pushing on into the Balkans, was one of the outstanding mistakes of the
war...Stalin knew what he wanted...and the thing he wanted most was to
keep us out of the Balkans." These comments apply equally to OVERLORD,
the invasion at Normandy - it kept us out of central and Eastern Europe,
allowing Stalin a free hand there. Marshall gave this reason to the
Brits for Normandy: it would be "more satisfying to the Russians."
Churchill pointed out that the Normandy invasion was the only
possibility to lose the war.
•Oct 7, 1942 FDR wrote Churchill: "I think there is nothing more
important than that Stalin feel that we mean to support him without
qualification and at great sacrifice."
•FDR unilaterally gave Stalin 1/3 of the captured Italian fleet without
consulting Churchill. At Yalta he suggested giving large parts of the US
and British merchant marine to the Russians.
•FDR wrote Churchill about India that "the best solution would be
reform, from the bottom, somewhat on the Soviet line."
•At the Teheran conference, France was to be made a third-rate power,
Germany was to be divided in to 6 or more states and stripped of all
industry and technology, mines flooded, so-called pastoralization - a
plan to turn Germany into a gigantic Buchanwald. Most of this plan was
implemented. e.g. slave labor and 767 factories were shipped to Russia.
The leaking of this drastic plan, written by communist agent Harry
White, was used as a club to prevent Germany from surrendering to GB and
US. FDR expressed his hope for Germany's future this way: "We have got
to be tough with Germany and I mean the German people, not just Nazis.
You either have to castrate them or you have to treat them...so they
can't go on reproducing people who want to continue...as in the past."
(Friedel, p 550) Poland was given to the Soviets. FDR later told a Hyde
Park visitor that he was sick and tired of the Poles and other Eastern
Europeans clamoring about their boundaries and sovereignties.
•Yalta - gave Stalin's enslavement of 725 million people moral
legitimacy (not counting 193 million Soviets). He lay in Stalin's lap
the existence of little nations and the lives of little peoples he had
sworn to defend. FDR didn't demur at a single request or suggestion from
Stalin. Just for signing the agreement, he was given Sakhalen Island,
the Kurile Islands, Manchuria, Outer Mongolia, parts of China and 3,000
tanks, 75,000 motor vehicles and 5,000 planes for his Far East Army who
were incapable of taking China without US aid. Stalin demanded and got
20 million Germans for slave labor for an indefinite period. As Hopkins
said "The Russians have given us so much at this conference that I don't
think we should let them down." FDR told Stalin that he would make
Britain give up Hong Kong.
•Yalta - FDR's ambassador to China, Patrick Hurley, called FDR's secret
agreement a "blueprint for the Communist conquest of China."
•When Churchill prevented the communists from taking Greece on Christmas
1944, FDR was extremely angry and demanded that a commission be formed
to rule Greece, headed by a Russian.
•When the US took Italy in 1943, a US ship brought communist leader
Togliatti from the SU and the allies gave almost all mete'rial and
political favors to the communists in Italy and Yugoslavia. Italian
Premier De Gasperi called it 'the Roosevelt climate'.
•April 11, 1945, The 9th Army under General Simpson was 24 hours from
Berlin with no resistance in front and they were ordered not to cross
the Elbe. Simpson wrote that he had six or seven divisions, two Army
corps, in very good shape, with railroads bringing in supplies and
hundreds of 10-ton truck companies, and two bridges across the river. He
claimed there was no doubt that he could have taken Berlin easily 2
weeks before the Russians did. But FDR had given Berlin to Stalin at
Yalta and so Eisenhower sent a unilateral telegram to Stalin, violating
the chain of command and ignoring the combined chiefs, that Stalin could
have Berlin. (full discussion in Nisbet pp 83-90) Patton was stopped
outside Prague and had to watch Germans killling civilians a few days be
fore the Russians got there. FDR had agreed to immediately withdraw US
and British troops from all of Germany after the surrender.
•In 1990 Harry Hopkins was exposed as the top KGB top agent during the
war. (Inside the KGB Chris Andrew and Oleg Gordievsky pp 287-288) See if
you can detect a pattern in the Roosevelt administration - KGB agent
Alger Hiss was No. 2 at the State Department, KGB agent Harry Dexter
White was No. 2 at Treasury, and Harry Hopkins was No 2 in the country.
What is the significance of the fact that FDR's alter ego, his top
advisor, Deputy President, Acting President, the President in all but
name was a KGB agent? Harry called the American people "his enemy." He
told FDR "the American people are too damn dumb to ever sense what we
are doing to them."
•FDR's insistence on unconditional surrender for Germany and Japan cost
hundreds of thousands of lives. FDR thought of it at Casablanca in
January 1943. He said: "Of course, it's just the thing for the Russians.
They couldn't want anything better. 'Unconditional surrender', Uncle Joe
might have thought it up himself."
•On Dec 30, 1944, FDR ordered the elimination of barriers to any
Communists in the Armed Forces and expressly condoned "divided loyalty"
-U.S.S.R. and U.S.- for American personnel.
•Mass Murderer - At Yalta, FDR agreed to round up 2 million Russian
nationals in Germany, Italy and France to be forcibly deported to Russia
for execution (See OPERATION KEELHAUL by Julius Epstein, 1973; THE
SECRET BETRAYAL by N. Tolstoy, 1978; THE LAST SECRET by N. Bethall,
1974). Among other things, this was a violation by the US of the Geneva
Convention on the treatment of prisoners of war.
•At the Teheran Conference, Stalin made a toast that 50,000 Nazis should
be summarily put in front of a firing squad. Churchill was shocked, "I
will not be a party to any butchery in cold blood." FDR then said,
"Shall we say 49,500?" Churchill left the room in protest.

At every turn FDR bungled the war from Lenin Lease, to the treason at
Pearl Harbor, the gross strategic mistake of the second front, the
senseless invasion of the Philippines, not taking the fruits of victory,
handing the fruits of victory to Stalin, and giving atomic secrets to
the Russians. In a word, FDR was a disaster. America, the greatest power
on earth, lost the war and it was won by the brutal Soviet Union which
had been flat on its back and inches from extinction. FDR achieved the
worst possible result - Karl Marx did indeed win the war.


FDR had some other personal flaws besides being a Stalinist - he was an
anti-semite and a bigot. FDR deliberately hurt Jews by restricting their
immigration to nearly zero and dragging his feet on opening refugee
camps in N. Africa. In June 1939, FDR refused to save 900 Jews aboard
the ship St. Louis. FDR repeatedly endorsed the Holocaust - he
suppressed news about it and would not permit bombing of deportation
railways or crematoria at the camps even when it could have saved
hundreds of thousands of lives. FDR delayed the freeing of prison camps
in the Netherlands as long as possible so the Jews would die. Report to
the Secretary on the Acquiescence of this Government in the Murder of
the Jews, Treasury Department, January 13, 1944, said FDR was "guilty
not only of gross procrastination and willful failure to act, but even
of willful attempts to prevent action from being taken to rescue Jews
from Hitler." Just one fact of many that are in the report - "By the act
of 1924, we are permitted to admit approximately 150,000 immigrants each
year. During the last fiscal year only 23,725 came as immigrants. Of
these only 4,705 were Jews fleeing Nazi persecution."

For more on this gruesome FDR horror see Abandonment of the Jews by
David Wyman, 1984; and PBS's The American Experience | America and the

When NY Governor Lehman opposed FDR's court-packing scheme, FDR said to
reporters: "What else could you expect from a Jew?" He also told King
Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia in February 1945 that the only offer he might
give him was the six million Jews in the US. Finally, although FDR was a
warmonger, he bungled the build-up to the war. His failed diplomacy set
the foundation for the cold war. Stalin in the White House would have
done nothing different than Roosevelt did. FDR's actions can only have
one explanation - he was Stalin's agent.

Apologists say that FDR wanted a personal relationship with Stalin.
Preposterous! Why would FDR beg Stalin for that which he could have
forced him to do? FDR wanted a relationship with Stalin, if he did, for
the same reason that he implemented the Communist Manifesto, for the
same reason he put Earl Browder, Chairman of Communist Party, in the
White House, for the same reason as Lenin-Lease, for the same reason
that he wanted war to save Russia and for the same reason he committed
treason at Yalta - Franklin Roosevelt was a Communist.

Here are some ideas for the FDR Memorial by J. GELT:

How about a group of statues that form a human pyramid with the ones on
top looking looking somewhat pleased while the ones in the successive
lower stacks appear increasingly distressed by their crushing burden. I
mean shouldn't his greatest achievement, social security, be
memorialized also?

Or perhaps we could also section off an area with chain link fence with
razor wire on the top and hire Asian- Americans to sit in the area as a
tribute to the humanitarianism he showed some of our citizens during the

Or perhaps the statue of him in his wheelchair could be enhanced by
placing a copy of the Bill of Rights under the tread of his tires?


Here are the 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto which should be
engraved on every statue of FDR, every school named after him, and every
book about FDR:
1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to
public purposes. (FERA acquired 25 million dollars of land by mid-1935;
the Resettlement Administration later bought many millions of Acres; FDR
called for national land redistribution in his 2nd inaugural)

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax. ("...the duty rests upon
the government to restrict such incomes by very high taxes." FDR, PPA
1935:274; 1935 Wealth Tax Act)

3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance. (1935 Wealth Tax Act with its
confiscatory inheritance taxes)

4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels. (cf.
117,000 Americans of Japanese descent 1941 which the ACLU calls "the
worst single wholesale violation of civil rights of American citizens in
our history." FDR wanted to put ethnic Germans in concentration camps
too, but there were too many.)

5. Centralization of credit in the banks of the state, by means of a
national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly. (Banking Act
of 1935, gold confiscation by Proclamation 2039 in March 1933 and
formalized in the 1934 Gold Reserve Act, etc.)

6. Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the
hands of the state. (Federal Communications Act of 1934, Railroad
Coordination Act, ICC, FTC; FDR put private air mail carriers out of
business and had the Army deliver mail in '34)

7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the
state; the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement
of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan. (TVA (FDR
proposed 7 other TVA-like projects), Rural Electrification; the NRA was
business and industrial planning; on 8/14/41 the House rejected FDR's
Property Seizure Bill passed by the Senate which would have given him
dictatorial power over all business and industry as well as confiscated
all private arms; Resettlement Administration)

8. Equal obligation of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies,
especially for agriculture. (CCC, CWA, PWA, WPA, etc)

9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual
abolition of all the distinction between town and country by a more
equable distribution of the populace over the country. (Subsistence
Homestead Division, Rural Rehabilitation Division of FERA, and the
Resettlement Administration)

10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of
children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education
with industrial production, etc. (NRA)


1.ABUSE OF POWER Usurped the power of Congress to wage war and make
treaties. Attacked the Supreme Court.
2.TREASON--PEARL HARBOR Provoked and facilitated the attack. Details on
my Pearl Harbor Homepage - Mother of All Conspiracies.
3.TREASON--YALTA FDR sold out 725 million human beings at Teheran and
Yalta, used US resources thru Lenin-Lease to enable Stalin to take
Berlin and Prague and various countries, the most significant of which
was China. The sacrifice of China to Communism was so destructive of US
security interests that we still suffer from it today and for the
forseeable future.
4.TREASON--ATOMIC SECRETS TO SOVIETS FDR gave at least 1,465 pounds of
uranium (about 4 times as much fissionable U-235 as the US kept for
itself), 417 tons of cadmium, 437 tons of cobalt, 12 tons of thorium,
and 1100 ounces of heavy water as well as all the designs for the atom
bomb and reactor to create plutonium. Without this assistance it would
have taken the Soviet Union 10 years and all of their economic resources
to make a bomb. See the shocking story in From Major Jordon's Diaries.


Cook - Eleanor Roosevelt, vol 1, Blanche Cook, NY:Viking, 1992
Flynn - The Roosevelt Myth by John T. Flynn, NY, 1948, is online and
searchable for most of the facts on this page.

Friedel - FDR A Rendezvous with Destiny, Frank Friedel, 1990.

Goodwin - No Ordinary Time, Doris Kearns Goodwin, 1994

Morgan - FDR A Biography, Ted Morgan

Roosevelt's Road to Russia by George Crocker, Chicago 1959 is excellent.

Nisbet - Roosevelt and Stalin, Robert Nisbet, DC:Regnery, 1988, covers
FDR's betrayals at Teheran and Yalta.

The Yalta Betrayal by Felix Wittmer, Caldwell, ID, 1953. Super book -
only 100 pages.

>From Major Jordan's Diaries by George Racey Jordan, Harcourt, Brace
1952. It gives a complete listing of Lend Lease to SU.

Ward - First Class Temperment, Geoffrey Ward.


Truman War Criminal Page.
and the JFK Sex Scandal Page.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt died on April 12, 1945, while sitting for a
portrait by his Russian companion Elizabeth Shoumatoff. Stalin, to his
dying day, believed that FDR had been poisoned by nationalists who
wanted to deprive Stalin of his best man in Washington.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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