-Caveat Lector-


*** FR WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Pat Matrisciana Judgment Overturned by 8th Circuit

Filmmaker Pat Matrisciana of Citizens for Honest Government was vindicated
this morning by the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals.

A lower court had awarded two plaintiffs, police officers Jay Campbell and
Kirk Lane, a judgment of $600,000 plus costs, interest and attorney fees.
It would have cost Matrisciana over a million dollars.

The case involved the video OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE which exposed the
murders of Kevin Ives and Don Henry near Mena, Arkansas. This is the famous
case about "the boys on the tracks" in which two young boys were out at
night and stumbled across a drug drop. Their murders were covered up by
authorities and the implications went all the way to the governor's office,
then occupied by William Jefferson Blythe Clinton.

Campbell and Lane successfully argued in the lower court that Matrisciana
had mistakenly implicated them as suspects in the death of the boys and
they were awarded the $600,000 judgment.

OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE is one of the most powerful videos you will ever
see. The murders of the boys were covered up by authorities including the
coroner who claimed they were smoking marijuana and fell asleep on railroad
tracks where they were run over. Linda Ives, mother of Kevin Ives, fought
for a long time to get a court order to exhume the body to prove her son
was murdered. The case still has not been prosecuted.

OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE was narrated by John Bennett, recognized as the most
melodios voice of far right wing documentaries. Right wing? Yes.
Truthful? Absolutely! There are still two unsolved murders in this case and
Bill Clinton never did anything to try to get them solved as governor or
president. He, in fact, helped perpetuate the coverup.

Mena, Arkansas should have landed Clinton in the Big House, not in the
White House.

                      Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

          FROM THE DESK OF:

                    *Michael Spitzer*    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

    The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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