-Caveat Lector-

August 26, 1999 - Folic Acid to Beat the Blues

  Pregnant women have long been advised to take folate, or folic
  acid, to ensure proper development of the fetus.  This B vitamin
  has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease in both men
  and women.  Now, there's evidence that folate can also help you
  beat the blues.

  A recent study by Harvard researchers indicated that 15-38% of
  depressed adults have low levels of folic acid.  Research also
  suggests that depressed adults with low levels of folic acid and
  vitamin B12 do not gain as much benefit from antidepressant
  medications as those with adequate levels of B vitamins.

  Most people - both men and women - should take 400 mcg of folate
  a day in vitamin form, to supplement the amount found in the
  average American diet.  Good food sources include dark green
  leafy vegetables, broccoli, whole grain cereals and breads, and
  orange juice.

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