Foreign Devil

Alexander Cockburn

The political corruption of three Scottish judges has preserved Libya’s
Colonel Muammar Qaddafi as one of the United States’ indispensable devils,
outranked only by Fidel Castro in protraction and utility of service to the
world’s number one imperial and war-making power. (As the recent imbroglio
with China nicely illustrated, a useful devil has to be insignificant as a
substantive threat to US interests. China is far too significant to US
corporate interests to be trifled with lightly, and so the spy plane crisis
was resolved without too much ado.)

Qaddafi has been a useful devil for over quarter of a century, reaching an
apogee as a "threat" in the Reagan years when the CIA invented a Libyan
assassination team, supposedly headed south from Canada to attack the White
House, which was speedily fortified by concrete barricades that remained in
place for many years thereafter. The US struck back by bombing Qaddafi’s
compound. The White House had prepared a news release regretting the
"accidental" death of the Libyan leader, but found to its chagrin that
Qaddafi had survived the raid, which did manage to claim the life of his

Then came the downing of PanAm Flight 103 over Lockerbie in December, 1988
with the deaths of 270 people, followed by a determined bid by US security
agencies such as the CIA and FBI to pin the blame on Qaddafi. In fact there’s
plenty of evidence to suggest that Iran instigated the sabotage of PanAm
Flight 103 in revenge for the shooting down of its civilian airbus over the
Persian Gulf by the US missile carrier Vincennes, whose officers were
subsequently decorated for their heroism in blowing away the civilian plane
and 290 passengers. But the US had scant way of punishing Iran, and so Libya
once again was mustered to fulfill its Satanic role as the convenient
receptacle for US outrage.

The case against Libya and specifically the two Libyans, Abdelbasset al
Megrahi and Al Amin Fhimah, was always frail in the extreme, which is no
doubt why Qaddafi finally agreed to send the two for trial by Scotch judges
in a courtroom in Holland. The actual trial left most dispassionate observers
all the more convinced that the three judges would have no option but than to
find the prosecution’s case non-proven. But then came a huge public relations
victory from the US and its ever compliant satellite, the UK. The three
Scotch judges declared that Megrahi was indeed guilty of planting the bomb,
and sentenced him to 20 years, a verdict he is now appealing. They found
Fhimah innocent.

Now, in the first criticism of the verdict in the trial of two Libyans, Hans
Koechler, a distinguished Austrian philosopher appointed as one of five
international observers at the trial at Zeist, in Holland by Secretary
General Kofi Annan to observe the trial, has issued a well merited
denunciation of the Judges’ bizarre conclusion. "In my opinion," Koechler
writes, "there seemed to be considerable political influence on the judges
and the verdict."

Koechler’s analysis of the proceedings is by no means an exercise in legal
esoterica. Basically, he points out that the judges found Megrahi guilty even
though they themselves admitted that his identification by a Maltese shop
owner (summoned by the prosecution to testify that Megrahi bought clothes
later deemed to have been packed in the lethal suitcase-bomb) was "not
absolute" and that there was a "mass of conflicting evidence."

Furthermore, Koechler queries the active involvement of senior US Justice
Department officials as part of the Scottish prosecution team "in a
supervisory role." No one should have needed an Austrian philosopher to point
out that the verdict was a travesty. So feeble was the prosecution case that,
last September, Scotland’s most prominent legal expert, Professor Robert
Black of Edinburgh University, predicted that the judges would have little
option other than a unanimous "not guilty". Such expectations in the
integrity of Scottish justice, were similarly nourished by many others,
including Nelson Mandela, many of the victims’ relatives, the defendants
themselves and all those who had previously resisted efforts to drag the
accused in front of a US Federal Court or some similar Star Chamber.

Assuming a requisite degree of judicial impartiality, the prosecution case
absolutely depended on proving beyond a reasonable doubt that Megrahi was the
man who bought the clothes, traced by police to a Maltese clothes shop, and
later packed in with the bomb. In 19 separate statements to police prior to
the trial the shopkeeper, Tony Gauci, had failed to make a positive
identification. In the witness box, Gauci was asked five times if he
recognized anyone in the courtroom. No answer. Finally, the exasperated
prosecutor pointed to the dock and asked if the man sitting on the left was
the customer in question. Even so, the best that Gauci could do was to mumble
that "he resembled him."

Gauci had also told the police that the man who bought the clothes was six
feet tall and over 50 years of age. The evidence at the trial established
that Megrahi is 5 feet 8 inches tall and that in late 1988 he was 36 years of
age. The clothes had been bought either on November 23 or December 7, 1988.
Megrahi had been in Malta on December 7 but not on the November date. The
shopkeeper recalled that the man who bought the clothes had also bought an
umbrella because it was raining heavily outside. Maltese meteorological
records introduced by the defense showed clearly that while it did rain all
day on November 23, there was almost certainly no rain on December 7. If it
did rain on that date, the shower would have been barely enough to wet the
pavement. Nevertheless, the judges held it proven that Megrahi had bought the
clothes on December 7.

No less vital to the prosecution case was its contention that the bomb that
destroyed PanAm 103 had been loaded as unaccompanied baggage onto an Air
Malta flight to Frankfurt, flown on to London, and thence onto the ill fated
flight to New York. In support of this prosecutors produced a document from
Frankfurt airport indicating that a bag had gone from the baggage handling
station at which the Air Malta bags (along with those from other flights) had
been unloaded and had been been sent to the handling station for the relevant
flight to London. On the other hand there was firm evidence from the defense
that all the bags on the Air Malta flight had been accompanied and had been
collected at the other end. Nevertheless, the judges held it proved that the
lethal suitcase had indeed come from Malta.

The most likely explanation of the judges’ decision to convict Megrahi
despite the evidence, or lack of it, must be that either (a) they panicked at
the thought of the uproar that would ensue on the American end if they let
both of the Libyans off, or (b) they were simply given their marching orders
by high authority in London. English judges are used to doing their duty in
this manner – see, for example, the results of various "impartial" judicial
inquiries into British atrocities in Northern Ireland over the years,
including Bloody Sunday and the post-internment torture scandal – but we had
hoped, ludicrously so in retrospect, that the Scotch were made of sterner

In closing arguments, the prosecution had stressed the point that Megrahi
could not have planted the bomb without the assistance of Fhimah; both
defendants were equally guilty, and they stood or fell together.
Nevertheless, the judges elected to find one of the two conspirators guilty
and the other one innocent, a split verdict that Koechler finds
"incomprehensible." It is however entirely comprehensible if we accept that
the judges knew that there was no evidence to convict either man but that it
was politically imperative for them to send one of them down for twenty years
and thereby pass the buck to the appeal court. Given the legally threadbare
nature of the judge’s 82-page "opinion" justifying their actions, many
observers are assuming that the five man panel of judges who will eventually
hear Megrahi’s appeal will have to do the right thing. But that is what many
said about the original trial.

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