-Caveat Lector-
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, July 07, 2003 5:07 PM
Subject: Contracts, Monday, July 7, 2003

CONTRACTS from the United States Department of Defense

No. 489-03
Jul 07, 2003

Monday, July 7, 2003 - 5:00 PM
Contracts, Monday, July 7, 2003



The Missile Defense Agency is announcing the award of a cost-plus-award-fee
modification to contract F29601-97-C-0001 with The Boeing Co., Seattle, Wash., in
support of the Airborne Laser Block (ABL) 2004 effort.  The modification recognizes
adjustments of $241,793,312 made in the fiscal year 2004 president s budget to the
ABL Block 2004 Program to account for cost adjustments for the laser, beam control
and integration and test efforts with no increase to the potential award fee.  This
modification also removes the value of CLIN 0006, Block 2008 aircraft, which will
now be procured under a separate contract.  The period of performance for this
effort is through June 30, 2005.  The Missile Defense Agency is the contracting
activity (F29601-97-C-0001).

[Web Version: http://www.dod.mil/contracts/2003/ct20030707.html]

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