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-----Original Message-----
From: Johannes Schneider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Declaration of the Austrian antiracist movement
>this is a mail to our international friends who are concearned about what
>going on in Austria.
>if you agree with the content, please forward it to others.
>We do not feel obliged to claim Austria's "innocence". The to-be government
>is in support of the majority of Austria's population.
>We have no reason to claim Haider is "just another" populist. He is not. He
>is a
>populist that operates with xenophobia, racism and the denial of the
>The major threat is not the increase of direct violence against minorities.
>major threat is the signal that far right agitation and action is not only
>ok but
>earns you a place in government.
>As opportunism is one of the most prominent features of the "Austrian
>mentality", this is a severe political danger.
>We have reason to be afraid of
>* the final end of refugee or integration policies
>* increasing xenophobia, racism and even antisemitism, because Austia has
>never faced its past and now people have governmental legitimation for such
>* law and order policies instead of co-operative strategies to deal with
>and conflict
>* abolition of progressive women's policies (e.g. the post of the minister
>women's affairs will be cancelled and replaced by an extended family
>* severe restrictions to freedom of art, especially where it puts a finger
>on the
>state of the Austrian society (already, in Carinthia, artists are faced
>political limitations to their work)
>* restrictions to the freedom of press, because subsidies for critical
>products will most certainly be cut down
>we don't know yet what to do about it.
>we need both your solidarity and your ongoing critisism.
>don't stop looking at our country.
>To the international community
>Declaration of the Austrian antiracist movement
>In this moment of Austrian history we are deeply concerned with the
>developments in our country. For more than 10 years, many NGOs, initiatives
>and smaller parties have tried to change the austrian racist reality
>In the new millenium, Austria still is not a democracy but a national
>democracy. More than 10 % of our population is systematically denied all
>political rights and participation, often even for decades, they are kept
>status of "foreigners". Even in the trade-unions, there are no equal voting
>rights for all workers and employees. This system, guaranteeing equality
>to human beeings but to citizens only, is unique in Europe. Since a
>system has been imposed on Austria after World War II, not only the
>conservatives and the right wing, but also the governing social democrats
>fortified this system of nationalistic and racist segregation and
>lack of balance in the political system led to the uprising of a party that
>openly promoting a revision of Nazi history, using racism as an effective
>political tool due to the lack of a counterveilling power.
>Even the killing of Marcus Omofuma during his deportation on May 1st 1999
>did not lead to any antiracist measures. On the contrary, police action,
>especially against people with African background, increased drastically.
>Charles O., major activist, writer and poet from Nigeria, was even accused
>being a drug-boss and imprisoned for 3 months, before he had to be released
>due to complete lack of evidence and major charges were dropped.
>Nevertheless these practices led to significant intimidation of the Black
>communities in their political campaigning.
>Under such unfair conditions of criminalisation and the lack of democratic
>rights, we welcome initiatives from the side of the international community
>that put pressure on Austrian representatives. Austria is facing a drastic
>to the right. With a right-conservative government things will even get
>for people discriminated on grounds of racism, including the Jewish
>as well as for people discriminated on the grounds of sexual orientation,
>identity or on the grounds of being physically handicaped.
>For some years now, Austria is known in the European Union for its attempts
>to radically alter the politics towards a demontage of the Geneva
>and the denial of asylum for refugees. Austria has become the home-base for
>right-wing policies, threatening emancipatory movements all over Europe.
>Therefore it is in the self-interest of all democratic powers in Europe to
>try to
>reverse the political currents in Austria. We want to encourage all
>international steps in this direction, hoping that the European Union at
>has learned from history, while the official Austria has not.
>Under any government to come, Austria should finally change towards a fair
>democratic system which includes the right to vote for all permanent
>inhabitants, in which there is an anti-discrimination-law with respective
>enforcement, in which immigrants are not treated as enemies and in which
>human rights are really respected.
>Platform for a world without racism
>Vienna, 1.2.2000
>(Please distribute this declaration to your regional and national media as
>as to politicians).

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