-Caveat Lector-

-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Nalty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater
Date: Sunday, January 17, 1999 11:30 PM
Subject: Why Was This Congressman Reduced to Tears Over Secret Clinton Rape

>Sunday, January 17, 8:29 AM
>Inside Cover
>Congressman Reduced to Tears Over Secret Clinton Rape Evidence
>Arizona Rep. Matt Salmon told the Arizona Republic it left him
>"nauseated". Connecticut Rep. Chris Shays told the New York Times it was
>"horrific". Those are just two of the on the record reactions from House
>members who have viewed the evidence now being kept under lock and key
>in D.C.'s Gerald Ford Building -- about a rape allegedly committed in
>1978 by then-Arkansas Attorney General Bill Clinton.
>Now Inside Cover has learned that the secret House material on the
>alleged rape of Jane Doe #5, a.k.a. Juanita Broaddrick, is so powerful
>and convincing that it actually reduced another House member -- a man --
>to tears.
>Thursday night, on CNBC’s "Hardball," host Chris Matthews alluded to an
>unnamed Representative who Matthews said was brought to tears as he
>reviewed the Broaddrick material.
>Reached by Inside Cover Friday on Sean Hannity's WABC radio show,
>Matthews revealed that, "the word is it was (Rep.) Mike Castle. Check it
>out." Inside Cover will do just that, though Castle's office was closed
>at press time.
>Matthews own assessment of the Juanita Broaddrick rape charge against
>Clinton? "I think it's believable. I think it's very credible. I know a
>reporter for the Washington Post who I've known for 20 years and she
>told me that she interviewed this woman and found her highly, in fact,
>totally credible." Matthews added, "Clinton sounds like a vampire."
>While the White House gleefully watches as Larry Flynt and James
>Carville blackmail GOP Senate trial managers with insider dirt,
>Republicans remain reluctant to release the bombshell Broaddrick
>material. Matthews said Henry Hyde has decided not to introduce any
>evidence substantiating Broaddrick's charge at trial.
>The "Hardball" host has reported in the past that Broaddrick's story was
>the last straw for more than a few pro-censure Republicans, who promptly
>reversed course and voted for impeachment. With two impeachment articles
>passing by a margin of five votes or less, Mr. Clinton might not be
>standing trial today but for the secret rape evidence against him.
>Perhaps Americans will learn the closely guarded details of what brought
>Rep. Castle to tears and Mr. Clinton to impeachment -- after the
>President is acquitted by the Senate.
>Friday January 15, 8:58 AM

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