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Letter of the Month - July 1999

Date: Sun, 11 Jul 1999 02:3War
From: "Zed B. Starkovich"7:17 -0400
Subject: Genocide and the Drug War

Col. Prouty,

First let me commend you on this site, and your work in the fight
against ignorance and oppression. It will be a beautiful day when the
truth is widely known and we are a nation of educated voters and

In my own research, I have been exploring the hidden people and
agendas behind our $50 billion a year war on Drugs. Not surprisingly,
it is the very same Military, Industrial, Petroleum, and Banking
Fraternity responsible for the death of JFK, and so much more of our
hidden history. When we look at the true movers behind our history
since World War One, we see that the power elite are far from
nameless. The are the very people we were taught to revere as great
Americans: Dulles, Rockefeller, Ford, Dupont, Nixon, and Bush.

I was therefore especially interested in your obvious reluctance to
mention George "Poppy" Bush's role in CIA heroin and cocaine
trafficking since WWII, not to mention his role in the Bay of Pigs,
and his prominence in the worldwide Banking and Petrochemical
Synthetics and Pharmaceutical industries. Perhaps, as you said, that
is a whole other story. Or, perhaps George Bush and his Indochinese
Opium smuggling activities are too close to the final answer, and
therefore, Bush remains the one public Untouchable, and thus not the
man to piss off.

But is it all simply about money from drugs and weapons? or is this
battle about the basic need for food, clothing, fuel and shelter that
forces nearly every person on earth to fight to survive? Rockefeller
and the UN have told us that there is not enough food and resources
on the planet to support our population, but the very concept of
Population control is simply the Racial and Industrial Power theories
of the Nazis taken to a level never imagined by Hitler. A world where
workers have become slaves to Private Banks and Petrochemical
syndicates, while begging the Government to protect them from some
imagined enemy.

In the early 1930s, Prescott Bush, Avarell Harriman, Andrew Mellon,
Rockefeller, Hearst, Dupont, GM, Ford, Alcoa, ITT, and the Dulles'
began activly supporting the Nazis, and continued to do so through
World War Two. Bush and his buddies were Nazi bankers and business
partners before, during, and after the war in a series of business
and financial transactions that stretches the bounds of Treason
and 'trading with the enemy' to new limits. Standard Oil fueled the
Nazi fleets, and Chase Bank financed IG Farben and German industry.
Ford built Nazi trucks while Alcoa and US Steel sent them all the raw
materials they needed. ITT helped with the V-2 guidance systems and
Hearst gave everybody really great press.

However, they didn't supply the Nazi war machine, and extend the war,
in a simple quest for profits. Impressed by Nazi concepts of Racial
Hygiene that supported their own Oligarchical beliefs in Darwin and
Malthus, and interest in the proven cost saving device of slave
labor, these American people and corporations enabled their German
Business partners to survive and thrive after the war. With the
wholesale importation of the Nazi SS into the CIA by Dulles, you have
to wonder who really won the war.

It is with these insane theories as their justification that 30
million people are "allowed" to die in the Third World every year, as
we in the First World steal their oil. And it is the control of oil
that gives The Complex its real power. If you control all the energy
in the world, you have all the power. If the population were allowed
to grow, the demand for oil would increase and the supply would
quickly be depleted. However, if you can reduce the world-wide demand
for oil, you can extend the supply. More to the point, if you control
the fuel supply you control the people. The "Third World" gets no
fuel and dies, the "First World" gets all the fuel we want, but have
to pay the Federal Reserve for the right to be allowed to
live "Freely."

Imagine if any farmer in the world could suddenly grow a magic plant
whose fruit could feed every starving person, its fiber could clothe
every freezing child, it could be burned as industrial biomass fuel,
giving cheap electricity to every factory and small town in the
world, its pulp could replace the need for wood building materials
and paper, make natural cellulose plastic that is 10 times stronger
than steel, and it could supply non-toxic methanol fuel for every car
on the road today. According to Popular Mechanics in 1938, this
miracle plant not only existed but had been known for more than
12,000 years as Cannabis (Hemp), and could completely reverse the
painful death of American family farming since the Depression.

The implications were immediate for Hearst, who owned millions of
acres of prime timber that would have been worthless with the advent
of stronger, cheaper, less toxic hemp paper and building materials.

Dupont, who held the patent on the toxic acid-based paper production
methods still used today, was concerned about more than just the
safer hemp paper process. Dupont also held patents (some from
business deals with IG Farben) for Petroleum based synthetic fibers,
plastics, paints, varnishes, and rubber, intended to replace those
products already made from natural hemp based fiber, cellulose, and
oil. All of which accounted for more than 80% of their profits over
the last 60 years.

Even before Henry Ford built his car that ran on hemp methanol fuel
and had a body made of hemp cellulose that was stronger than steel,
Andrew Mellon saw that hemp could make his Aluminum monopoly vanish
in a puff of Sodium Floride.

When Rockefeller found out that some plant could do everything his
precious Oil could do, cheaper and safer, he realized that suddenly a
bunch of goddamn peasant farmers could replace his world wide
petroleum empire in LESS THAN A YEAR. Not the least of his worries
was the fact that if American farmers could support themselves, then
so could African and South American farmers. And a self sustaining
population of the "racially unpure" was the last thing Rockefellers
or his friends wanted. The second problem was the threat of peace on
Earth if everybody were allowed to eat well and easily protect their
families. Well fed people don't fight wars, and the last thing The
Complex wants is peaceful, content citizens, who expect to be paid
well for their work.

This group decided it had to be stopped. The farmers must be CRUSHED,
and never allowed to grow this vital natural resource. With Hearst
delivering the propaganda this group turned the most valuable plant
known to man into "The demon weed Marijuana" "The most violence
causing drug know to man" which "causes Negroes and Mexicans to rape
white women!" And later was used by the Communists to turn our
soldiers into "zombie pacifists."

It was amid this hail of lies that the world was convinced that the
only way to fuel our world is through toxic petroleum. And with that
lie the truth about overpopulation was hidden. The only limit to
individual liberty and prosperity on this planet is our forced
dependence on Petroleum and its Petrochemical products. World wide
Malthusian genocide is not due to a want of food, clothing, and
shelter for lack of natural resources, it is due to our forced
dependence on toxic, non-renewable, petroleum.

Tell the world the truth and free them the lies, and the power elite
loses their power. Pull aside the curtain, and their lies come
crashing down like every other house of cards.

It is with this in mind that I follow the story of American history
since World War One in search of the people who made the most money,
and consolidated the most power. What we find over and over in our
recent history is a fraternity of Guns, Drugs, Money, and Genocide.

WWII: Corporate consolidation. Korea and Vietnam: Opium and weapons.
Panama/Iran-Contra: weapons and Cocaine. Follow the money to who is
left standing: Rockefeller, Harriman, Dulles, Nixon, and last in the
line, George Bush.

I would be very interested in everything you can tell me, or show me,
on or off the record, about George Bush and his "War" on Drugs. I am
especially interested in whatever you can tell me about our worldwide
dependence on Petroleum, and the suppression of our natural resources
at the hands of bankers and oil men that have led to Treason and
genocide beyond our worst nightmares.

Thank you very much for your help and all that you have done.

I wish you the best of luck,

Zed B. Starkovich


July 20, 1999

Re: Fax communication Subject: Genocide and the Drug War
From: "Zed B. Starkovich"

It would be possible to spend the next several years developing a
response to this July 12 contact on "Genocide and the Drug War."

During the latter years of the Forties I was an ROTC Instructor at
Yale University. Many of the prominent names from Mr. Starkovich in
his message are familiar to me as a function of that service, and
other related service during my days in the military. I commend him
for his letter and can recommend books on similar subjects known as
the INTRODUCTION TO THE BUSH SERIES. Others have been published

Because the duties of my military experience carried me to at least
seventy countries I have witnessed this subject on many fronts; but
this is no place to elaborate on this extremely important subject. I
commend the writer for surfacing this unequalled subject and
highlighting its availability.

Thank you,

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