The Special Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins on NATO's war on Serbia,
such as the one enclosed below, can also be accessed at our Web site: which is being updated throughout the day.

Issue S99-78, Day 52, Update 1
May 14, 1999; 0:30AM EDT


California                1. "I Love My Country, But I Hate What This
                                     Criminal Government Is Doing"

Banja Luka              2. NATO, U.S. Censors Try to Muzzle Bosnian
                                     Serb TV (Again!)

Belgrade                  3. A General-to-General Air War Talk:
                                     Novak-to-Clark - Abort While You Still

Moscow                   4. Gorbachev: NATO Bombs Destroying New World

Belgrade                  5. Where Are the Phony Western Liberals Now That
                                    Danube Basin's Ecology Is Being Destroyed?

Phoenix                    6. A Serb Poet: "We Know Our Fate"


1. "I Love My Country, But I Hate What This Criminal Government Is Doing"

CALIFORNIA, May 11 - They say that wars bring out the best and the worst in
people.  Here's an example of "the best" which we received from a TiM
reader in California:

"Dear Bob, I've stopped paying taxes; I'm about to sell my home; and I
would like some information about how to get into Yugoslavia in order to
cover the situation with my camera.  Could I send my video reports back to

I'm at my wits end about what our government is doing both at home and
abroad.  I'd like to show the people what 'we' are doing.  And, therefore,
the 'Truth in Media' seems to be a good source to spread the word.

I understand that you have been to Yugoslavia and might be able to help me
with the details of getting there.  I love my country, but hate what this
criminal government is doing."

Kent Baldwin, California
TiM Ed.: We did help Mr. Baldwin with the contacts he had requested, and
wished him God speed in his noble endeavor.

2. NATO, U.S. Censors Try to Muzzle Bosnian Serb TV (Again!)

BANJA LUKA, May 13 - While some noble Americans, such as Ken Baldwin, are
willing to sacrifice all they have to bring the truth about NATO's criminal
activities to the world, the censors of the self-proclaimed leaders of the
"free world" are administering the Soviet-style media pressures on the
Bosnian Serb TV's broadcasters in Banja Luka.  Again. (See "NWO Inquisition
in Bosnia,"

In a front page feature article, the Wall Street Journal reported today
from Banja Luka, the "new" capital of the Bosnian Serb Republic, one of the
two "entities" in the NOW-occupied and NATO-policed Bosnia, that the
Serbian Radio Television's  reporting on the war in Kosovo has angered the
authorities. They have ordered it to air certain (western leaders')
speeches in full, have sent army officers to threaten to close the station,
and have warned that it could lose equipment if it doesn't change its
coverage, the Journal said.

"A victim of Serbian nationalism? Actually, the speeches involved were by
top American officials, the visiting officers were British, and the
confiscation threats came from the U.S. Agency for International
Development, which had given the broadcaster an editing console and a van,"
said Daniel Pearl, a Journal "staff reporter," according to the story byline.
TiM Ed.: Way to demonstrate Klinton Amerika's commitment to freedom of speech!

Such pressure reflects the two wars the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
is fighting in the Balkans, the Journal said. The first involves airstrikes
aimed at driving Yugoslav troops from the province of Kosovo. The second
war is being waged on the propaganda front.

"Mr. Milosevic is expanding his country's clampdown on independent media
and using state television to portray Serbs as victims of a Western
conspiracy. NATO has bombed Yugoslav television, calling it part of Mr.
Milosevic's 'war machine.' And NATO leaders are striving to keep news
cameras focused on the ethnic Albanian refugees who have fled Kosovo and
their reports of Serb atrocities, rather than on errant NATO missiles." [...]

"Caught in the cross-fire is Dragan Gasic, a tall, Yugoslavia-born Austrian
with a booming voice. The Europe-dominated Office of the High
Representative hired him last year to reform SRT, the state-funded
broadcaster of Republika Srpska, but Mr. Gasic has been at loggerheads with
his employers. He refused to force SRT to run full-length European news
broadcasts, saying they aren't balanced because they don't show Serb
civilians displaced by NATO bombs. He also refused to air NATO briefings in
full, saying it was 'unprofessional' to give SRT orders no one would dare
give an American broadcaster."

The U.S. State Department has pushed to replace Mr. Gasic, diplomats say.
Five international organizations now monitor SRT.

But convincing Bosnian-Serb stations to be more like CNN may be futile, the
Journal concludes. "Even the Western-funded stations keep playing up bomb
damage and playing down the refugees. And when viewers see Ms. Albright on
SRT, they assume it is only because the station is under Western control,
says Banja Luka Fiat dealer Ducan Novkovic. 'If they don't follow their
orders,' he says, 'they'll be off the air'."
TiM Ed.: Sounds like a lose-lose proposition for the Washington-Brussels
"lie and deny" story spinners.  Thankfully.  For, they are certainly not
fooling many in Bosnia, or elsewhere around the world, who still have a
normal supply of gray cells, undiminished by the NWO dumbing-down.

3. A General-to-General Air War Talk: Novak-to-Clark - Abort While You
Still Can!

BELGRADE, May 12 - We received the following "Open Letter to General Wesley
Clark, SACEUR," written by Major General, Bozo Novak (ret.).  The Serb
general provides his own introduction:

"My name is Bozo Novak.  I am the former Commander-in-Chief of the Republic
of Srpska Army Air Force and Air Defense in Bosnia-Herzegovina.  My
specialization is in air defense missile units.  During the Bosnian war, I
headed a team organized by Air Defense which, despite its very small size,
inflicted significant losses, and remained capable of fighting until peace
was declared, earning the respect of NATO commanders such as General
Joulwan, General Short (see S99-77, Day 51, Update 2, Item 3, May 13), and

That is my background and I believe it gives me, a military professional
and a retired general, the right to address you, a military professional
and a four-star general.

I am certain that you possess immense knowledge and skills.  If you did
not, you could not have attained your rank.  I am certain that during the
course of your education and your professional development, you developed a
personal code of ethics as a professional officer, a code of honor which
distinguishes the military from all other professions.  To protect his
honor, integrity and respect, an officer, especially a general, will lay
down his life.  During times of peace, a soldier prepares himself for armed
battle.  During times of war, he fights against the army of his enemy.

General Clark, I ask you:  What are you are doing? For more than a month
now, you have been destroying and ravaging this part (Yugoslavia) of my
homeland.  Not a single country, political or military alliance has
declared war on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.  Not a single United
Nations organization has issued a resolution to attack the FRY.

That means that the Balkans - based on your definitions and on universal
legal norms - are currently at peace, not at war.  That means that the
forces you command are carrying out great crimes and acts of terrorism
against the whole Yugoslav population.

Your administration continues to emphasize that war is not being waged
against Yugoslavia and against the Serbian people.  They say that you are
intervening to prevent a 'humanitarian catastrophe.'  Through a campaign of
terror waged from the air, by striking against apartment blocks in densely
populated cities, factories, heating facilities, bridges, roads and
railways, civilian trains and convoys, hotels and resorts, schools,
hospitals and maternity wards, oil refineries and chemical industrial

The victims of the terror you are unleashing are children, women, the
elderly people - the defenseless.  You are destroying everything that is
essential for the very existence of the population.

So I ask you:  Did you attend the finest schools in the world in order to
learn how to use the strongest military force in the world to kill children
and their mothers?  To prove that the ONLY thing you are capable of is the
destruction of everything that noble and creative people have worked for
generations to build?

Honorable General, you do not need a fine education, nor skills, to do
this: a sick, criminal mind suffices.

I am writing to you because I believe that you do not realize what you are
doing.  You do not realize that you are being used in the worst and a most
vile manner possible to promote the interests of incompetent and evil
politicians whose time is quickly running out.  By manipulating you,
General, they have sullied the names of great military leaders such as
Washington, Grant, Sherman, Bradley, Alexander, Patton, MacArthur,
Eisenhower... and many others who are remembered and respected by the
civilized world (as the Serbs' friends and allies).

This evil will end.  My people will survive because you simply cannot
exterminate us.  Our Army, although it is small compared to NATO, is
inflicting losses on your troops.  It is defending, and it will continue to
defend, our right to live on our land.

Right now, our nation has only one goal:  TO DEFEND OURSELVES FROM
TERRORISM AND CRIME.  Through our resistance, through culture, through art,
through song, through sports, through all activities which continue to show
that we love life and freedom, we are proving that we belong to a developed
European civilization which you are seeking to destroy.

You will not succeed in destroying us.  With every passing day, the
evidence against those criminals commanding and those executing this
campaign of terror in the heart of Europe is growing.  You must know that
the evil people who command this action will be held accountable for all this.


Let the politicians resolve political problems by political means; and
humanitarian problems should be resolved through humanitarian means.

With this open letter, I call upon my professional colleagues, who are
generals, both active and retired, to raise their voices against the misuse
of the military's calling - our profession's respect, integrity and honor -
by politicians whose time is running out.  I emphasize that we have THE

Gen. Bozo Novak

4. Gorbachev: NATO Bombs Destroying New World Order

MOSCOW, May 12 - Even one of the chief protagonists of the so-called New
World Order which emerged after the end of the Cold War; the man who helped
destroy his own country in the name of the NWO, Mikhail Gorbachev, is now
getting cold feet about the monster he had helped unleash.

"It is pure lawlessness and I strongly condemn it," Gorbachev said Tuesday
(May 12) while attending a signing ceremony for a joint Russian-Canadian
research project in Moscow.

"The former Soviet boss said NATO's war against Yugoslavia is a sign of
collapsing global order, and it never would have been allowed to happen if
the Soviet Union still existed. Russia has lost its former position and
ability to influence events, and therefore was unable to prevent this war
from occurring in the first place," Gorbachev said.
TiM Ed.: If it weren't tragic, such a comment is downright funny, coming
from the man who helped diminish Russia's influence in the world.
"This war is a disgrace to all of us who tried to build a new world order
based on political methods and a strong role for the United Nations
Security Council. Instead we see NATO imposing itself as supreme arbiter,
using military power alone".

Gorbachev, who led the Soviet Union from 1985 to 1991, is credited with
ending his country's participation in the Cold War. But the Soviet Union
fell apart, and the West tried to unilaterally impose its own writ upon the
world, he said.

"At the root of this is the United States' ambitions to dominate the
world," he said. "Two-thirds of the world's raw power, concentrated in
NATO, is attacking one tiny country."

Last weekend's accidental bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade shows
the situation is spinning out of control, he said. "NATO is hitting
everywhere, not only the Chinese Embassy. Their missiles are even falling
on neighboring countries like Bulgaria," he said.
TiM Ed.: So maybe we should ask this NWO stooge to put his money where his
mouth is, and go to Belgrade to reinforce its citizens' "human shield"
guard on the bridges?  We all know what the answer would be, right?  About
the same we would get from the "liberals," like Bill, Hillary or Chelsea
Clinton - all big on environmental protection words; but short on guts.

5. Where Are the Phony Western Liberals Now That Danube Basin's Ecology Is
Being Destroyed?

BELGRADE, May 13 - We've received word today from Serbia that the Yugoslav
government has prohibited fishing on the Danube downstream from Pancevo,
where NATO's repeated bombings of the chemical factories have released the
dangerous toxins into Europe's longest waterway (see TiM Special Bulletin
Day 26, Update 1, Item 2, Apr. 18 - filed from Serbia).

For those who can't tell the Danube from the Amazon, a look at the map of
Europe will show that Danube's downstream waters take all this pollution
into Romania and Bulgaria, both Serbia's neighbors whose governments have
pledged their cooperation with NATO's air strikes.

Anybody still remember the ecological somersaults through which the
American "liberals" went over the (ACCIDENTAL!) Exxon "Valdez" oil spill?
Where are these people now that Europe's ecology is being DELIBERATELY
destroyed by the NATO "humanitarians?"  Where are the "save the Earth"
demonstrators protecting the Dead Fish of the Danube, the way Brigitte
Bardot and other supposed "greens" acted on behalf of the seals?  Or are
the "Serb fish" (along the Serbian portion of Europe's Danube) less worthy
of protection, just like the Serb civilians, seem more expendable than the
Canadian seals?

By their silence in the face of the Danube basin's ecological disaster, not
to mention NATO's crimes against humanity, such phony western "liberals"
are showing the world what they really are - accomplices of the NWO
FASCISTS who are trying to destroy a European civilization.  Along with its
fish... (an early Christianity sign).

6. A Serb Poet: "We Know Our Fate"

PHOENIX, May 13 - A TiM reader has just sent us an English translation of a
poem, written by a Serb poet, Aleksa Santic (pronounced Shantich).  The
poem was written in 1907, when the Austrian-Hungarian empire annexed Bosnia
- as a prelude to the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand in 1914, and the
WW I which ensued.  "The poem is as appropriate for the Kosovo situation in
1999," this reader said.  Judge it for yourself:


We know our fate and what to expect from life,
Yet, our hearts will not freeze in fear!
Oxen are forced the yoke to bear,
God gave freedom to all men alike.

Our strength is like a mountain river's sway,
No one will ever stop it's flow!
How to face death these people know,
If free to stay there is no other way.

We know our path, the path of God-the-son,
And mighty like a mountain river's flow.
We will go even over the sharpest stones,
Ready to climb the Golgotha all the way.

And even if you take our only lives away,
Our graves will stay to fight you on!
TiM Ed.: We suggest that the above poem be introduced as mandatory reading
by the attendees of the American War College.  Lest its graduates lead the
American government into suffering defeat by the Serbian gravestones, just
as the Ottoman empire suffered at Kosovo, albeit 500 years hence.
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Bob Djurdjevic
Phoenix, Arizona

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