I submit the following from a Letter to the Editor of the Mobile Press Register:

"Never having met, talked with, nor had financial dealings with Joseph
Newman, I read his book, The Energy Machine of Joseph Newman.  After 30
years in the electrical profession I felt eminently qualified to debunk his
claim to a device that generated more energy than it consumes.  In the
second chapter, I sat up in bed and shouted, 'He's got it!'"
           --- Patrick McLain, EE, Mobile, Alabama

I don't wish to dampen Mr. McLain's enthusiasm for this technology and,
although his comments are well-intentioned, Mr. McLain is laboring under
the superficial conclusion that Joseph Newman's motor "generates more
energy than it consumes."  This is simply not the case.  In fact, the motor
does generate greater external energy output than external energy input
[EEO>EEI]. This technology does not violate the Law of Conservation of
Matter and Energy.  On the contrary -- this technology further corroborates
the Laws of Thermodynamics, i.e., the only way one will achieve the
internal production of energy within the system is by supplying the system
with high voltage (and low current) to align the copper atoms in the coil.

Joseph Newman supplies an external electrical stimulus to his coil (and
special commutator system) that generates the magnetic field containing the
gyroscopic particles (matter in motion). This external electrical stimulus
takes the form of high voltage -- and the higher the better until maximum
atom alignment of the coil is achieved.  At the same time the current is
kept as low as possible to minimize resistance; thereby the Newman motor
always runs "cool."  The externally applied high voltage is not "consumed"
by the system -- it operates in the same manner as the hydraulic system in
an automobile.  The reservoir of brake fluid is not "used up" but supplies
a continual hydraulic pressure to the automobile's brake system.  In a
similar fashion the high input voltage (and low current) acts as an
electrical 'hydraulic' pressure to continually realign the atoms within the
motor's copper coil.  The continual collapse and expansion of the copper
coil's magnetic field creates the mechanical torque of the motor.  (The
special commutator system achieves this continual collapse and expansion of
the magnetic field.)

The net increase of external electrical energy from the system directly
comes from the energy produced internally within the copper coil.  This net
energy is greater than the small amount of current originally inputed into
the system along with the high voltage.  In the final analysis where is the
excess energy coming from?  Answer:  from the atoms of the copper coil
within the motor/generator.

Dr. Roger Hastings, a physicist who has worked extensively with Joseph
Newman over a number of years, has calculated that this system is so
conversion efficient that it may take decades (or far longer) to be able to
measure any appreciable mass loss in the coil.


This brings me to a discussion of efficiency.  If Joseph Newman's
motor/generator system is viewed as a whole -- considering both external
energy and internal energy -- then the total energy output for the system
is EQUAL to the total external and internal energy input combined.


Such a process is fully in accordance with the First Law of Thermodynamics!
When the system is viewed as a whole, it is imprecise to say that the
Newman motor/generator simply "produces more than it consumes."  However,
it is correct to say that "the external energy output is greater than the
external energy input" -- an external energy input considered independently
of the large internal energy produced by the Newman motor/generator.

In other words, the revolutionary nature of this system is the fact that
Joseph Newman has discovered a new electromagnetic principle of nature and
has innovated a technology capable of converting matter (copper coil) into
energy (in accordance with E=mc^2) via a highly efficient electromagnetic
reaction rather than an inefficient fission reaction.

Those who state that "one can never build a device which exceeds 100%
efficiency" do not understand the nature of the phenomenal efficiencies (in
excess of 800%) produced by the Newman motor/generator.

Such a statement demonstrates an inability to distinguish between
CONVERSION efficiency and PRODUCTION efficiency.  To state that Joseph
Newman's motor/generator is 8.2 production efficient, i.e., that it
produces over eight times as much external energy output as external energy
input, is different from stating that the invention approaches 100%
conversion efficiency, i.e., that it converts the internal mass of the
copper coil into energy in accordance with E=mc^2.  The former process
involves production efficiency and the latter process involves conversion
efficiency.  These two different types of efficiencies should not be

In his motor/generator system, the electromagnetic conversion (of matter to
energy) efficiency approaches 100% [rather than the less than 1% conversion
(of matter to energy) efficiency of a typical nuclear fission reaction.]
The production efficiency of the Newman energy machine has been found to be
in excess of 800%, i.e., over eight times as much external energy output as
external energy input.

Consider the following crude analogy of a nuclear fission reactor to Joseph
Newman's motor/generator:  a typical nuclear reactor consists of a small
amount of external electrical energy being inputed into the reactor station
to turn on lights, activate control panels, start machinery, etc.  The
large external energy produced by the reactor, however, is the result of
the nuclear fission process which internally occurs within the system.

As a result of such an internal fission process, external electrical energy
is produced  in the system.  If, however, one ignores the internal energy
and only considers the initial, small external energy input, then one could
say that the net external electrical energy output produced by a nuclear
reactor is greater than the external electrical energy input.

The important distinction, however, between a conventional nuclear reactor
and Joseph Newman's motor/generator is that the former is less than 1%
conversion efficient and the latter approaches 100% conversion efficiency.


In essence, Joseph Newman has integrated the work of Faraday with that of
Einstein and has created a motor technology that will bring us into the
21st century.  One may say that "this is too good to be true."

Is this -- our current electrical technology -- the BEST that we can do?
Is there no expectation that we may achieve a deeper understanding of
electromagnetism which will allow us to build fundamentally different (and
more efficient) motors?  Could one not conceive that such a revolutionary
technology could be achieved in fifty years?  One hundred years?  One
thousand years?  Can anyone really believe that our traditional
motor/electromagnetic technology is the technology that will be utilized
five thousand years from now?

But why must we wait five thousand years?  Why not in a hundred years?  Why
not in fifty years?  Why not NOW.

You may say, "Well, why hasn't it been done before now?"  My response:  why
did the Wright Brothers 'wait' until 1903 to invent the aeroplane?  Things
happen when they do, I suppose . . . often in spite of tremendous
ignorance, apathy and hostility.

Christian Morgenstern summed it up quite well when he said:

"The obvious is that which is never seen until someone expresses it simply."

In its essence, Joseph Newman's technology is the model of simplicity.


For twelve continuous hours, Joseph Newman operated a recent production
model of his motor/generator:  from 8:00AM to 8:00PM -- and attached to a
Grainger Reciprocating Pump -- the Newman Motor/Generator pumped 1 gallon
of water per minute at 12 PSI at the Lucedale, Mississippi City Park.  The
voltage source was a local alternating current connection to the Newman
Motor/Generator through a conventional house watt meter.  The Newman
Motor/Generator utilized the city grid voltage but not the current. When a
conventional motor was operated on this city grid system the house watt
meter proceeded to turn, indicating that external electrical energy was
being consumed.

During the entire 12 hours that the Newman Motor/Generator pumped water,
the house watt meter did not move.  Moreover, for the entire 12 hour period
the Newman Motor/Generator ran cool.  The news media, city officials and
representatives of the local power station observed and corroborated these

WHAT CAN YOU DO? (This section is for everyone [and non-technical people]
in general...)

1) Tell your friends and associates about the new technology.

2) Urge your Congressman and Senators to introduce Private Relief Bills
identical to those introduced by 11 different Congressmen.  A sample Bill
read:  "A BILL For the relief of Joseph W. Newman.  Be it enacted by the
Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in
Congress assembled, That the Secretary of Commerce, acting through the
Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks, is authorized and directed to
immediately issue a pioneer patent to Joseph W. Newman for the invention
described in the patent application numbered 179,474 and filed in August
1980.  Such patent shall be accorded rights equal to the rights accorded to
patents issued title 35, United States Code."

3) To people in general: if you are mechanically inclined and have at least
a fundamental understanding of electrical circuitry, you are invited to
construct a prototype for yourself and demonstrate the remarkable nature of
this technology.

4) We are looking for manufacturers who would be interested in producing
Newman Motor/Generators.  Contact the address below.

5) We are building up a list of mechanically-gifted individuals such that,
as this technology is produced, there will be a pool of individuals to draw
from who are familiar with Joseph Newman's work.

6) Joseph Newman has produced a book which represents over thirty years of
research on the part of Joseph Newman. In some cases, you can ask your
library to purchase this book, or, many libraries across the country
already have earlier editions which you can borrow via interlibrary loans.

7) One fallacy is the belief that the strength of the magnetic field
surrounding a copper conductor coil comes from the input CURRENT.  THIS IS
FALSE!  The strength of the magnetic field surrounding a copper conductor
coil comes from the ATOMS OF THE COPPER WIRE contained WITHIN THE TURNS OF
WIRE as aligned by the input VOLTAGE.....NOT the CURRENT.  And the greater
the input VOLTAGE (up to maximum atom alignment of the atoms in the copper
coil) the stronger the magnetic field surrounding the coil and hence, the
greater the back-emf.

Evan Soule'
Director of Information
11445 East Via Linda, No. 416
Scottsdale, Arizona 85259
(480) 657-3722

"In speaking of the Energy of the field, however, I wish to be understood
LITERALLY.  All energy is the same as _mechanical energy_, whether it
exists in the form of motion or in that of elasticity, or in any other
form.  The energy in electromagnetic phenomena is _mechanical_ energy."
                           --- JAMES CLERK MAXWELL

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