According to a 1997 report on the Chinese Defense Industry by
the Rand Corp., the Chinese communists "often reward themselves
with large official and unofficial commissions...  In the case
of the ministry level receipts, these funds are believed to be
used for a wide variety of legitimate and illegitimate purposes,
ranging from modernization of industrial plants to the padding
of the Swiss bank accounts of top ministry officials."

Doing business with the People's Liberation Army (PLA) is very
profitable for the corrupt.  It is no surprise that the Chinese
Army does its banking with the same firms who did Adolph
Hitler's finances.

The Communist Chinese have come to accept marxism and money.
The curious mix of left wing politics and capitalist profits is
not a new concept.  The fall of old communism came during the
1980s with Premier Li Peng's order to "just go and make money."

Li Peng's order has given rise to a new fascism.  The central
party and single power of the Chinese communists are not
threatened with the advent of consumer goods.  The PLA Generals
profit, the Army profits and even the party profits.

However, the massive giant of over a billion people cannot match
the economic output and standard of living earned by a few
million on the tiny island-nation of Taiwan.  China can not
match Taiwan even after the jewel of Hong Kong was given away to
the red over-lords.  Obviously, being able to choose which
toothpaste to buy is not freedom.

The first to pay for the Clinton China policy are the freedom
loving Chinese, seeking to liberate themselves from the corrupt
communist warlords.  The anti-American fever that swept Beijing
after the U.S. bombing of the Chinese embassy allowed the red
masters to crack down on dissidents and divert attention from an
ailing economy.  The bloody crack-down continues to this day
while Clinton remains silent.

The Chinese Army Second Artillery Corps. has more nuclear
weapons than all the other Asian nations combined.  No Asian
nation can currently field an anti-missile system to stop a PRC
nuclear tipped missile.  Korean, Japanese, Taiwanese and
Phillipino allies once stood with America under the nuclear
sword during the long years of the cold war.  Clinton abandoned
our brave Asian allies.

The word from the White House is that China will not invade
Taiwan.  The words from Beijing are, according to the Democrat
spin, simple saber rattling.  No military action is predicted
until after a summit meeting between Mr. Clinton and Jiang Zemin
in the fall of 1999.  The spin is that the so called "Clinton"
effect will keep the People's Liberation Army in their barracks
instead of going for a swim.

Chinese President Jiang Zemin could care less about meeting Bill
Clinton.  Any political deal with the lamest duck in history,
the impeached Bill Clinton, will evaporate before the coming
elections.  Any technology exports are likely to draw too much
press attention to be useful.  The Chinese communists are hoping
to buy the next U.S. election and their investment in Bill
Clinton is rapidly running out.

Clinton's crack down on U.S. investigative journalists is
representative of his corrupt and dangerous administration.
Democrats often point out that the abuse of the IRS by Richard
Nixon was his final transgression.  Mr. Clinton has already
shown he is willing to abuse the press with his Presidential
powers, including the IRS audit of the Western Journalism

Yet, none of the so called defenders of the press have leapt to
the rescue.  Henry Waxman and the Democrats now stand accused of
helping the cover-up by confessed PLA bag-man Johnny Chung.  The
Republicans, stung by the Starr investigation of Monica, are not
about to go up against the Clinton machine again.  CNN, the New
York Times, and the Washington Post all remain strangely silent
about the events slowly unfolding behind the White House orders
to intimidate and cow journalists with the powers of the U.S.

The facts speak volumes that all the spin-masters cannot
distort.  The first rule of Watergate journalism is "follow the
MONEY."  Obviously, there was enough money for PLA "Swiss" bank
accounts.  What of the allegations that Ron Brown and Vince
Foster also had off-shore bank accounts?  Does Hillary Clinton
or Vice President Gore have a Swiss bank account stuffed with
illegal bribes spun by foreign investors?

You can be sure that ABC, CBS, and NBC will not seek the answers
to these questions.  And you can be just as sure that this
reporter will pursue the allegations and the money.

And what benefit does the Chinese Army get from doing business
with Clinton?  According to the Rand Corp. report:

  "For those who oppose any subsidization of the PLA, there is
   thus ample evidence that profits from PLA-affiliated
   enterprises directly benefit the main-line forces of the
   Chinese military."

While Bill Clinton cut U.S. Defense budgets he approved the
"subsidization of the PLA."

One hard-core benefit for China from U.S. technology and finance
is the DF-31 missile.  The new Dong Feng (EAST WIND) 31 missile
performed flawlessly during its first test flight.  The DF-31
can reach any city in America and is armed with three nuclear
warheads.  The DF-31 has Clinton-supplied guidance, nuclear
warhead, nose cone and solid rocket engine technologies.

The DF-31 is equipped with many technologies stolen or bought
from America during Clinton's term.  The DF-31 success was so
spectacular that the the PLA 2nd Artillery will deploy 20
missiles by the end of 2000.  According to intelligence sources
in the Pentagon, China will deploy over 1,000 nuclear-tipped
missiles in the next decade.

China pundits consider the PRC a nuclear pygmy and no threat to
the United States.  The Chinese currently fields no more than 20
long range CSS missiles and their military forces are cramped by
serious technology shortages.  The total number of Chinese
nuclear bombs, including short range tactical weapons, is no
more than 900.  In comparison, the U.S. can field over 5,000
nuclear weapons.

Of course, no one has ever fought a nuclear war, and few of the
pundits have studied such weapons in combat.  The pundits are
playing dangerous games with our lives.  The DF-31 is better
than the U.S. MX and Minuteman missiles.  The DF-31 represents a
decade of successful espionage against America.

Nuclear weapons do not require large numbers to be effective.
The Chinese Army recently threatened to use neutron bombs on any
U.S. Navy carrier that should stray too close to Taiwan.
Chinese officials have already threatened to destroy Los Angeles
if we help Taiwan resist an invasion.  One new DF-31 missile
could flatten L.A., San Francisco and San Diego.

The U.S. is no longer the lone super-power.  The saber-rattling
from Beijing is the birth cry of a new fascist super-state.
China has forced the western powers to bow on bended knee and
now the earth trembles when the People's Liberation Army 2nd
Artillery moves.

The birth cries from Beijing are also a wake up call.  Just what
would Clinton do if Taiwanese cities disappeared in a blinding
flash?  How would he apoligize for 20 million dead?  On the day
after World War III, would we finally regret that we did not
build a missile defense for America and our Asian allies when we
had a chance?

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SOFTWAR EMAIL NEWSLETTER              08/31/99
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