TUESDAY / MAY 11, 1999
Trouble in the gold market?
Analysts see move to manipulate prices
By Jon E. Dougherty
© 1999 WorldNetDaily.com

Whether influenced by uncertainties stemming from Y2K or because global
financial markets took a dramatic turn for the worst, most gold analysts
agree that 1998 was a "record year" for sales.  So far, in 1999, record
buying has not subsided, according to the U.S. Treasury, and most gold
brokers and retailers say there is no sign of a buying slowdown anytime soon
from the private sector.

However, recent investor activity in the gold market suggests there may be a
move to illegally influence prices.  In fact, entire nations, such as Great
Britain, are poised to release hundreds of tons of gold into the market over
the next few years in a move some believe is an attempt to artificially
deflate gold prices and possibly to de-emphasize gold as a valuable

Beginning July 6, the Bank of England will begin selling over half of
Britain's present gold stocks, or 415 tons, which is currently worth about
$6.5 billion (U.S.). Last week, when the bank made the announcement, it
stunned gold dealers and traders all over the world, resulting in the price
of gold falling to below $280 an ounce -- its
lowest price in recent years.

It was this announced sell-off, as well as several previous disturbing gold
market reports, that prompted the formation of GATA -- the Gold Antitrust
Action Committee
-- and a potential antitrust lawsuit aimed at breaking up the alleged control
over gold market prices.  GATA has retained noted antitrust and securities
law firm specialist, Berger & Montague of Philadelphia, in order to assist in
its investigation into the alleged manipulation of the gold market.

Bill Murphy, chairman of GATA, told WorldNetDaily, "I've been a trader for 25
years, and I began noticing that the gold market was just not trading the way
it was supposed to."  He said that when gold reached the $295-300 per ounce
range, "I began noticing that the market price for gold would always stop (at
a certain level), lose, then come right back" to the previous level -- but
never higher. That didn't follow the established rules of supply and demand,
he explained.

"At about that time, we heard that (gold) producers were going around
offering credit terms in South Africa to foreign producers in different
countries at unheard-of credit terms, if they would just 'sell forward'" --
or put supply in the marketplace. He said GATA also received a number of
reports that "officialdom" in the U.S. were asking officials in Asia not to
aggressively buy gold. These two incidents were occurring
simultaneously, Murphy said.

The only explanation that makes sense, he said, was that somebody is trying
to keep gold prices down. Other government and market analysts who were
following the same gold trends, said Murphy, "were told to 'tone down' their
reports," in an effort, he says, to conceal other investment activity based
on lower gold prices.

Murphy said he initially brought his concerns to other experts -- some of
whom eventually became GATA members -- and they agreed it was possible that
antitrust violations may have materialized within the gold market.

The GATA chairman said the essence of the issue rests with the number of
"gold loans" currently out versus the annual output of gold from the world's
combined producers.

"Right now, we feel the total gold loans amount to about 8,000 to 10,000
tons.  But mine supply, or annual production, is only about 2,529 tons.
Consequently, we think the speculators -- the gold-borrowing crowd -- are
borrowing gold at just one percent interest rates versus the 8 to 10 percent
they'd have to take to borrow money at a bank."

He sees "collusion" among producers and speculators to keep the price of gold
artificially depressed in order to obtain cheap loans on money used for other

"Basically, they're getting interest-free money to invest in Wall Street for
free," he explained. "So hedge funds like Long Term Capital Management, who
got in trouble last year for doing this same thing with the Japanese Yen, and
all of these investment people in New York are borrowing gold and investing
it.  That's fine, as long as the gold price doesn't go up."

Murphy said the advantages to doing this were obvious.

"Say these people borrow gold at $290 an ounce but end up having to pay it
back at, say, $320 an ounce, the cheap loan suddenly becomes an expensive

He told WorldNetDaily that recently the price of gold was set to go above
$290 an ounce, "which we feel has been the borrowing price for about the past
year or so."  But when he publicly questioned where the supply of gold was
going to come from, within a day the Bank of England announced they were
going to sell over half of their gold inventory.

"That came out of nowhere," Murphy said. "Why would the Bank of England do
that -- sell early, and make it a very public announcement -- when they could
have waited and made more money from the sale of their gold if the price had
gone up?"

The veteran trader said the activity in the gold market followed a familiar
pattern. "I've seen this kind of activity before in other markets," he said.
"It's clearly manipulation to me."

"One of the reasons that various financial institutions are acting in
concerted action to hold down the gold price is that they are now short
hundreds of tons of borrowed gold and that the speculative community in total
is short 3,000 tons, or more," Murphy said.

The evidence GATA has compiled, he said, suggests that gold loans have become
so large that an international "systemic risk" problem has now been created.

"If the price of gold rose unexpectedly even to a moderate degree, many gold
borrowers would not be able to find enough gold quickly enough without
driving the price into the stratosphere," Murphy said. "That is one of the
reasons that we believe certain financial entities have been manipulating the
market in collusive fashion to make sure the gold price does not rise sharply
above $300."

Robby Noel, a U.S. gold retailer and market analyst, as well as a daily talk
show host, agreed with Murphy's conclusions.  He said that somebody seems
destined to drive down gold prices, but instead of just greed, he sees
another reason for the depressed prices.

Noel believes that since over 60 percent of all above-ground gold is
privately held, some countries -- led by internationalists -- may want to
"devalue" the commodity and establish a monetary system based on a more
arbitrary, controllable method of wealth.

"If that were to happen, what would the gold people now hold be worth?
Almost nothing," he said.

Noel told WorldNetDaily that Michel Camdessus, head of the IMF, recently said
he "extolled the virtue of using gold-sale proceeds to pay for debt relief
for 'heavily indebted poor countries,'" such as those in Africa.  But, Noel
pointed out, that makes little sense if the ultimate goal is to raise those
nations out of poverty.

"If the sale of gold is to help pay poor Black African countries' debt, why
destroy the price of gold when the single largest export of these counties is
gold?" he asked.

Indeed, Noel has some merit for his concerns.  Research analyst Gillian
Moncur told Agence France Presse (AFP) last week, "Gold is becoming an
outdated asset."  She also said that she anticipated Britain's surprise sale
"would likely herald further official gold sales around the world," which
would, undoubtedly, further depress gold prices.

Murphy agreed that there could be a move to devaluate gold permanently.  "He
(Noel) is talking about a monetary system based on 'fiat' money," he said.
"He's right about that.  The central bankers use the gold price as a report
card, so to speak.  If the price of gold climbs dramatically, everybody is
bound to start asking, 'What's the problem here?'"

But, he added, he is more inclined to believe that some investors are merely
trying to keep the dollar as the primary global trading currency, rather than
the gold standard.  Either way, Noel added, "The relationship between
physical gold and the current prices is out of whack.  In a nutshell, there
is no doubt to me there is some sort of a scam going on here."

John Meyer, treasurer of GATA, stressed that the information the group has so
far only amounted to "circumstantial evidence," but, he added, "there's a lot
of smoke there.  And, it seems the farther into this we get, the more smoke
there is."  The producers, said Murphy, are also starting to get into the
fight. He said most of them are upset at current price trends in gold, and
see any attempt to keep prices low as
a threat to their survival.

"The producers aren't happy these days," Murphy told WorldNetDaily.  "Many of
the smaller producers are going out of business" because prices, in some
cases, barely outstrip mining costs.

Meyer said that although private individuals had already begun contributing
to GATA's legal expenses, many gold producers were finally beginning to
bankroll the effort. Most of them, however, had requested anonymity.  GATA's
legal team, Berger & Montague, is currently engaged in researching the basis
for an antitrust lawsuit. Merrill G. Davidoff, an attorney at the firm who is
familiar with the case, said GATA had just recently contacted Berger &
Montague with their antitrust concerns.

"We're at the point now where we're just getting into this," he said.
Davidoff could not comment about GATA's case, but he did say they were likely
to be looking for potential plaintiffs for the lawsuit as well as potential
witnesses willing to provide information confidentially about gold market

"That would be a normal process for the client," he said.

"As a law firm, however," Davidoff said, "rounding up potential plaintiffs is
just not something we do."  Merrill also declined to comment about whether or
not his firm had been in contact with any government stock market regulatory

WorldNetDaily contacted the offices of the Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC), the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), and the Commodities and Futures
Trading Commission (CFTC) in Washington, D.C., but they also declined to say
whether or not they had received any complaints regarding price-fixing on the
gold market.

Jon E. Dougherty is a senior writer and columnist for WorldNetDaily, as well
as a morning co-host of Daybreak America.

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