I like this.....plus Gore also played in the poppy fields too long, for
that guy isn't too bright either.....he had a body guard when he went to
war......I would like to teach all those guys to do a little side step
when they see a bullet headed their way.....if I am going to lay me doon
and dee for something, it will be something worth dying for.......

Know anyone willingly who would lay themselvs doon and Dee for that

Oh we do the little side step.....

Colleen Jones, Chairman of the Board
*International Order of the Irish Mafia*
************The Clan of Dan*************

In a message dated 02/03/2000 1:02:15 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 Omega Male
 Tom Adkins

 Sit. Roll Over. Fetch. Good boy...

 I was flipping through channels the other night. I'm the Alpha male in
 my house, so I control the remote. I came across a Discovery
 Channel show on a wolf pack. How they lived, how they hunted, how
 they grew up, how they reared their young and all that cool stuff.

 The Alpha female ruled the pack, of course, a common arrangement
 in lower animal classes. The other females accepted their fate and
 resigned themselves to collectively rearing the young, and kept the
 pack intact.

 Then, the show focused on the males. There was the Alpha male. He
 was Mr. Big, and didn't take any crap from anyone. Then they
 showed the Beta male. He was always looking for a way to one-up
 the Alpha male, especially with the ladies. The Beta male was
 second place, but no slouch. The other wolves respected him.

 Then, something started bothering me. After all the grief we gave Al
 Gore about the Alpha/Beta male thing =85 well, none of this fits. Bill
 Clinton is obviously the Alpha male. He does whatever he wants,
 obeying no rules except those set by Alpha Female Hillary. (She
 keeps him in line with a strategically placed lampshade across the
 noggin once in a while, but accepts his behavior as the price for her
 pack status.) But Al Gore, the Beta male? A Beta male is supposed
 to keep the Alpha male on his toes. A good Alpha leaves few
 opportunities, and a good Beta takes advantage of the Alpha's
 mistakes. But wait a second. That's not Al Gore.

 The show then took a detour, featuring a scruffy, goofy wolf. He was
 the Omega, the disrespected lowest in the pack. All other wolves
 picked on him. He ate only scraps they left him. The Omega did
 whatever he was told, or he got a good bite in the ass from the other

 Suddenly, it hit me; Al gore is the Omega Male. It's actually an
 important job. The Omega must be willing to sell his soul to keep the
 pack intact. That sure fits Al Gore. Remember that tearful anti-
 cigarette epiphany at his sister's deathbed, while he was actually
 taking gobs of money from tobacco companies? Classic Omega.
 And remember wife Tipper's PMRC, founded to combat immoral
 entertainment and to censor the music industry? Gore shoved it
 aside when he sucked up to Hollywood fat cats for campaign bucks,
 and then defended a president who molested women and lied about
 it under oath. That is true Omega courage.

 And the Omega wolf does silly things to break tension within the
 pack. That certainly sounds like Gore. We chuckled when he got
 lost in a national park. We howled when he claimed the automobile
 was the greatest threat to humanity. Even hardened grumps fell on
 the floor laughing when Gore claimed he invented the Internet. We
 could hardly control ourselves when he ironically hired feminist
 Naomi Wolf to teach him the ways of an Alpha Male. Certainly, no
 sane Alpha would do this. Neither would a Beta. Only an Omega
 would bumble so hilariously.

 Think of it. Every time Gore had a chance to rise above the Alpha
 male, he rolled over and showed his belly. He could have refused to
 launder money at that Buddhist temple. He could have objected to
 the 900 FBI files. He missed a golden opportunity to one-up Clinton
 when America discovered he assaulted women, obstructed justice
 and lied under oath. And he stood passively when Clinton helped sell
 missile secrets to China in apparent exchange for 3 million illegal
 campaign bucks. These were silver-platter opportunities, offering
 Gore the perfect chance to show the American pack he was better
 than Clinton. If Gore had taken a stand at any point, Democrats
 would have abandoned their Alpha Molester and Gore might well be
 president. But he didn't. Because Gore isn't an Alpha. He's not even
 a Beta. He's a quivering, purebred 100% Omega Male.

 So why bring this up now, long after the "Alpha" story broke?
 Because the elections are only nine months away, and Democrats
 are about to offer an Omega male to lead the most powerful nation
 on earth. Someone who spent his last seven years on the sidelines
 of a real life Good versus Evil play. Someone who passively
 accepted a seriously flawed Alpha leader. Instead of taking a stand,
 he winced at the opportunity to lead. Gore knuckled under like a
 cowering, pure-bred Omega bottom- feeder. And he never so much
 as cleared his throat. Instead, Al Gore submissively did what he was

 Sit. Roll Over. Play dead. Good boy, Al.

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