Now here is where your pennies and nickels will go for the ADL has to
earn that 50 million bucks they took in.

So now they knock the Great Farrakhan - one man who drew over 1 million
people without the use of rock bans and worn out aging movie stars as a
lure -

So the Great Farrakhan is on the ADL hit hate list along with the Miliia
and well, Joshua2 by now has put the "black trailer trash" on his hate
list to be submitted to the ADL....Hey Joshua, still spying on the
Michigan Militia?

As for that jewish slaughterman, your friend Moshe the Masher - my
friends have a bit Swat Team and here we are you little twerp.

Saba - an now more from the ADl Beg A Thon - wonder how they get away
with this highway robbery -they are worse than Jesse Jackson who, has
always counted on the kindness of others.

ADL BEG A THON - Remember us in your Will.

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ADL Expresses Shock at Farrakhan Interview on Meet The Press
ADL Letter to the NBC
 October 19, 1998
Mr. Bob Wright
30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY 10112
Dear Mr. Wright:
          We recognize the right of NBC to choose
the guests to be interviewed on the network's news programs. At the same
time, we feel obligated to express our shock at seeing Minister Louis
Farrakhan being interviewed again by Tim Russert on Meet the Press, on
Sunday, October 18. While an interview with Minister Farrakhan at the
time of the Million Man March could be deemed a legitimate and timely
news item, featuring him as a moral authority on national issues on such
a prestigious program is as ironic as it is outrageous.
          Our point is not censorship, but
          Responsible people concerned about serious
public issues cannot ignore Farrakhan's consistent and unrepentant
record of anti-Semitism and hate targeting whites, gays, and mainstream
Black leaders. On yesterday's program, true to form, Farrakhan blamed
Jews for controlling and oppressing Blacks, saying, "they are the
greatest controllers of Black minds, Black intelligence."
          If ever there was a demonstration of how
marginal the need for Farrakhan is on Meet the Press, it was on Sunday's
show in his response to Mr. Russert's question about Jews, Zionists, and
the Clinton case. Farrakhan repeated some of his worst anti-Semitic
ravings and his lunatic conspiracy theories.
          Interviews such as yesterday's give
unwarranted status to Farrakhan as a Black leader while offering him an
opportunity to propagate his message of hate which we have all heard
before. By now the public knows who Farrakhan is and what he stands for,
and so does Meet the Press which has interviewed him three times.

Abraham H. Foxman   
National Director         
Related Link(s):
  Farrakhan/Nation of Islam
  Khalid Muhammad
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SABA Note:   Now I don't think I would want to make the Great Farakkhan
or his million man march too angry......

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