Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

The Michael Aquino Files will be taken down from The Konformist website on
June 6, 1999.  This will give researchers interested in downloading the
material enough time to do so, if they wish.

For more background information, please visit:

The information was placed on the site after I worked a full weekend to
format it, and despite the fact that I was advised by many people not to do
it, as I would be opening myself up to threats of lawsuits from Dr. Aquino.

Surprisingly, Dr. Aquino has been cordial to me during this whole endeavor,
and is not the reason it is being removed, as many may suspect.

The actual reason it is being removed is because Curio Jones has unfairly
been criticized by others for being associated with The Konformist, which
supposedly is both "pornographic" and "vulgar" (at least the second
accusation is true.)

Curio Jones never has endorsed anything in The Konformist, publicly or
privately, nor would I ever ask her to do so.  The reason her work was
included in The Konformist was to ensure that her work would not be removed
from the internet.

Unfortunately, her continued work in the field of ritual abuse may be
hindered if her information remains on The Konformist.

I included the information on my site to help her, not to hurt her, and when
she explained to me her dilemna, I told her that if I were her, I would
request that it be taken down, which I am respectfully doing.

I have no anger towards Ms. Jones, and only wish her the best in her work.
If she ever needs the information back up on my site, I will be happy to
include it.  In any case, she is a brave woman, and I don't think it is fair
for her to have to defend my work.  That is my battle, not hers.

I must admit, however, that I am not pleased at the reasons behind me having
to pull this.  I consider it ungrateful of critics to attack The Konformist
for trying to publicize their cause.  There are few things I dislike more
than a lack of gratitude, and these same critics have no reason to whine in
the future as they wonder why more media outlets don't present their
evidence.  Further, I am left to wonder if anyone else would be interested in
presenting the Aquino files in the future, knowing full well they will be
threatened not only to be sued but to be pissed on by those they are
defending.  One of the reasons I did this in the first place is because I
know nobody else would have the spine to do it: good luck in the future.
Finally, I think some will look at the fact that Mr. Aquino was more polite
to me during this episode than people in the ritual abuse community, and draw
some conclusions from this.  As far as I'm concerned, the critics have no one
to blame but themselves for this.

Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

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