-Caveat Lector-


Subject: Giuliani: Last Mayor in NYC History

Will Giuliani Be The Last Mayor in New York City History?

[The attached TEXT version of this document has the entire text
complete with the links. If you don't get the entire thing and want it
email a request to [EMAIL PROTECTED]]

"It is not a good idea to be on the wrong side of Giuliani.”
-Giuliani’s PR consultant Howard Rubinstein, NY Times 9/30/99
Master Image Spinner at the Center of a Web

As a Federal prosecutor in the Reagan/Bush administration,
Rudolph W. Giuliani conducted extensive criminal investigations
and prosecuted thousands of politically targeted defendants on
charges of racketeering, organized criminal conspiracy and illegal
corporate practices. These were not simple crimes but elaborate
conspiracies involving the Mafia, foreign governments, elected
officials, lawyers, corporations and banks all of which engaged in
sophisticated efforts to avoid exposure and prosecution.

High-level criminal conspiracies aren’t solved by placing suspects
in a police interrogation room and sweating the truth out of them
as is done on NYPD Blue. Uncovering the facts and weaving them
into a convincing case for prosecution can take many years of
diligent work by hundreds of investigators and even then most
such cases never result in conviction.

Mayor Giuliani himself may be involved in such a criminal
conspiracy. His accomplices include elected officials, the heads of
enormously powerful corporations, media executives and agencies
of the Federal government itself. Like the criminal conspiracies
that prosecutor Giuliani tried to prove, the guilty parties have used
and will continue to use every resource at their disposal to hide
the evidence. Proving this will be far more difficult than proving
someone’s involvement in the Mafia or in white collar crime
because the very agencies and officials of investigation are
themselves complicit in the crimes being investigated.

Is the Media Delivering Giuliani’s Propaganda Message?

"The task of propaganda lies in directing the masses towards
certain facts, events, necessities, etc., the purpose being to move
their importance into the masses' field of vision." Adolf Hitler,
Mein Kampf

During the past month New York City has been ground zero for
an unprecedented campaign of mass spraying, supposedly to
combat a viral encephalitis transmitted by mosquitoes. Eight
million New Yorkers have been deliberately and repeatedly
exposed to substances that the Mayor’s own Chem-Bio Handbook
[see below for excepts] describes as dangerous organophosphate
nerve gasses that should not be sprayed on people and which
cause a wide variety of immediate medical conditions and long
term toxic effects. A carefully orchestrated disinformation
campaign has been conducted with the media’s help to convince
the public that the spraying of these toxic insecticides from trucks
and planes is both harmless and urgently necessary.

Each day the Mayor’s press representatives breathlessly release
the “news” of yet another “victim” of encephalitis in order to
justify more spraying. No one in the media seems to care that the
names of these victims are never released, that they are not
actually new cases but people who allegedly became sick weeks
ago who have long-since recovered, that no mosquitoes infected
with encephalitis have yet been found or that, despite the Center
for Disease Controls’ involvement from day one, none of the
Mayor’s experts admit to having any idea of what this virus
actually is.

When we hear about an epidemic most people think of millions or
at least thousands of victims becoming sick and dying. In this
case, despite it’s being depicted for an entire month as a deadly
epidemic by the media, the official figures claim that only five
people in total are alleged to have died and less than forty still
unnamed victims are “confirmed” to have become ill. Of those,
virtually all are said to have already completely recovered.

The most basic ethical concept in medicine is to, “do no harm”.
State, Federal and international laws require doctors to explain
the risks of dangerous medical procedures and medicines before
beginning any treatment. Accidentally using the wrong treatment
or misapplying a legitimately prescribed medicine is sufficient
grounds for a medical malpractice lawsuit in civil court. If a
doctor deliberately prescribed the wrong medicine or knowingly
performed an unnecessary medical procedure it would be grounds
for a charge of criminal negligence, prosecution in criminal court
and the immediate removal of their license.

Mayor Giuliani along with his experts in the Office of Emergency
Management [OEM] and the Center for Disease Control [CDC]
have deliberately and knowingly violated these laws. If we were
truly faced with the threat of a massive epidemic their actions
would still be technically illegal but could possibly be defensible
on the grounds of their having made a judgment call in an
emergency situation. But what if there is in fact no mosquito
epidemic and what if the chemicals being sprayed pose a far more
serious threat to public safety than whatever they are intended to

In this short essay it will not be possible to definitively prove the
theories here proposed. All I intend is to suggest a number of
explanations for the real nature of what is happening in New
York. Numerous links to government, private and individually
operated websites are listed at the end [see attached TEXT version]
in order that you may explore the immense amount of related material
available and come to your own conclusions.

What is the Source  of This So-Called Encephalitis Epidemic?

Initially, the CDC claimed that there were a number of cases of
St. Louis Encephalitis [SLE], a disease they said was very hard to
get and which if allowed to run its course would, based on
previous outbreaks, result in a worst case scenario of 10 deaths.
The CDC’s and the Mayor’s press releases specifically stated that
even in an SLE epidemic not more than 1 in 1,000 mosquitoes
would be infected and that if bitten by an infected mosquito a
healthy person would only have a 1 in 300 chance of becoming
infected. Their press releases went on to state that even if infected
95% of people would not even feel sick and that their immune
system would successfully rid them of the virus without any
medical treatment. Their press releases and public statements also
stated that SLE had never before appeared in NYC and that NYC
was presently the only location in the entire U.S. with any
reported cases of SLE.

After a few weeks they changed their story. Now the virus was
identified as West Nile Virus and then within a few days renamed
West Nile-like Virus, a disease that had never before appeared in
North America. While every news report claimed the virus was
unknown in North America only a small article in the 9/29/99
issue of Newsday carried the fact that Rockefeller University in
Manhattan had been conducting experiments with West Nile
Virus for decades. On 10/8/99 The Daily News carried a page 1
story claiming that the virus was yet again being reclassified and
that it was not West Nile-like virus but some other virus that had
never before been seen on earth. While a number of newspaper
articles have recently carried stories about a Biological
Warfare/Exotic Animal Virus lab operated by the Federal
government on Plum Island only two miles off the tip of Long
Island NY, none of those stories attempted to make any
connection to the outbreak in NYC.

Is the spraying More Dangerous Than the Virus?

In his daily press conferences Mayor Giuliani and his “experts”
went to great pains to assure the public that the chemicals being
sprayed on them were “completely harmless” and “totally safe”.
Anyone who dared ask a question implying that they might not be
was dismissed as “a hysterical environmental terrorist” trying to
spread public panic or as being a politically motivated Giuliani
opponent trying to damage the Mayor’s Senatorial campaign.
Despite myself and many other activists emailing and faxing the
entire NY media medical studies, manufacturers chemical
application guides and older news articles which clearly contradicted
the Mayor’s assertions about safety, there was virtually no
mention in the media of there being any question of safety at all.
The Mayor went so far as to claim that he’d been directly sprayed
seven times in one day with no ill effects and that parents need do
nothing at all to protect their children.

While there was a half-hearted attempt to notify the public of the
spraying schedule in order to give them the opportunity to avoid
being directly sprayed, the schedule was often completely
inaccurate, leading tens of thousands of people to be directly
sprayed while on the street, in parks or sitting near open windows.
This was especially prevalent in low income and minority
communities where lack of a computer or English language skills
often left people completely uninformed about the schedule.

Almost without exception the only “experts” who have appeared
on television or been quoted in the media about the spraying are
government employees appointed by the Mayor or officials of a
Federal agency, the CDC. None of the hundreds of doctors,
scientists and activists that have spent decades opposing the use
of these chemicals in the U.S. were given a chance to express any
dissenting opinion. Only one show to my knowledge, Tony
Brown’s Journal, gave opponents of the spraying policy a forum
to express their ideas.

While this disinformation campaign was underway, hundreds of
City employees who had been issued copies of a small book
entitled, City of New York, Chem-Bio Handbook, which bears
the seal of the City of New York and the names Rudolph
Giuliani, OEM director Jerome Hauer and NYPD Commissioner
Howard Safir on its cover, were silent about the fact that the book
contained numerous references to Malathion, the main chemical
being used. The book unambiguously states that Malathion is an
organophosphate nerve gas, that it is quite toxic, that it has the
exact same effect on the body as the nerve gasses that are
outlawed for military use, that it remains in the body for months,
years or permanently and that it breaks down to Maloxin, a far
more toxic substance to the body. It was not until an EMS worker
leaked this book to some of the anti-spraying activists that we
knew of its existence. Although I’ve personally faxed and emailed
actual pages from this book to every media outlet in the City there
has to date been no mention of it.

Why Isn’t Mayor Giuliani Afraid of Being Publicly Exposed on
This Deception? He Doesn’t Care If He’s Proven Wrong Because
There Is A Larger Agenda

If one looks at numerous controversies that have taken place in
this City during the Giuliani administration it is clear that the
Mayor engages in policies involving routine and blatant violations
of State, Federal and NYC law. He regularly allows himself to be
sued for civil rights violations and loses virtually every case. He’s
ordered the NYPD to make hundreds of thousands of politically
and racially motivated illegal searches and at least as many false
arrests resulting in record damage payments to NYC residents and
investigations by State and Federal authorities. The Mayor is not
stupid nor is he ignorant of the law. It is beyond the realm of
possibility that Giuliani believes he will win these lawsuits. Like
the Brooklyn Museum controversy, he fully knows he will lose in
court yet engages in the policy anyway. Based on this scenario, he
anticipated that the facts would come out but felt that the spraying
was required and that he would not be able to be held personally
responsible based on the defense that as an elected official he is
relatively immune from prosecution. He’s made sure to always
have his OEM and CDC accomplices in this crime with him on
the podium as fall guys so that he’ll be able to say they were
misleading him.

It’s Much Bigger Than Mayor Giuliani

Let me take this scenario one step further. The City, State and
Federal governments all have a contingency plan in effect to deal
with what they predict to be widespread civil disruptions at the
end of the year due to the Y2K problem. Martial law is an integral
part of these preparations and many people believe that this
coming emergency will be the government’s excuse to suspend all
civil liberties, elections etc. for an indeterminate period of time. I
believe the Mayor is anticipating that there will no longer be any
possibility of bringing him to justice under these circumstances
and that he is therefore free to do whatever he wants, or whatever
he is being ordered to do by Federal authorities. Implicit in my
theory is the concept that rather than being an independent player,
Giuliani is merely a puppet whose actions are orchestrated from
behind the scenes by those who already have tremendous control
over our lives and destiny.

Giuliani, Bush, Rockefeller and the Nazis

Rudolph Giuliani was the number three man in the Justice
Department during the Reagan/Bush administration and is known
to be the prime candidate for U.S. Attorney General if George W.
Bush is elected. Giuliani proudly acknowledges his ties to the
Manhattan Institute, a conservative think tank and policy institute
founded by former CIA director William Casey, which originated
virtually every policy decision the Mayor has attempted to impose
on New York. The Mayor is well known for throwing people off
welfare, cutting funding to public universities, giving corporate
interests gigantic tax write-offs, privatizing public parks and
hospitals and for an extremely aggressive policing campaign
aimed at minorities. Now he’s added spraying poison gas on 8
million victims to his resume.

As detailed in articles hundreds of other investigators have
written, the Bush family, which is closely aligned with the Mayor,
has numerous ties to the military-industrial complex, to powerful
pharmaceutical and oil companies and was instrumental in
financing Adolf Hitler both before and during WWII. Many assets
of the Bush family were seized by the Federal government in 1942
to prevent them from providing further economic aid to Germany.
In their efforts at ethnic cleansing and population control, the
Nazis were closely following the lead of the American Eugenics
movement which was financed by another American dynasty, the
Rockefeller family. As documented in contemporary newspaper
articles and scholarly studies the Rockefellers were behind a
massive campaign of Eugenics inspired sterilization and
euthanasia in the U.S. preceding WWII. These so-called mercy
killings in the U.S.and the German Nuremberg laws, which were
based directly on laws passed in the U.S., eventually set the stage
for the Holocaust.

The Plum Island Bio-Warfare Lab

At the end of WWII the U.S. government collected biological
warfare materials from around the world and brought them to
Plum Island right off the coast of this nation’s most populous
city, New York, for storage and experimentation. [Newsday
11/21/93 Lab Focus Was On 4 Animal Diseases “When the
military officially closed Ft. Terry in 1954, Army officers turned
over to Plum Island scientists 134 strains of 13 viruses collected
from four continents, most obtained for development as biological
warfare weapons”]. The government also brought thousands of
Nazi officials, doctors and scientists to the U.S. and installed
them in industry, in the military, in the intelligence services and in
research universities where they continued the experimentation
they had been doing under Adolf Hitler. Much of this nation’s
present advantage in nuclear energy, pharmaceuticals,
engineering, aerospace technology and medical research comes
directly from these same scientists, who also, just incidentally,
invented the organophosphate nerve gasses that are being dumped
on New York today.

This is not merely a coincidence. The Rockefeller family financed
much of the medical and scientific experimentation and research
that was done at Aushwitz by Josef Mengele. They also financed
factories that used slave labor for industrial development and
research in the service of the Third Reich. The same Rockefeller
family with its numerous institutes and foundations are currently
behind efforts by the CDC, and the U.N. World Health
Organization [WHO] to significantly reduce the world’s human
population. Under the guise of protecting and improving human
health these agencies and institutions have given dangerous
experimental vaccines to millions in the third world as well as to
much of the American populace. To save money in the third
world, these vaccines are often injected into hundreds of subjects
using the same unsterilized needle, thereby spreading viruses from
person to person. Here in the U.S. as well as in Canada and
various European nations, medical supply companies distributed
blood for transfusions that they knew was tainted with AIDs,
resulting in tens of thousands of hemophiliacs and others
becoming infected.

Experimental vaccines are thought by many medical experts to be
responsible for a host of medical disasters including AIDs, Ebola
virus and Gulf War Syndrome, as well as being suspected in
causing many of the emotional and perceptual problems that
afflict young people today in epidemic proportions.

When President Bush decided the U.S. would go to war with Iraq,
its leader, Saddam Hussein, was depicted as the new Hitler
because he was using nerve gas and other biological  weapons.
President Bush neglected to tell the U.S. public that U.S.
companies of which he is a direct representative supplied most of
Iraq’s chemical weapons and that U.S. and German companies
built the factories we are still trying to destroy today.

These same companies are among the top contributors to every
major candidate for public office in the U.S. and literally dictate
the legislation that our Congress passes each year. That is why, no
matter which party is in office or who the elected officials are,
these corporations always come out on top. They are allowed to
market dangerous and unproven medicines to the public. They are
allowed to add harmful chemicals and synthetic hormones to our
food supply. They are allowed to market products like
automobiles that, despite more than enough technology being
available to make them safe, kill hundreds of thousands each year.
They are why despite the existence of numerous cheap and
renewable alternatives to fossil fuel we still depend on oil, coal
and gasoline.

Just recently [see 10/8/99 Daily News $3.3 Billion Offered to
Nazi victims] President Clinton, the top Federal official,
attempted to broker a deal granting numerous internationally
renowned corporations, including Bayer, Daimler-Chrysler, Ford
and Hoechst AG, immunity from any further claims or prosecution
in exchange for a cash settlement with their victims. Before the
end of WWII many of these corporation were part of IG Farben
the German company that invented Zyklon-B, the nerve gas used
in the concentration camps.

It is an inescapable fact that these corporate interests and their
representatives in the government see the general public in a way
not at all dissimilar from the views of Hitler. To them we are like
animals subject to experimentation, processing and eventual
elimination. For example, when the population of deer is too high
the government issues licenses to hunters and there is a kill-off.
Given that perspective, it is not at all implausible that they would
deliberately expose us to dangerous chemicals, untested vaccines
or biological warfare agents as part of a seemingly rational policy
of selective depopulation.

It’s worth noting that in recent days the Mayor, the CDC and their
accomplices in the media have expanded the threat, implying that
infected birds migrating south would likely spread the virus
throughout the U.S. Could this be setting up the entire American
public to accept the spraying of these harmful substances on every
town and urban center in the U.S.?

If There is a Killer Virus Could the Government be Its Source?

Perhaps my theory that this entire matter is part of a malevolent
plan to depopulate this nation or the world is too shocking for
you to accept. Here’s an explanation that requires no leap of faith
or basic mistrust of our government.

In 1994, during a U.S. Congressional hearing sponsored by none
other than the Rockefeller’s (talk about cleverly misleading the
public!) the U.S. military admitted to conducting dangerous nerve
gas and other biological and chemical warfare experiments on
hundreds of thousands of unknowing American service personnel.
They also admitted that many experiments remained classified and
could not be admitted to in public. These experiments were
authorized by the same elected officials who wrap themselves in
the American flag and depict the protection of our “precious men
and women in uniform” as being their highest priority.

It’s entirely possible that either accidentally or deliberately a virus
was released from Plum Island or from any of the other
bio-warfare or medical research facilities in the NY area.
Furthermore, if this scenario is correct, Mayor Giuliani would
have been briefed on this and could be responding not to the
relatively harmless Saint Louis Encephalitis or West Nile-like
Virus, but to a genetically engineered virus that is far more
dangerous than either one. If this was the case it could explain his
taking the risk of spraying Malathion repeatedly on the City. In
this scenario the government is going to have to do anything it
can, including risking the health and safety of 8 million New
Yorkers, to prevent a far more devastating epidemic from ravaging
the entire U.S.

I was recently directed to a website by one of the activists
involved in this issue who also happens to be a medical
researcher. I was amazed to discover an announcement in the 1996
Federal register describing a genetically engineered encephalitis
virus patented by the U.S. Army that was being licensed to a
pharmaceutical production company. I called the Biological
warfare laboratory at Ft. Dietrick Md. and confirmed that this was
a fact, and also visited the companies’ extensive webpage on
which it was announced that they expected to begin testing of a
vaccine to prevent the spread of this same manmade virus at the
end of 1999. Just another coincidence? Their product is called
Japanese Encephalitis Virus, which research materials I’ve found
on the web state is very closely related to both SLE and West Nile
virus. I for one won’t be surprised if the mysterious virus
afflicting NY ultimately is announced by the CDC as a new form
of Japanese encephalitis.

Encephalitis For Population Control and Profit

Imagine if a company released a deadly virus into the general
population and they just happened to own the exclusive patent for
a vaccine to that same virus. The profit potential would make
Microsoft look like a mom and pop operation.

There can be no doubt that the U.S. Army’s involvement in
developing such viruses has nothing to do with protecting public
health but is actually about killing people. Whether their intended
target is domestic or foreign, this is an act that violates numerous
treaties and international conventions. Like the tax dollars the
Mayor claims are being misspent at the Brooklyn Museum, your
tax dollars are being illegally used to kill people, possibly
including yourself, your friends and your family. This money is
being appropriated by the very elected officials you voted to send
to Congress to represent your interests.

In conclusion let me again state that these are theories. I have no
more certainty about which scenario is correct than you do. I’ll be
very happy to be proven completely wrong on all accounts, to be
proven to be a hysterical environmental terrorist as Mayor
Giuliani has called me. Keep in mind however that this is the
same Mayor who claimed in legal briefs he filed before the U.S.
Supreme Court in 1997, in a case in which I was the main
plaintiff that, "An exhibition of paintings is not as communicative
as speech, literature or live entertainment, and the artists'
constitutional interest is thus minimal." -Giuliani appeal brief
against street artists having First Amendment protection, Giuliani
v Lederman et al and Giuliani v Bery et al, filed with the U.S.
Supreme Court 2/24/97. As always, Giuliani lost this case.

This is also the same Mayor who, when I got the media to cover
the fact that he was planning to eliminate the right to freedom of
assembly in NYC parks, blatantly lied and said there was no
change being contemplated in the law. This is the same Mayor
who with his puppet-like police Commissioner said that Gidone
Busch was shot to save the lives of police officers and who said
that the shooting of an unarmed and completely innocent man,
Amadou Diallo, was justified. This is the same Mayor who has
the media so intimidated at his press conferences that few
reporters will even dare to ask him a real question. This is also the
same Mayor who has had me falsely arrested on 40 different
occasions for comparing him to Hitler yet seems determined to
emulate Hitler in virtually every policy and action.

"Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our
enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas?"
-- Joseph Stalin

Ultimately he’s our Mayor and as such is our employee regardless
of who he thinks he’s working for. If he truly plans on being the
last elected Mayor of New York City, the time to start doing
something to stop him is long overdue. Like a strong disinfectant,
the glare of media exposure is the surest way to rid ourselves of
this toxic pest. We must pressure every newspaper, television and
radio station to cover this story honestly beginning right now.

They can start by giving accredited experts in medicine and public
health who oppose this spraying a public forum, side by side with
the Mayor’s apologists. They can start by daring to confront him
at Monday mornings’ press conference with the Chem-bio
Handbook that bears his name. They can begin doing what the
founders of this nation saw as the media’s role of protecting the
public by disseminating facts and opinions of a wide diversity
rather than giving out the narrow and officially approved version
of events that Giuliani and Co. feed them in the daily press
disinformation conference.

The media can still be a hero in this matter. If not, they will have
deserved the fate dictators like Giuliani have in store for them,
and we the people will have to take matters into our own hands.
Ultimately, every dictator in history had his downfall. This one’s
time is long overdue.

Robert Lederman 10/9/99

Robert Lederman, President of A.R.T.I.S.T.
(Artists’ Response To Illegal State Tactics)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (718) 369-2111

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