-Caveat Lector- http://www.etherzone.com/2002/moor103002.shtml


By: Jim Moore

You think that's a trick question. Sorry, it's not. Saddam Hussein, the mustachioed, rifle-shooting, two-bit dictator of Iraq, would boil you in oil if he could, but he won't be around much longer.

Whereas, Dr..Carroll Quigley, world-famous historian who died in 1973, will be around, in spirit if not in body, for decades to come. And that's cause for alarm. Why? Because of his ideological adherence to, and solid support of a worldwide "network" of elite conspirators with enough power, influence, and money to eventually control the world.

America included.

If that's true, and it is, why then in 1973 did Quigley, one of the "insiders", write his 1,300-page book, "Tragedy and Hope", a stunning expose of one of the best kept secrets in the world? Why would he disclose the existence and inner working of this mammoth power network of elite money manipulators, with which he hobnobbed , when he knew it would stir up resistance in the millions of people who are its intended victims?

The answer is deceptively simple. Quigley says, in effect, that it is now too late for the 'little people' to turn the tide. So, in a "spirit of kindness" he urges them (us) not to fight the noose which is already around our necks. If we do, Quigley says, we will choke ourselves to death.

In other words, to the consternation of its wealthy members, Quigley thought it was time for the "conspiracy" to come out of hiding and make its existence, and its intentions, known to the world. Those, he says, who "go along" will eventually find themselves in a kind of nirvana; a man-made millennium of peace and prosperity.

How so? Because, Quigley assures us, we can trust these benevolent, well-meaning men secretly operating behind the curtain. They are the HOPE of the world.. All who resist, make up the TRAGEDY. Hence, the title of his book.

As you might suspect, the secretive cabal capable of "controlling the world" are not farmers or bricklayers or truck drivers. They are not doctors, lawyers, politicians, or merchants.. Or even scientists, theologians, or philosophers.

They are International Bankers.

And Dr. Quigley tells us that the true dimension of their whole scheme is better appreciated when you realize that the far-reaching aim of the "dynastic" bankers is to create a world system of FINANCIAL CONTROL IN PRIVATE HANDS, able to dominate the political direction of each country, and formulate elite planning for World Management.

Phyllis Schlafly, in 1971,while Quigley was still living, wrote the following report on Carroll Quigley's book:

"Dr. Quigley is an authority on the world's secret power structures because he is one of the "network." He boasts he has been associated with many of the dynamic families of the super rich. He approves of their power, influence, and activities. . "To assure his qualifications for writing this book, Dr. Quigley said: 'I know of the operation of this network because I have studied it for 20 years, and was permitted for two years, in the 1960's, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it and most of its aims, and have for much of my life been close to it and many of its instruments. I have objected in the past to a few of its policies, but in general, my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, is significant enough to be known.'

"Who is really running things in America?" Ms. Schlafly asks. "What is the hidden, powerful source that seems to control U.S, policy no matter who is elected? The overwhelming majority of Americans oppose foreign giveaways-who is the hidden force that persuades Congress to give at least $10 billion in foreign giveaways year after year after year-in direct opposition to the wishes of their constituents?"

The ponderous tome, "Tragedy and Hope". which you'll need a forklift to pick up, very explicitly reveals Dr, Quigley's pride at being a member of this secret power group of super-rich banking dynasties. Moreover, he believed its cloak of secrecy was no longer necessary.

To the contrary, Quigley said they should receive credit for what they have done----which we now know has been largely responsible for a massive movement toward the consolidation of world financial power in the hands of a few.

Dr. Carroll Quigley may have been the youngest graduate Harvard ever had--and Bill Clinton's mentor-- but his dedication to the world's secret money powers has done, and is doing, more to disrupt America's financial stability, political viability, and the principles of freedom than Saddam Hussein ever could.

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