Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

 Hollywood freezes out Republicans, says Bo
By Simon Davis in Los Angeles

 Bo Derek Official Web Site

 Hollywood Reporter

 Republican National Committee

 Democratic National Committee

 National Coalition on Television Violence

  ACTORS in Hollywood are ostracised and denied work if they openly support
the Republican Party, Bo Derek has claimed.

Bo Derek: the actress claims she has been told she will never work again

The staunch Republican who found fame in the 1979 film Ten likened current
discrimination towards conservatives to the blacklisting of alleged
Communists in the Fifties. She said those who showed themselves to be liberal
Democrats were more likely to get work.

She told reporters in Hollywood: "They (the Democrats) are very adamant and
almost militant in their views. It's tough to have a nice, open conversation
of any kind. People get really angry and they treat me as though I'm some
hateful monster."

Hollywood, which has long been a liberal redoubt within the traditionally
Republican state of California, is controlled by a series of liberal-minded
supporters of Bill Clinton, such as Steven Spielberg, David Geffen and Whoopi
Goldberg, who each host profitable fundraising events for the President.

One closet Republican who works for the Hollywood agency CAA said: "All the
studio heads are liberals and everyone who isn't a liberal is pretending to
be because they think it will help them get ahead. That may sound cynical,
but you have to work any angle you can to make it in this very tough

Derek claimed she was advised to keep her views to herself "if she knows
what's good for her". She said: "I have been told that I will never work

Some observers maintain that, while there may be a strong Democratic presence
in Hollywood, actors of a good enough calibre will always get work despite
their political views. "Out of work actors always look for an excuse and a
reason for why they aren't getting any work," said a reporter for the
Hollywood Reporter, the film industry's leading trade newspaper.

However, Jack Abramoff, a former film producer and now a lobbyist, said those
who openly displayed conservative views faced rejection in Hollywood. He
said: "I know people who didn't get jobs because they said they were
Republicans. They are too afraid to speak out about it now because they don't
want to go through that again."

However, even high profile Republican supporters such as Bruce Willis, Kevin
Costner, Mel Gibson and Arnold Schwarzenegger no longer promote their
conservative views in public, preferring to stay silent. Last week
Schwarzenegger announced that he would not pose with a gun to market his
latest film The 6th Day because it was irresponsible.

"If people say movies lead to violence, we should make a concession," said
the 52-year-old actor, in an unusual bout of political correctness.

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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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