-Caveat Lector-

 -------- forwarded message --------
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (CharlesSmith)
 Date: Tue, 23 Feb 1999
 Subj: WND - Hubbell The Key To Corruption


   "Clinton gave the PLA military grade secure communications
   while secretly working to keep the same secure communications
   from the American public.  Chinese Generals now communicate
   with complete security, locking out U.S. military intelligence
   monitoring, thanks to Bill Clinton.
       The Clinton policy is far more than a paradox.  It clearly
   shows that Bill Clinton trusts Chinese communist Generals
   more than any American citizen."

   "The attempt by the PLA [Chinese military] to obtain secret
   access to DEA phones clearly illustrates the close knit
   intelligence/crime syndicate operating inside the White House.
   One does not need much imagination to wonder why drug lords
   such as DNC- donor Ng Lapseng would want to monitor the DEA.
       DEA agents and all Americans, however, can take no solace
   in Ms. [Janet] Reno's reluctance to look into the penetration
   of their phones by agents of the Chinese Army.  They need look
   no farther than the photo of drug lord Ng with Bill and Hillary
   Clinton to wonder why."

 Hubbell The Key To Corruption

 The direct link between Beijing espionage, millionaire drug
 lords and Bill Clinton is Webster Hubbell.  In 1993, Webster
 Hubbell was personally charged by Janet Reno with a Top Secret
 project to tap every phone in America.  Hubbell's initial task
 was to tap every phone in the U.S. government, starting with the
 Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA).

 In February 1999, the Dept. of Justice was forced by the Freedom
 of Information Act (FOIA) to release the Hubbell files.
 According to the Dept. of Justice, many of the Hubbell documents
 are being withheld for "national security" reasons.  In
 addition, "fifteen" Hubbell documents remain in the hands of the
 FBI and NSA to be reviewed prior to any release.

 According to the NSA, FBI and NSC, the Hubbell files are so
 sensitive that to release them today may result in charges of
 treason and the death penalty.  The newly released Hubbell files
 are so secret that even the code word classification level was
 blacked out for "national security" reasons by the National
 Security Agency (NSA), FBI, and National Security Council (NSC).

 Furthermore, the Dept. of Justice was forced to admit that a
 1993 letter from AT&T CEO Robert Allen to Hubbell was "destroyed
 pursuant to the records destruction schedules."  This in itself
 is highly suspect because this author has obtained documents
 dating as far back as 1983 that were returned by the National
 Security Council (NSC) - over 10 years prior to the "destroyed"
 AT&T Hubbell letter.

 One document released by the Justice Dept. is a March 1993
 Justice Dept. memo from Stephen Colgate, Assistant Attorney
 General for Administration.  Colgate's memo to Hubbell details
 the Clinton officials charged with bugging every phone in

 According to the Colgate memo, Vice President Al Gore was to
 chair a meeting with Hubbell, Reno, Commerce Secretary Ron
 Brown, and Leon Panetta in March 1993.  The meeting was on the
 "AT&T Telephone Security Device".

 In 1992, AT&T had developed secure telephones the U.S.
 government could not tap.  The Clinton administration secretly
 contracted with AT&T to keep the phones off the American market.
 According to Colgate, the secure phones were simply too
 dangerous for American citizens.

 Assistant Attorney General Colgate wrote to Hubbell "AT&T has
 developed a Data Encryption Standard (DES) product for use on
 telephones to provide security for sensitive conversations.  The
 FBI, NSA and NSC want to purchase the first production run of
 these devices to prevent their proliferation.  They are
 difficult to decipher and are a deterrent to wiretaps."

 In 1993, Webster Hubbell was personally tasked with the project
 by Reno and Clinton.  Hubbell arranged for the entire production
 run of secure AT&T phones to be secretly purchased by the Dept.
 of Justice, using a slush fund supplied by confiscations from
 the "drug war" to keep the buy off the general books.

 Part of the secret project included re-fitting the purchased
 AT&T phones with a new chip called "Clipper" developed by the
 NSA at Ft. Meade, Maryland.  This chip contained a secret
 "exploitable" feature allowing the government to tap the phone
 conversation with a special back door key.

 The project also included plans to "mandate" the Clipper chip be
 installed in all American telephones.  According to the March
 1993 Colgate memo to Hubbell, "FBI, NSA and NSC want to push
 legislation which would require all government agencies and
 eventually everyone in the U.S. to use a new public-key based
 cryptography method."

 The re-fitted Clipper phones were to be given to the DEA for
 their line agents to use.  According to a 1993 classified White
 House email from George Tenet, "Ron Brown" insisted the Commerce
 Dept. be one of the "key holders" for all Clipper phones.  Thus,
 the Dept. of Commerce and Ron Brown demanded direct access to
 tap any phone in America.

 According to highly classified documents, Webster Hubbell also
 received a letter from AT&T CEO Robert Allen in October of 1993.
 The AT&T letter, according to the Dept. of Justice, was
 "destroyed."  However, the "control data sheet" a summary of the
 AT&T letter to Hubbell survived.

 According to the data sheet, Robert Allen wanted the Clinton
 administration to allow AT&T to distribute a limited version of
 their secure phone until the government Clipper project was

 One document returned from the files of Webster Hubbell was so
 classified that five pages are currently being withheld by the
 NSA, FBI and NSC for "national security" reasons.  The Top
 Secret cover page even has the classified code word blacked out
 by the NSA.

 The document, a Top Secret Jan. 1994 memo to Janet Reno from
 Mark Richard, Deputy Assistant Attorney General, describes a
 classified "principles" meeting of a "NSC chaired Inter-Agency
 Working Group".

 The Hubbell files show that in 1994 the soon-to-be-felon met
 with Vice President Gore, Ron Brown, NSA Director McConnell and
 White House power broker, John Podesta.  The files show Hubbell
 met in late January 1994 at "the White House Situation Room" on
 secret Presidential orders such as "PDD-5" and "PRD-27".  The
 1994 secret meeting included details on the Clipper project and
 "Podesta Alternative Draft Legislation."

 John Podesta's brother, Tony Podesta, is the owner of Podesta
 Associates, a D.C. based lobby firm.  In 1994, Podesta
 Associates represented a dozen major donors to Bill Clinton,
 including AT&T.  Many DNC/Podesta Associates donors, including
 AT&T, obtained trade trips to Beijing and valuable export deals
 with China.

 According to documents obtained from the Commerce Dept., Tony
 Podesta obtained classified encryption briefings for his lobby
 group inside the White House.  The computer companies, including
 Apple, AT&T, Digital, Cray, Unisys and Silicon Graphics, are
 called the Computer Systems Policy Project (CSPP).  In 1994, the
 CSPP was represented by the brother of White House power broker
 John Podesta.

 In 1993, White House employee John Podesta was also charged by
 Bill Clinton with making encryption policy.  The Hubbell
 documents clearly show that in 1994 John and Tony were working
 the same subject, at the same time, and in the same place.

 According to Congressional investigators, in 1993 John Podesta
 signed a legal statement in which he promised not to engage in
 any conflict of interest with his brother Tony Podesta.  In
 1997, according to White House lawyers, John Podesta was
 absolved of any conflict with his brother by President Clinton.

 In April of 1994, Hubbell resigned from the Justice Department
 under allegations of fraud.  By late June 1994, Lippo boss James
 Riady met with John Huang, Webster Hubbell and Bill Clinton
 during five days of White House visits.  Early the next week, a
 Lippo unit paid Hubbell the first $100,000 of what is reported
 to be over a half million dollars.

 In December 1994, Hubbell pled guilty to several felony charges
 relating to illegal billing in the Whitewater affair.  Webster
 Hubbell also cited his Fifth Amendment rights to not testify
 before the Senate Congressional hearings.

 Two weeks after the Lippo money was given to Mr. Hubbell, John
 Huang got his job at the Commerce Department as Assistant
 Secretary.  Huang's position determined technology transfers
 that went to places such as Indonesia and Communist China.  Mr.
 Huang and his wife have both taken the Fifth Amendment and
 refused to testify at Senate Congressional hearings.

 DNC fundraiser, former Lippo banker and secret cleared Commerce
 employee John Huang was briefed 37 times on encryption
 communications by the CIA while working at the Brown controlled
 Commerce Department.  Immediately after each briefing, Huang
 would walk across the street to the Lippo/Stephens Group offices
 and make long distance phone calls and send faxes to points

 In 1994, Podesta Associates client, AT&T, sold military grade
 secure communications systems directly to the Chinese Army under
 the guise of a "commercial" sale.  The export, called "Hua
 Mei", included encryption computer source code, enabling the
 Chinese Army to change their secret code systems at will.

 The secure military grade export left America with the full
 blessing of Bill Clinton.  Hua Mei is one of many such military
 grade systems exported to directly into the hands of the
 Generals in Beijing by Mr. Clinton.

 Clinton gave the PLA military grade secure communications while
 secretly working to keep the same secure communications from the
 American public.  Chinese Generals now communicate with complete
 security, locking out U.S. military intelligence monitoring,
 thanks to Bill Clinton.

 The Clinton policy is far more than a paradox.  It clearly shows
 that Bill Clinton trusts Chinese communist Generals more than
 any American citizen.

 The Dept. of Justice co-operation with the Chinese government
 includes more than secure systems for the PLA.  Clinton
 authorized the Chinese Army information warfare lab LOIS
 (Laboratory of Information Security) to obtain designs with
 "exploitable" features similar to the Clipper chip.  The
 transfer took place under the guise of "law enforcement" in
 co-operation between the Dept. of Justice and the Chinese

 Bill Clinton and Janet Reno have given the Communists the
 ability to track every Chinese citizen using advanced chip
 technology and back-door like recovery systems.  The digital
 chains of a modern police state to enslave millions of Chinese
 citizens - made in the U.S.A.  American technology, shipped with
 the personal "okay" of both President Clinton and Janet Reno.

 The Clinton administration is also trying to duplicate Communist
 powers here in America.  Every Justice Dept. move to establish
 new computer tracking systems and expand wire-tapping to
 millions of phones is another abuse of power.  They want to
 monitor every American 24 hours a day and make it a crime to
 prevent illegal monitoring.

 According to the 1996 report to V.P. Gore by CIA Director
 Deutch, Ms. Reno proposed an all out Federal take-over of the
 computer industry.  The Justice Department, proposed
 "legislation that would ... ban the import and domestic
 manufacture, sale or distribution of encryption that does not
 have key recovery."

 The White House, the Dept. of Justice and the Clipper project
 were all penetrated by agents of the Chinese Army.  Ms. Reno is
 covering up the penetration.  Webster Hubbell was Clinton's man
 in the Justice Dept. and Janet Reno's right hand man.  Hubbell
 knows more than enough about Chinese espionage operatives with
 Bill Clinton to fill a novel.  Ms. Reno continues to cover it
 all up and keep the investigation of herself entirely under her

 The attempt by the PLA to obtain secret access to DEA phones
 clearly illustrates the close knit intelligence/crime syndicate
 operating inside the White House.  One does not need much
 imagination to wonder why drug lords such as DNC donor Ng
 Lapseng would want to monitor the DEA.

 DEA agents and all Americans, however, can take no solace in Ms.
 Reno's reluctance to look into the penetration of their phones
 by agents of the Chinese Army.  They need look no farther than
 the photo of drug lord Ng with Bill and Hillary Clinton to
 wonder why.


 Webster Hubbell reference page:


 1 if by land, 2 if by sea.  Paul Revere - encryption 1775

 Charles R. Smith
 SOFTWAR         http://www.softwar.net      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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         with the destruction of the truth."

          --William Jefferson Clinton, on October 15, 1995,
               speech at the University of Connecticut



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