-Caveat Lector-

>From ArabicNews.CoM

Turkish plans concerning Iraq
Turkey, Politics, 1/28/99

The Turkish daily Joumhuriet said on Wednesday that while the US is
exerting efforts to partition Iraq, Turkey on the other hand tries to
prevent such a partition.

The paper added that the Turkish foreign ministry has set up a four-stage
plan to prevent the partition of Iraq, despite the attempts made by
Washington to calm Turkish fears of the establishment of a Kurdish state in
northern Iraq.

The paper explained that the Turkish plan to prevent the partition of Iraq
is to obtain guarantees of the preservation of the territorial integrity of
Iraq, assure Baghdad's abidance by international resolutions, exert
pressures to lift the embargo imposed on Iraq and maintain political
closeness with Iraq.

The paper indicated two factors that prevent Ankara from adopting a more
effective policy toward Iraq: the Iraqi president spares no efforts in
defying the world in his actions and Washington adheres to its policy
towards Iraq. Therefore and within this framework there are no other
options to settle problems in Iraq.

Within the same context, the Turkish daily "Hurriet" said that axis of
Washington - Tel Aviv - Ankara has become a reality while Turkish -
European relations have weakened. The paper asserted that Washington knows
well the deterioration in Turkish relations with Europe, therefore
Washington is careful to pursue matters like projects to transport Caspian
oil, pursuit of the leader of the Kurdish Workers Party organization and
using Turkey's need for the loans of the International Monetary Fund IMF in
order to increase "Turkish reliance and dependence on the US."

The paper added that Turkey can not alienate herself totally from the West,
by endangering its relations with the US. For that reason, the paper added,
the Turkish Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit adopted a realistic policy through
subjugating to the US strike against Iraq and for allowing the US to use
the Turkish Incirlik military base in the southern Turkey city of Adanah.

The Turkish Daily News highlighted the strong concern felt by Ecevit toward
the possible establishment of a Kurdish state if conditions continue to
deteriorate in Iraq and claims raised by the Hashemites, supporters of King
Hussein of Jordan, on rights in the southern territories in Iraq.

The paper added that the US ambassador told Ecevit in a meeting held on
Monday that King Hussein repeated his desire in 1995 to lead the Hashemites
in the Arab world.

The paper added that Ecevit called for amendment of the regional security
plan as follows:

The need to launch a campaign to explain the adverse consequences of
monitoring northern Iraq, and dangers inflicted on Turkey as result and the
region for all governments concerned including the US, making intensive
diplomatic contacts to lift obstacles behind merging Iraq with the world
according to UN Security Council resolution 688;

In line with the efforts made to unify Iraq, the Iraqi government has to
provide guarantees to preserve human rights and maintain equality among all
Iraqi people, regardless of their sect and to accept international
monitoring for human rights issues in Iraq;

The representatives of the ethnic groups have to avoid acts of provocation
and to show a spirit of reconciliation and initiate a dialogue with Baghdad
in order to achieve peace;

The need to remind of the rights of the "Turkmens" in Iraq and Baghdad has
to ensure certain rights for them;

Continued UN inspection of the nuclear and chemical weapons in Iraq and
intensifying efforts to eliminate weapons of mass destruction;

Building confidence between Israel and Iraq and calling upon the Iraqi
government to announce its support for the peace process between the
Palestinians and Israel; and to release a statement saying that Iraq has to
work and cooperate for lifting the economic embargo which inflicted great
damages on citizens of northern Iraq.

British Labor parliamentarians at the House of Commons criticize raids on
Iraq, Politics, 1/28/99

Members of Parliament from the ruling British Labor Party at the House of
Commons on Wednesday criticized the continued US air strikes against Iraqi
positions and called not for taking further military actions against Iraq.

In a statement they released on Wednesday the British parliamentarians
called upon the British government not to take part in any military act
against Iraq unless such an act is approved by two thirds of the House of

The statements added that the British government has no right to get
involved in any long-term military struggle without consulting the British
House of Commons.

The statement also criticized recent rumors of the participation of British
intelligence agents in inspection operations for Iraqi weapons under the
cover of the UN weapons inspection team, UNSCOM.

Albright discusses shelling of Iraq with Saudi leadership
Saudi Arabia, Politics, 1/28/99

Saudi sources said that the visit paid by US Secretary of State Madeleine
Albright to Saudi Arabia last night and her meeting with Saudi officials is
for making consultations with the Saudi leaders regarding containing and
changing the government in Iraq. The sources added that Albright tried to
gain Saudi support for its policy toward Iraq, especially for keeping the
sanctions on Iraq and continuing to resort to power to suppress the Iraqi

US secretary of state leaves today for Amman after Egypt and Saudi Arabia
Egypt, Politics, 1/28/99

Egyptian Foreign Minister Amr Moussa has announced that talks between
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and US Secretary of State Madeleine
Albright centered on the Iraqi crisis, the current stalemate in the Middle
East peace process on various tracks and bilateral relations between the
two countries.

In a joint press conference he held on Wednesday in Cairo with Albright,
Moussa said, "Egypt is against any military act against Iraq and supports
Iraq's sovereignty and unity." He explained that the recent statement
released by the Arab foreign ministers held in Cairo embodies the Arab
position towards Iraq and the need to alleviate the suffering of the Iraqi

For her part, Albright said that the suspension of the Middle East peace
process is the main challenge for US policy in the region at this juncture.

On Wednesday night Albright arrived in Saudi Arabia, and she is to arrive
today in Amman on an unscheduled visit.

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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