-Caveat Lector-

> >From: IFC NewsList <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: FBI, MI5 ran Secret Informer
> >Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2002 18:11:19 +0000
> >
> >
> >www.irishfreedomcommittee.net
> >-----------------------------
> >
> >Subject:  FBI, MI5 ran Secret Informer
> >Date:  08 11 02
> >
> >In addition to being paid millions for his testimony, and being granted
> >full exoneration from Federal crimes he committed in the United States;
> >it has now emerged that the clandestine activities of informer David
> >Rupert within the Irish Free State were hidden from Irish authorities by
> >the FBI and Britain's MI5 for four years.
> >
> >As the circle of lies and deception which have followed David Rupert
> >since his early years grows ever larger and more apparent in the eyes of
> >the world, it is clear that any statements he has made to earn his keep
> >can only be viewed as pure science fiction.
> >
> >
> >The Irish Freedom Committee®
> >www.irishfreedomcommittee.net
> >************************************************
> >
> >
> >Irish Voice
> >08 09 02
> >
> >FBI, MI5 ran Secret Informer
> >-by Liz Walsh in Dublin, Irish Abroad
> >
> >The FBI and the British intelligence agency, MI5, operated American spy
> >David Rupert in the Republic of Ireland for four years without telling
> >Irish authorities.
> >
> >Rupert is the key witness against Michael McKevitt, who will be tried in
> >a Dublin court for directing terrorism. McKevitt is the alleged head of
> >the real IRA, the Republican splinter group that carried out the Omagh
> >bombing.
> >
> >Extensive intelligence documents seen by the Irish Voice reveal that
> >that the FBI and MI5 deliberately withheld information on Rupert's
> >activities from the Irish Garda (police) from late 1996 until 2000. This
> >may prove highly embarrassing for the Garda Siochana when the
> >information emerges in the course of the trial, expected to be the most
> >important terrorist trial in the Republic in decades.
> >
> >One document from October 2000 states, 'The fact that AGS (Gardai) were
> >kept in the dark about source for so long and no authorization from RoI
> >(Republic of Ireland) authorities will have serious implications for
> >future proceedings against target (McKevitt.)' The documents indicate
> >that it was MI5 ' not the Gardai ' who drove the intelligence operation
> >against McKevitt and that initially, Rupert pleaded with the FBI and MI5
> >not to put him on the stand. 'I have no intention of me being used as a
> >witness,' he told his MI5 handlers via e-mail the year before McKevitt's
> >arrest in late March 2001.
> >
> >MI5's response of May 2000 stated, 'We have no plan on asking you to
> >testify . . . That is not to say that we could not plan and execute one
> >of the most meaningful cases in the history of Irish terrorism . . . I
> >want you to read the section on testifying in the new contract. It would
> >be worth your while to consider testifying against McKevitt.' The
> >intelligence documents show that David Rupert ' FBI informant 524854N2 '
> >began receiving payments from the FBI in 1994, initially in the form of
> >expenses. His recruitment followed the investigation into his alleged
> >fraud and smuggling operations which the FBI appeared to be holding over
> >his head.
> >
> >By 2000, he was on FBI and MI5 payrolls and had received the equivalent
> >of $4 million for infiltrating the Real IRA and another dissident group,
> >the Continuity IRA.
> >
> >Rupert was also involved in negotiations with the FBI over a $900,000
> >demand from the Internal Revenue Service. In correspondence with the
> >FBI, he admits to giving the IRS a false address in Bundoran, Co.
> >Donegal 'to keep them at bay.' The documentation suggests that this debt
> >was a major issue and that he was holding out on testifying until it was
> >sorted out.
> >
> >In May 2000, he told the FBI, 'I need you to look at my tax problem
> >before I consider testifying.' It was eventually settled for $25,000.
> >
> >From 1994 until early 1996, Rupert worked for the FBI, reporting to FBI
> >handler Ed Buckley on American Irish support groups, including the Irish
> >Freedom Committee (IFC). The IFC was aligned to Republican Sinn Féin, a
> >Republican splinter group that split with Sinn Féin in 1986.
> >
> >In 1995, he took a lease on a pub in Co. Leitrim while forming links
> >with Republicans, mainly in the Donegal area. The following February the
> >FBI directed him to report to Detective Chief Superintendent (now
> >assistant Garda commissioner) Dermot Jennings at Garda Headquarters in
> >Dublin. Around this time, the FBI began to take a back seat.
> >
> >However, Rupert had a row with the Gardai over payments he falsely
> >claims he was owed. The documentation refers to an argument over money
> >between Rupert and a senior Garda officer that took place in the back of
> >a bread van in October 1996.
> >
> >He returned to the U.S. and was redeployed by the FBI. Not only do the
> >FBI appear to have backed Rupert in the dispute, but they also indicated
> >that the Gardai were not competent to run agents such as Rupert. One
> >comment reads, 'We should have been looking over our shoulders.' The
> >following summer, the FBI directed Rupert to link up with an MI5 agent
> >by the name of Norman in a central London hotel. Specifically, he was
> >told 'not to go anywhere too public and come to Dermot Jennings'
> >attention.' During this time he was briefed regularly by MI5 in London,
> >traveled to Ireland to get whatever information was required, then flew
> >back to London for a full debriefing. It appears, however, that some
> >meetings between him and MI5 agents took place within the republic
> >without the knowledge or authorization of the Republic's authorities. At
> >some of these meetings, MI5 paid money to Rupert in Irish punts.
> >
> >At one briefing around September 1997, he was ordered to find out if
> >'Slab' Murphy, the alleged chief of staff of the Provisional IRA, was
> >wavering over the Provisionals' peace strategy. As a cover, he was told
> >to use the name of a television journalist in Chicago who was interested
> >in broadcasting a program on the Irish peace process.
> >
> >The Real IRA was formed following the IRA split that October. By 1999,
> >Rupert had apparently worked his way into the heart of the organization.
> >
> >
> >In Michael McKevitt's trial in the non-jury Special Criminal Court next
> >February, Rupert will claim that he attended Army Council meetings at
> >which McKevitt was present. He will further allege that the prominent
> >Republican asked him to acquire equipment for the dissident
> >organization.
> >
> >In mid June 2000 ' four months before he agreed to testify ' MI5
> >contacted Rupert saying they expected an imminent breakdown in the
> >Loyalist ceasefire and suggested that some Catholic fatalities would
> >suit British intelligence.
> >
> >'We need you to prompt McKevitt and others on how OnE (Oglaigh na
> >hEireann) would react. This situation would suit us all; the Loyalists
> >kill a few Catholics, one could react, you get us the details and you
> >get your bonus.' MI5 documentation further shows that Rupert demanded '5
> >million to testify against McKevitt: 'When discussing the possibility of
> >giving evidence against McKevitt, source stated that it was dependent on
> >him receiving '5million.' That figure is further referred to ' 'He says
> >he wants '5 million for his testimony to be'-' (The following text is
> >blacked out.) There is nothing in the documentation to show that Rupert
> >was in fact paid to give evidence against Michael McKevitt, but by
> >October he had 'tentatively agreed to testify.' This agreement was
> >conditional 'on the right financial terms' being reached, he stated.
> >
> >Ultimately it is up to the court to assess the credibility of Rupert.
> >The state is expected to strongly refute allegations that his testimony
> >was obtained by threats or inducements.
> >
> >McKevitt is charged with membership of the IRA between August 1999 and
> >March 2001 and with directing the activities of the same organization.
> >The directing charge carries a penalty of life imprisonment. In general,
> >the opinion of a Garda chief superintendent is sufficient to sustain a
> >membership charge, but the state's case on the directing charge rests
> >totally on the testimony of Rupert.
> >
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