-Caveat Lector-


Joint Exercise In The Gulf Is Dress Rehearsal For War
Oct 21, 2002
Source: The Times

Britian's top war planners are to take part in an American exercise in the
Gulf that will be a dry run for any invasion of Iraq. Senior planners from
the Permanent Joint Headquarters at Northwood and senior staff officers from
Britain's 1st (UK) Armoured Division in Germany are joining their American
counterparts in Qatar next month. Some have already left and their
involvement is seen as the next stage in preparing for war.

Even though there is still no formal political approval for committing
Britain's Armed Forces to a war on Iraq, all three Services now want to be
involved in next month's exercise. It will be held at Qatar's al-Udeid base
and will provide a crucial opportunity to test communications for a land,
sea and air operation.

The base has been redeveloped and expanded to provide the Americans with an
operational headquarters and a launch pad for air attacks. The MoD indicated
that a small element from the Permanent Joint Headquarters at Northwood,
northwest London, from where all Britain's big military operations are
planned and run, would join the Americans in Qatar.

However, with the UN Security Council expected this week to produce a tough
resolution giving Iraq deadlines for declaring its weapons of mass
destruction and co-operating with UN arms inspectors, the Qatar exercise is
now seen as a dress rehearsal for war.

Staff from the Permanent Joint Headquarters had been due to take part in an
exercise in an African country next month; that will be cancelled, but an
announcement has yet to be made by the MoD.

The whole of the tri-Service HQ planning team will now focus on Iraq and key
elements will go to Qatar to contribute to the work of the staff of General
Tommy Franks, Commander-in-Chief of the US Central Command.

On the assumption that Washington will want Britain to provide a heavy
armoured force, the MoD has earmarked the 1st (UK) Armoured Division as part
of its contingency planning, which is why elements of the Germany-based
formation are also expected to go to Qatar next month.

The commander of the division is Major-General Robin Brims, but he is not
expected to go there himself. General Brims was due to relinquish his
command of 1st (UK) Armoured Division within the next six months.

His successor is lined up to be Brigadier Peter Wall. However, defence
sources said that the changeover would not take place if the 1st (UK)
Armoured Division were committed to a war in Iraq. General Brims would
remain in command, they said. Two of the division's three brigades, the 7th
and 4th armoured brigades, are on notice for action in Iraq.

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