Dear Sirs & Madams;

It is telling, how some use their powerful positions of community
responsibility. The local media black-outs of the CIA-Drugs Symposium are
defining decisions. The standard dishonest litany of excuses, began with, "We
just don't have enough staff."

Not enough to "just" stop-by an event open 14 hrs?

I have been told, "I have a political agenda." According to some "I just want
to legalize drugs." I do not. I am anti-prohibition. Prohibition "just"
doesn't work. I would much rather see drugs regulated. Drugs are currently
unregulated and completely out of control. No one bothered to ask  . . . and
this symposium wasn't about that.

The US Intelligence agencies are intimately involved with the international
narcotics trade. This gigantic trade has totally corrupted our governmental
and financial systems. Non-coverage by local media, de-legitimizes an event,
the caliber of presenters and their messages and de-values paid

Why was this deliberately done? Local newsrooms were given several advance
press notices. A well-published retired professor from UC Berkeley; a 12-year
DEA veteran; an ex-LAPD officer; an ex-Black Panther; a former FAA
investigator; an executive TV producer for shows aired internationally by NBC
and a former Asst. Secretary of HUD came to Eugene. Hundreds of citizens
heard and asked questions for themselves about how and why cheap heroin is
flooding our streets . . . and the local media ignores the event. Reporters
from NY, SF, Seattle and Portland "stopped-by" the event.

Where does one go for honest dialogue . . . here?

RA Kris Millegan

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