-Caveat Lector-

  Canadian UFO Reports Up 2% Last Year, Says National Study

                                                               Feb 27, 2001
 17:13 PST

    Canadian UFO Reports Up 2% Last Year, Says National Study

    There were 2% more UFO reports filed in Canada in 2000 than 1999,
    according to the findings of a national study released today.

       "We found a slight increase over the year before," says Chris
    Rutkowski, editor of the study. "There were 263 UFO sightings
         reported in Canada in 2000, about 11% more than the average
    recorded since 1989 when we began compiling this data."

       Rutkowski is research coordinator for Ufology Research of Manitoba
    (UFOROM), a civilian group that gathers and studies UFO
    reports made to Canadian volunteer civilian groups and government
    agencies. UFOROM has been publishing an annual survey of
       Canadian UFO sightings since 1989 and has accumulated almost 3,000
    Canadian UFO cases since the beginning of the last
         decade. They look at details such as where a UFO was seen, the time
    of day, its colour, shape and observed behaviour.

                                        Other findings of the 2000 study:
                In 2000, more UFOs were reported in the late summer and
    early fall than any other time of the year.

    About 13% of all UFO reports were unexplained. This percentage of
    unknowns falls to about 5% when only high-quality cases are

    UFO incidents usually have more than one witness; in fact, most UFO
    sightings have two witnesses, meaning that sightings can
                                     usually be corroborated by someone

    The typical UFO sighting lasted between five and eight minutes in 2000,
    giving witness enough time to get a good look at what they
                                               were seeing.

                       Most UFOs were reported in western and northern
    Canada, including the Yukon.

    "We’re not saying that aliens are invading Canada, only that people
    continue to report UFOs quite regularly," explains Rutkowski.
    "Most UFOs have simple explanations, but the unexplained ones are
    still interesting, although not necessarily from Mars. Report
            numbers are increasing, even though in this advanced
    technological age, science tells us that UFOs aren’t real."

        He adds: "This research will allow scientists to be better informed
    concerning the actual characteristics of a popular social
                                    phenomenon that is pervasive in our

                                         For further information, contact:

                      Chris Rutkowski, editor, e-mail:
    [EMAIL PROTECTED] or phone: 204-269-7553

                             Geoff Dittman, data analysis, e-mail:

                              The study is available online at:

    • Story originally published by •
    UFO Research of Manitoba News Release - February 27 2001

    EcoNews Service
    http://www.ecologynews.com >>

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