-Caveat Lector-

 -------- forwarded messages --------
 From:         Bill Perkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 To:           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date:         Thu, 28 Jan 1999
 Subject:      APPs: Word97 Macro Nightmare

 Fellow Listmembers:

         I felt that this is definitely worth sharing:
 (from an informative newsletter that I receive weekly)

 -----Quote begins--->

 Patch for a serious security  bug in Microsoft Word 97


 Here is the stuff MSFT won't tell you about this bug:  If you
 have Office installed, and you use Internet Explorer to view
 an infected Web page, that page -- without your knowledge, or
 any action on your part -- can wreak havoc on your system.
 It can drop a virus, delete a folder, scramble data, send
 your tax files to Timbuktu... anything.  Similarly, if you
 use Outlook 98 or later to view an infected HTML message,
 that message -- with no action on your part - can do anything
 to your system. (This is one MORE reason to install windows
 WITHOUT IE !)  --Terry Blount

 From: "Fred Langa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999
 Subj: 1-25-99 LangaList

 If it's not One Bug...

 Microsoft released this note about a Word 97 security glitch
 this week:

 "The Word 97 Template Security Patch addresses a
 vulnerability that allows malicious code to be run without
 warning when a user opens a Word 97 document. Currently, when
 you open a Word document that contains macros, you receive a
 warning message asking whether or not you want to enable the
 macros. However, if a document that doesn't contain macros is
 linked to a template that contains macros, you do not receive
 a warning message. A hacker could exploit this vulnerability
 by causing malicious code to be run without warning when a
 user visits a Web site or opens a Word document attached to
 an e-mail message. This malicious code could be used to
 damage data on a user's system."

 Note that this only affects Word 97.

 Microsoft has released a patch that plugs the security hole
 while allowing normal use of macros and templates. If you're
 running Word97, grab the patch at:


 ...It's Another

 Are you running
     Microsoft Office 97
     Microsoft Outlook 98
     Microsoft Project 98
     Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0
     Any third-party product that includes Visual Basic for
     applications 5.0?

 If so, you also have a security hole.

 You can tell if you're affected by going to your
 \Windows\System; see if you have the file Fm20.dll there.
 If you do, right click on it and check the properties.

 If the file date of your FM20.dll file is earlier than
 January 11, 1999 you need an updated version.  With the older
 versions, a malicious programmer can use a security hole in
 the DLL to read information stored in your clipboard.

 You can get the update at:



 For those of you who'd like to subscribe to the MS Security Bulletin
 go to <http://www.microsoft.com/security/services/subscribe.asp> and
 click on the mailto.

 They have two new patches available regarding these two new problems:

 MS99-002: Patch Available for "Word 97 Template" Vulnerability.
 (January 21, 1999)

 MS99-001: Patch Available for exposure in Forms 2.0 TextBox Control
 that allows data to be read from user's Clipboard. (January 21, 1999)


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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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