-Caveat Lector-

NASA Computers Found Insecure

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A government investigation into NASA's cyber security
found it so vulnerable to attack that hackers could easily disrupt command
and control operations, including the tracking of earth-orbiting spacecraft.

The General Accounting Office said last week that its teams also penetrated
systems that process and distribute the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration's scientific data and broke into many of NASA's most vital

``Having obtained access to these systems, we could have disrupted NASA's
ongoing command and control operations and stolen, modified or destroyed
system software and data,'' said the report from the GAO, the investigative
arm of Congress.

NASA officials said they agreed with many of the GAO's findings and were
working to improve security, but the report possibly exaggerates the extent
of the problem.

Working with NASA personnel, the GAO arranged within the last year to have
National Security Agency experts try to break into systems vital to NASA's
mission. They targeted systems at one of NASA's 10 field centers.

The teams ``initially penetrated these systems using easily guessed
passwords'' that provided limited access, then used that access to find ways
of breaking through to deeper, more damaging areas, the report said. ``Worse
still, some accounts had no passwords at all,'' it said.

Among the report's findings:

One hundred and thirty-five of the 155 mission-critical systems reviewed did
not meet NASA's own risk requirements.

NASA's security guidance did not specify what information can be posted on
the World Wide Web or how critical systems should be protected.

NASA had conducted no agencywide review of its information technology
security at its 10 field centers since 1991.

NASA failed to provide required computer security training and did not
centrally coordinate responses to security incidents.

Moreover, NASA's systems are extensively interconnected through the Internet
``and can be an attractive target for individuals and organizations desiring
to learn about or damage NASA's operations, including would-be hackers as
well as industrial spies and foreign intelligence agents,'' the report said.

Sen. Fred Thompson, R-Tenn., who requested the GAO investigation, called the
results troubling and unacceptable.

``NASA spent more than $1 billion last year on information systems to support
a wide range of critical missions, including the space shuttle, international
space station and Mars Pathfinder,'' Thompson, chairman of the Committee on
Governmental Affairs, said in a statement. ``Now we're learning that the
security and integrity of many of these computing systems is vulnerable to

NASA official J.R. Dailey wrote to GAO officials that NASA agreed with many
of the findings. But he said, ``Penetration testing of a limited number of
systems at one center cannot be extrapolated to all of NASA's
mission-critical systems at all of its centers.''

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