-Caveat Lector-


(CNNS, 05/09/99) -- Incomprehensible to  many will be the thought
that NATO is purposefully targeting civilians in Yugoslavia  with
its  bombs and missiles.  Because most people are basically good,
they cannot fathom the possibility of such evil.

But it increasingly appears that NATO's new strategy is to attack
civilians and non-military targets as  a method of weakening Serb
morale and thereby achieving victory.

A precedent for such a strategy was  set in World War 2, when the
Allies, through  analysis  and  projection,  arrived  at  precise
figures on how many Germans rendered homeless would result in the
German  people  no  longer  supporting  Hitler and the Nazis.  An
exact figure was determined:  if a certain percentage of civilian
housing  was  destroyed,  Germany  would  quickly  lose  the war.
Consequent  to  their  statistical  analysis,  the  Allies  began
bombing German civilian housing.

(A possibly analagous situation is economic  understanding  that,
so  long as a certain percentage of Americans are benefiting from
the "good economy," they  will  not  care about whatever horrible
things their leaders do.  "It's the economy, stupid,"  said  Bill

The Serb people have  rallied  around  Slobodan Milosevic and his
government, consequent to the initial start of  NATO  hostilities
on  March  24,  1999.   Since  then,  NATO  has recently begun to
escalate their air  attacks.   Hitting  only  military targets in
Yugoslavia hadn't been succeeding.  NATO's *apparent* solution to
the dilemma has been to hike their bombing of  military  targets.
But  as  in  World  War 2, has a high-level decision been reached
that, to win,  NATO  must  attack  civilians and civilian-related

A decision to more directly affect civilians through its  bombing
campaign  is  shown by recent NATO attacks on the Radio-TV Serbia
(RTS) building and on the Yugoslav electric supply.  "We can turn
off your lights at any time," exulted NATO after a high-tech bomb
did just that.  How military of a target are the RTS building and
a Serb power plant?

Recent  news  items  suggest  that,  far  from  suddenly becoming
extremely  "bad  shots,"  NATO  has  implemented  a  new,  hidden
strategy, in which the Yugoslav civilian  population  has  become
*intentional* targets, both directly and indirectly:

** NATO pooh-poohed Yugoslavia's alleged  interception  of  radio
communication   between  a  NATO  pilot  and  his  guiding  AWACS
controller.  NATO  claimed  the  tape  of  the  communication was
doctored.  What if NATO is lying?  What if  the  purported  radio
interception is accurate? Here is a partial transcript:

  F-16  pilot:   Charlie  Bravo  to Mother.  I maintain 3,000
  feet.  A column of cars,  some tractors are below me.  What
  is it?  Request instructions.

  AWACS:   Mother  to  Charlie  Bravo.   Do  you  see  tanks?
  Repeat, where are tanks?

  F-16 pilot:  Charlie Bravo to Mother.  I see  tractors.   I
  hope Reds have not camouflaged tanks into tractors.

  AWACS:   Mother  to  Charlie Bravo.  What kind of a strange
  convoy?  What civilians?  Hell.  It's  all  Serbian  doing.
  Destroy the target!

  F-16  pilot:   Charlie  Bravo  to  Mother.   What  shall  I
  destroy,  tractors, ordinary cars?  Repeat, I see no tanks.
  Request further instructions.

  AWACS:  Mother to Charlie Bravo.   It is a military target.
  Absolutely legitimate military target.  Destroy the target!
  Repeat, destroy the target!

  F-16  pilot:    Charlie   Bravo   to  Mother.   Understood.

But the target, it  turned  out,  was  not military.  At least 75
civilians were killed. [1]

** On May 7th, NATO  dropped  a  "cluster  bomb" over Nis, a city
with a  large  civilian  population.   Cluster  bombs  are  *not*
precision  weapons.  They explode in the air and scatter hundreds
of little bombs  over  a  wide  area.   The  May 7th cluster bomb
targeted an area of Nis where  there  are  no  Serb  military  or
police facilities.  At least 11 civilians were killed and several
dozens  were  wounded,  after the cluster bomb detonated over the
"Big Market" area of Nis, where people do their shopping. [2]

** On May 5th, a convoy of  vehicles  from  Greece  was  carrying
humanitarian  supplies  into  Yugoslavia.  The convoy was clearly
marked with a "Doctors of  the  World"  logo.  NATO had also been
informed  in  advance  that  the  humanitarian  convoy  would  be
travelling through  the  region.   Nonetheless,  the  convoy  was
attacked  by  a  NATO  missile.   Subsequent to the attack, Greek
newspapers quoted Dr. Lakis Nikolau,  who was travelling with the
convoy, as follows:  "That what happened  has  been  planned  and
designed  by  NATO  in  advance,  something  like  a premeditated
murder.  There is no other  explanation.   They knew who we were,
where we were going and why, because they had  been  informed  in
time.  Therefore, there is no justification." [3]

** Indirectly targeting civilians  in  Yugoslavia have been "soft
bombs," which destroy energy supplies.  More ominously, NATO  has
been  bombing  oil facilities and chemical industries.  While the
destruction of oil and  chemical  plants can perhaps be justified
as  military  targets,  there  is  nevertheless  a   consequently
developing ecological catastrophe sure to harm civilians as well.
General Stanislaw Petrow of the Russian Ministry of Defense warns
of  "great  danger"  which  threatens  "oil  spills in the Danube
river, floating through the European  countries" and leading to a
"great ecological catastrophe."  The bombing of chemical  plants,
causing  release  of contaminants into the atmosphere, raises the
specter of "'the cancer  disease  in the territories of Bulgaria,
Greece, Hungary and Italy,' that with dioxides endanger the  soil
and the drinking-water facilities, for a long time, concludes the
Russian general." [4]

** Reports that NATO has bombed civilian targets  do  not  become
"true"  for many Americans unless and until NATO says so.  In the
cases of the cluster bombing  of  Nis and the bombing of tractors
by the F-16 pilot, NATO grudgingly will admit  it  happened,  but
never   admits   the   attacks  are  done  purposefully,  due  to
implementation of a  new,  escalated,  secret, "war on civilians"
policy.  In the case of the dropping of a  non-precision  cluster
bomb  on  a  busload  of civilians on May 3rd, it is not known by
this news service whether NATO has confirmed or denied the story.
But the Tanjug News Wire  reports that "Twenty civilians died and
at least 43 were wounded when the NATO aggressor dropped  cluster
bombs  into  a  bus full of children, women and old people of all
nationalities, near Savine Vode on the Pec-Kula-Rozaje road." [5]

Bear  in  mind  that  at  the  start  of  hostilities, reports of
civilian casualties were minimal.  But  in  the past two weeks or
so, a sudden surge in civilian casualties has been occuring.  Has
NATO just coincidentally and abruptly become a  very  poor  shot?
Or   is  there  some  new,  secret  policy  which  they  are  not

---------------------------<< Notes >>---------------------------
[1] "F-16 pilot: What should I destroy? Tractors?"
www.serbia-info.com/news  4/19/99
[2] "Civilian victims of NATO  attack  - Nis."  Tanjug News Wire,
[3]  "Attack  on  aid convoy - premeditated murder."  Tanjug News
Wire, 5/7/99.
[4] "Petrow: Using 'soft bombs' provokes ecological consequence."
www.serbia-info.com/news   5/6/99
[5] "Twenty civilians killed." Tanjug News Wire, 5/3/99.

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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