-Caveat Lector-

>From KCNA

Noble traits of army-people unity

   Pyongyang, May 17 (KCNA) -- Light comedy "Comrade" is being put on
the stage in Korea. The light comedy, produced by creative staff and
artistes of the April 25 Film Studio of the Korean People's Army,
represents the noble revolutionary comradeship of the commanding
officers of the Korean People's Army who always mix with soldiers to
share weal and woe with them and look after them with paternal care.
    Artistes show the rock-firm faith and will of the KPA to highly
display the traditional traits of unity between officers and men,
strengthen the might of the revolutionary armed forces in every way,
defend the headquarters of the revolution by force of arms at the
risk of their life and accomplish the Korean revolution which started
with comradeship and has emerged victorious with comradeship.
    General Secretary Kim Jong Il appreciated the light comedy
"Comrade" a few days ago and noted great satisfaction that the
creative staff and artistes of the April 25 Film Studio created
splendidly the light comedy of great cognitive and educational
    The creative staff and artistes of the studio have conducted
literary and art activities, upholding the leadership of the Worker's
Party of Korea with loyalty for 40 years since the studio was founded
on May 16, 1959.
    They produced hundreds of feature films representing the
indomitable stamina and revolutionary fighting spirit of the heroic
Korean people, including "Soldiers' Pledge", "Azalea behind enemy
line", "Wolmi Island" and "the Checkered Career".
    A feature film "a Bellflower" reflecting love for the country and
"Morning Star" showing the self-sacrificing spirit in the period of
the Fatherland Liberation War were awarded a gold prize and a special
prize at the International Feature Film Festival.
    In recent years, the studio has produced light comedies
reflecting the ideological and mental spirit of the army and people.
The creative staff and artistes produced light comedies including
"Promise" in March 1996, "Blessing" in March 1997, "Letter" in March
1998 and "Comrade" in May 1999.

<<I think 'bombs' is supposed to be 'tombs'.>>
Groups of tombs of Tangun Korea and Koguryo dynasty

   Pyongyang, May 17 (KCNA) -- The scientific study collective of the
Korean Central History Museum recently unearthed groups of bombs
dating back to the era of Tangun Korea and Koguryo dynasty.
    The Unphyong-ri group of more than 200 tombs in the era of
Koguryo dynasty disinterred in Chosan county, Jagang Province is
scattered in six districts in the area 2,000 metres between east and
west and 350 metres between north and south along the bank of the
Amnok River. Noticeable are a tomb square in the front and circular
in the rear and a tomb of four projecting corners discovered for the
first time in Korea.
    The former is 22.5 metres in bottom length, 14.5 metres in upper
length, 10.5 metres in width and 1.95 metres in height. Unearthed
here are a horse bell, a horse girdle ring, a knife, iron nails,
earthenware and pieces of roof tiles.
    Discovered in the latter (12 metres in length, 7 metres in width
and 1.5 metres in height) are a long sword with a ring hilt a
spearhead, an iron ax and a dagger which are typical Koguryo weapons,
pieces of a bronze boring-pattern saddle and earthenware. The
scientific study collective also disinterred fingerprints oldest in
the world.

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
                                       German Writer (1759-1805)
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It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
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for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

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