-Caveat Lector-

Just posted 2 very interesting articles to my webpage



Revolt in Nepal - report and pics. (english)
by Anon. from NZ National 8:28pm Thu Jun 7 '01 (Modified on 2:57pm Fri Jun 8 '01)

I received this from an email list. The email is (I think) written by a Kiwi who is in 
Nepal. There is apparently an uprising in process-- the Crown Prince was shot in the 
back (but supposedly shot himself). No one is buying it and the people are revolting. 
(article 1)

FUCK the last two days have been some of the most amazing in my life.

The news you are getting in NZ is probably CNN bullshit. The late King and family in 
Nepal have been a symbol for the people of being independent from imperalist rule for 
a start so thatis partly why the grief is so immense. The kings brother has just now 
been crowned king and the people are uprising. The kings brother is much hated by 
nepalese people and activists alike. He was cast out from Nepal for corruption and 
went to live in India. The campaign agaisnt coprruption is huge and the pruime 
minister is also a target. So when the whole family (actually 13 people) were 
massacred the govt blamed the crown prince saying he shot everyone and then himself. 
Noone believed this. Now the govt says it was an accident. Fuck sorry if this is crazy 
but I am typing hard out we are under threat from the army who are everywhrere. So 
essentially the kings brother arranged for his son to kill everyone so he could be 
king. The pepole are not accepting him and there are riots everywhere.

Martial law has been impose and the conference is cancelled pretty much.A few of us 
are staying though and networking and supporting. The radical organisations that 
organised it have been outlawed under martial law and they fear arrest. A few of us 
have been caught up in demos on the street I think I have some good photos of the cops 
beating people with sticks but I was running as fast as I could at the time. 10 people 
have also been shot dead by the army.Ths is verty important to get out as they are 
refusing to let people report it. Also the only witness alive to the massacre has just 
been poisoned by the govt so there is no witness apart from the new kings son who 
people believe did it. The investigation commitee comprises of the ruling party only 
and is afarce. People are amazing here they have nothing but their bare hands and they 
are standing up to guns sticks knives I hope my photos are good. About 10 of us are 
keen to support the nepaese people and try and get the word back to our countries. We 
trekked into the peasant communites yesterday to share resources and food and they 
welcomed us like heros it was fucking incredible. But then we got trapped because the 
army said they would shoot us if we came back to our base. Crazy. We are reasonably 
safe becase we are forigners and we feel strongly about being part of making history. 
Nepal amy face civil war and the end of monarchy at this rate and it is a privilege 
beyond belief to be here. we are a tight knit group and hope to make some difference.

I have to run again they are imposing curfew in half an hour and if you are outside 
you are get shot.



Nowhere to hide
We can tell you if you're guilty or innocent. You can't fool the lie detector that 
knows what you are thinking. John McCrone investigates

YOU have just been arrested on suspicion of murder. You're sweating it out in the 
interrogation room with a pair of beefy detectives. But your lips are sealed--you know 
your rights.

Then with a smirk they slip a thing like a hairnet covered in dozens of tiny 
electrodes over your head and sit you down in front of a computer. Pictures of the 
crime scene begin to flash up on the screen interspersed with multiple-choice 
questions. Flash! A photo of a brick wall. Flash! "What lies behind this wall?" Flash! 
"Cement and blacktop?" Flash! "Sand and gravel?" Flash! "Weeds and grass?"

You said nothing. You were even trying not to think. But sorry buddy, your brain just 
gave you away. It couldn't help but show an electrical start of recognition at the 
image matching the memory of hurdling a wall and wading through a backyard of weeds as 
you fled.

An Orwellian fantasy? No, this technique was actually used in a recent test case at a 
County Court in Iowa. The brain reading technology was developed in university labs 
with CIA money. And it's not the only way that researchers are searching for new ways 
to probe a lying mind. The US Department of Defense is funding research into the use 
of multimillion dollar brain scanners. Other labs are looking at more low-tech 
methods, such as a simple reaction time test that can be an astonishingly reliable way 
of discovering "guilty knowledge" you might rather conceal.

The field of lie detecting is long overdue for a shake-up. The polygraph is still 
hugely controversial, based as it is on emotional responses such as sweaty palms and 
changes in blood pressure or breathing patterns. Polygraph results can be offered as 
evidence for the defence in US courts, and the American Civil Liberties Union 
estimates that more than a million tests are performed each year. But many people 
believe the polygraph is unreliable--the Internet will tell you how to fool the 
machine by clenching your buttocks or biting your tongue. However, the test is still 
widely used by security forces in the US, Israel and Japan. In the US, the FBI and CIA 
screen potential employees, and the US government is even pushing through the 
polygraph for scientists working at national research labs.

But what if you could get inside someone's head? Forget about easy-to-fake emotional 
responses. Just look for the differences in brain signals that reveal when someone is 
lying, or even probe directly for the information they're trying to conceal. Believe 
it or not, brain researchers can already do this with startling accuracy.

It all began in the early 1990s when the CIA gave a little money to Emanuel Donchin, a 
psychologist at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, and his student, 
Lawrence Farwell, to see what they could do with an EEG test. The EEG, or 
electroencephalograph, uses super-sensitive electrodes to measure fluctuations in 
electrical potential caused by patterns of brain activity. Donchin is an expert on a 
particular characteristic bump in the EEG trace called the P300, which happens about a 
third of a second after you notice something significant. It's like a mental click of 
recognition. Crucially, it's automatic and utterly predictable.

How would the P300 expose a lie? There are two ways of using a polygraph. The standard 
way is to first ask a stressful, but general, question like "Have you ever driven 
while slightly over the limit?" This creates a baseline reading before you jump in 
with the serious questions such as "Have you had unauthorised contact with a foreign 
national?" The rationale is that only guilty people will react strongly to actual 
accusations. It is of course the ease with which the knowledgeable can pump up their 
arousal during the baseline readings, disguising any later lies, which has brought the 
polygraph into such disrepute.

But there is an alternative, little-used form of testing, known as the "guilty 
knowledge test". Subjects are probed with pictures or phrases significant only to 
them. A suspected KGB agent might have been tested for an emotional reaction--such as 
a skip of the heart or ragged breathing--to KGB code words. A suspected criminal would 
be tested for knowledge of a particular crime.

Donchin and Farwell realised that the guilty knowledge test dovetailed neatly with 
P300 recording. People with secret knowledge should show a P300 to otherwise 
innocent-looking pictures or phrases. They set up a lab test in which subjects had to 
play-act spy scenarios--fictitious missions like delivering the "owl file" to a 
contact in a blue coat in a particular street. Then they recorded brain responses to 
lists of words which included innocuous alternatives like the "fog file" and a contact 
in a red scarf. Analysis of P300 responses picked out nearly 90 per cent of the 
"spies". More importantly, there were no false positives where "guilty" brain waves 
betrayed innocent people.

Although the researchers published their findings in 1991 in the journal 
Psychophysiology, nothing much more happened until this year when a hearing at 
Pottawattamie County Court in the backwoods of Iowa suddenly grabbed international 
headlines. Someone was trying to use P300 evidence to get a convicted murderer 

Terry Harrington was jailed for life in 1978 for shooting a security guard in the 
street. Harrington was just 17 at the time and claimed he'd been miles away at a pop 
concert. But he was convicted on the testimony of several witnesses, some allegedly 
his accomplices, and forensic evidence including gunpowder traces found on his jacket. 
In a bid to win the right to appeal, Harrington came to court to show that his brain 
did not react to any memories of the crime scene but responded strongly to phrases 
connected with events at the concert.

The scientist running the EEG tests was Farwell, who'd set up shop in Iowa in the hope 
of turning the P300 research into a business. Farwell had quietly spent the 1990s 
working with the CIA and the FBI trying to prove his technology in the field. If 
Pottawattamie County Court could be persuaded to accept his methods in this test case, 
he expected to revolutionise the whole field of crime fighting.

"In a criminal act, there may or may not be many kinds of peripheral evidence, but the 
brain is always there, planning, executing, and recording the crime," says Farwell. 
"The fundamental difference between a perpetrator and a falsely accused, innocent 
person is that the perpetrator, having committed the crime, has the details of the 
crime stored in his brain, and the innocent suspect does not."

Farwell's dream is that EEG testing, which he has dubbed Brain Fingerprinting, will 
become a painless way of eliminating innocent people as well as fingering crooks in 
any investigation. He says if every police station had the right gear, suspects could 
volunteer to take the guilty knowledge test and perhaps clear their name.

He claims his Brain Fingerprinting is foolproof if performed right. People can disrupt 
the recording by blinking or refusing to look at the words. But they cannot cheat to 
produce a false reading. Farwell says that he tried it out on a psychopathic serial 
killer, whose lack of emotions would have been a disaster for any polygraph test. 
"This guy never showed much of any kind of emotion. He certainly wasn't normal. But I 
got a big Brain Fingerprint response to facts about a murder," he says. "This method 
taps straight into the cognitive processes of the brain and doesn't rely on an 
emotional reaction."

When it came to the Harrington case, there were immense difficulties because the 
murder happened more than 20 years ago, so Harrington's memories were hardly fresh. 
Farwell also had to find details related to the murder which a court could believe 
that Harrington had not learned during the original trial or in the many years since. 
Poring over old court transcripts and visiting the crime scene, Farwell felt that they 
could use the route the guard's killer must have taken as he ran away which involved 
jumping a ditch and crossing a weedy plot. When Farwell ran the tests, Harrington 
indeed showed no P300 to these details, and a clear response to details about the 
concert which was his alibi.

A cut and dried case? Unfortunately for Farwell and Harrington, it does not seem so. 
In court, expert witnesses, including Farwell's old professor Donchin, said the 
procedure was still too much of an unknown art, even though the science was certainly 
sound. District attorney Rick Crowl scoffed at Farwell's claims that there was a deep 
ditch at the time or that weeds would have been that memorable in the rush to escape. 
Harrington's positive response to the alibi details would simply have come from 
rehearsing his story for so many years.

Farwell himself came under attack. Fun was made of the fact that he taught Kung Fu and 
had said he was on the faculty of Harvard Medical School (Farwell admitted this 
consisted of some brief consultancy work).

In March, the judge eventually refused Harrington leave to appeal. Farwell says he is 
saddened, but at least he presented his Brain Fingerprinting evidence before a judge, 
which sets a precedent for its use in future hearings. Are we going to see a Brain 
Fingerprinting technician in every police station? That's not likely to happen any 
time soon according to other people at the trial, including district attorney Crowl.

The difficulty isn't the equipment, which is no more technically demanding than the 
polygraph. Instead, it has more to do with the culture of interrogation which prefers 
to see someone sweat. Cynics say the polygraph is used purely to intimidate suspects. 
The aim is to prove the machine cannot be fooled, making people think they have no 
hope of escape and so confess. Any approach that would extract answers from a 
subject's mind in a detached and clinical way wouldn't have the same effect.

But this isn't slowing the researchers down. Studies of what characterises a lying 
brain are suddenly abundant. At the high-tech end of the market, the US Department of 
Defense is funding Stephen Kosslyn, a psychologist at Harvard University, to do 
magnetic resonance brain imaging studies. Kosslyn says his first results are not that 
encouraging. People's brain activity seems to be far from consistent when they are 
lying--but it is early days.

At least half a dozen other US labs are working on EEG measures. Perhaps the most 
successful is Peter Rosenfeld from Northwestern University in Illinois. Whereas 
Farwell's technique depends on a guilty knowledge test that shows whether a person has 
a memory for a particular fact, Rosenfeld has recently discovered a detectable 
distortion in the P300 signal just because you need to concentrate when telling a lie.

In Rosenfeld's experiment a subject's own year of birth slipped into a random series 
of four figure numbers was enough to produce a bump of recognition in the P300. Some 
volunteers were instructed to answer "no" when asked if they had seen it. When they 
lied there was a distinctive pattern in the way the strength of P300 signal was 
distributed across the scalp. Rosenfeld says he hopes EEG tests will both reveal 
guilty knowledge and whether people are trying to lie during an interrogation.

And then taking everyone by surprise was the publication in February of a low-tech 
version of the guilty knowledge test which needs no scanner or electrodes, but just 
measures reaction times. Travis Seymour and Colleen Seifert from the University of 
Michigan, Ann Arbor, repeated exactly the same spy scenario as Donchin and Farwell, 
but they simply looked for hesitations in the subjects' answers.

Seymour says they found that those who were telling the truth about a phrase being 
unfamiliar could hit the "no" button in half a second. But people telling a lie took 
more like a second. Even if they knew what was giving them away and given a chance to 
practise, they could not react any faster. "This seems a super-cheap and easy way of 
doing the guilty knowledge test," says Seymour. "All you need is an ordinary PC and a 
keyboard. No electrodes." However, he adds that it would require much more work to 
take such lab demonstrations further.

Rosenfeld agrees, saying researchers have been surprised at what you can do in the lab 
but no one is doing the extra work to prove the techniques would be safe for the 
interrogation room. Even if the scientists do a good job on the test protocols, he 
feels that won't stop brain wave and reaction time technology being abused just like 
the polygraph. He says the FBI knows that the polygraph is unreliable. But they still 
value it as a prop because people can easily be frightened into confessing if they 
believe the machine is reading their every emotion. How much better a prop would a set 
of electrodes and a box of expensive electronics make? The scientific validity of 
brain measures would be almost beside the point.

And yet there seems real potential in the recent EEG work. Civil rights activists take 
note. Tomorrow we may still enjoy the right to remain silent. But that might be 
pointless if the investigator can read your mind.

More information at www.brainwavescience.com

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