-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.16/pageone.html">Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 16
The Laissez Faire City Times
April 19, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 16
Editor & Chief: Emile Zola
Next Target, the National ID Card

by Sunni Maravillosa

The FDIC’s "Know Your Customer" (KYC) proposal has been declared dead.
Much of the credit for that goes to the Libertarian Party. They
organized an education drive through traditional media and the Internet,
and set up an advocacy site specifically geared to the KYC proposal.
That site, www.DefendYourPrivacy.com, housed educational material, media
coverage of the proposal, an e-mail link to the FDIC for convenient
mailing of messages, and an online petition against the KYC proposal.
The New York Times, in its March 24 article "Flood of E-Mail Credited
With Halting U.S. Bank Plan," reports that 171,000 of the e-mail
comments the FDIC received came from the LP’s advocacy site. That was
about 83 per cent of the e-mail traffic the FDIC received on the subje
ct. Also, about 140,000 individuals who visited the Defend Your Privacy
site signed up to receive other privacy-related information.

Congratulations to the Libertarian Party for its success in this effort.
KYC was a frighteningly Orwellian proposal that needed to be soundly
rejected by the American people. It’s reassuring to know that happened,
but even more satisfying that it happened under the efforts of a group
that is truly pro-freedom. The LP’s work on this issue shows that many
individuals do still value freedom. It also demonstrates that there’s a
segment of the American population that isn’t thoroughly sheepified, and
will resist such intrusions into privacy.

Where’s the Celebration?

The Libertarian Party’s campaign also provided an opportunity to share
information about the freedom philosophy to large numbers of individuals
who demonstrated an openness to those ideas by visiting the Defend Your
Privacy web site and signing the petition. In addition, articles such as
the New York Times piece gave the LP something they have long been
seeking—mainstream, positive coverage of libertarian values and actions.

Imagine my surprise, then, when I browsed their web site while
researching this essay, and found no mention of the KYC proposal, their
petition and e-mail campaign, or the New York Times article. I then
visited the Defend Your Privacy site, thinking that surely there would
be lots of attention given to the LP’s success. But no… although the
site does talk about the campaign’s success and has media coverage,
everything was very understated. One needs to look closely at the bottom
of the home page to find mention of the Libertarian Party. If I were an
official in the national LP, that kind of success and coverage would be
given lots of attention in all the LP literature—e-mails, web sites, and
 print media. Instead, it looks like everyone has packed up the tents
and gone quietly home. The Defend Your Privacy site is now being used to
promote privacy-protecting legislation geared to keep KYC and similar
proposals from being adopted.

It’s possible that I missed a lot of the fanfare…although I doubt it, as
I’m on discussion lists where the LP’s press releases get regular
coverage, and have friends who regularly forward LP information to me.
It’s also possible that they did make a big deal out of the news when it
was announced, and I visited the site too late to see the things I
expected. Still, it seems to me that the kind of attention the LP
received on this campaign would merit space on the web site on a
long-term basis, as an example of the effectiveness of grass-roots
activism in general and the LP’s in particular.

In fact, I got to wondering what the Libertarian Party is doing with all
those names and e-mail addresses they collected, of individuals who
asked to be notified about privacy issues. Not being on that list, I
have no idea if there’s been any follow-up, but it seems to me that if
the LP wants keep this roller coaster of activism and outreach going,
there’s a natural follow-up target already in place: the National ID
card (NID).

The National ID Card

I did a search on the Libertarian Party web site for any reference to
the NID, and was disappointed by the results. There were two mentions:
one from an Alabama LP publication from 1998, and the second from the
national LP, dated 1995. That’s all the LP has to show on laws—not mere
proposals, but laws that have already been passed and are being put into
place—that are designed to have every American citizen branded and
trackable from birth, as if individuals are the government’s herd of
prime cattle.

The NID is an identification card that will be required of every adult
citizen of the US in order to conduct routine business. The authority
for the NID was granted to the federal Department of Transportation in
the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (passed
by the so-called "Republican revolution" Congress of 1994), which
created national requirements for information on both driver’s licenses
and birth certificates. Supporting legislation that expands the use of
the NID has also been passed, making the NID a health ID card, and
requiring various information to be coded into the NID.

The major piece of required information is one’s Social Security Number;
other information proposed for inclusion includes fingerprints, retinal
scans, genetic information, and one’s financial, medical, and criminal
records. Without the NID, a person won’t be able to get a job (even
changing jobs within the same company would require the NID), cash
checks, buy firearms, or get medical treatment. This law makes a Social
Security Number mandatory for every person living in the US—no more
exemptions for religious reasons. (See the bibliography for suggested
readings on the NID.)

Obviously the NID is a much greater threat to privacy than the Know Your
Customer proposal. However, the federal government—with help from its
lapdogs, the mainstream media—has been able to avoid attention on the
issue because the National IDs are cleverly disguised as state-issued
driver’s licenses. In fact, the gummint has been claiming it’s a state
issue, when in fact the power of the purse is being used by the feds to
ensure the states’ cooperation.

Why hasn’t the LP taken up this cause? I don’t know. Other freedom
activists have done so (see bibliography), but they lack the resources
and audience that the LP has—and the LP, fresh from its success with
KYC, could smoothly switch gears on the Defend Your Privacy site to a
No-NID campaign. With the 140,000 new contacts they received through the
KYC work added to those already on their mailing lists, plus the other
activists currently working to get the NID laws repealed, such a
campaign could begin with an unprecedented surge of energy.

The National ID law is a wholesale power grab that is vile and
immoral—there is no authority given in the Constitution for the federal
government to require any kind of identification before a person can
engage in the transactions it will monitor and control through the NID,
nor for the federally-approved birth certificates that will enable them
to begin monitoring our children from the first days of life. Such a
blatant disregard for individual privacy is particularly disgusting, and
a natural target for the Libertarian Party. As with the KYC proposal, a
No-NID campaign would bring the message of libertarianism to a large
audience that’s primed for such information.

So, national LP officials, consider this a friendly challenge. Your
political party was largely responsible for killing Know Your Customer.
There are a lot of individuals who are already active against the
National ID, and who will probably be glad to help a larger effort. How
about setting your sights on the National ID?


Fight the Fingerprint!: http://www.networkusa.org/fingerprint.shtml

Grassroots Granny: http://home.earthlink.net/~idzrus/index.html

I am Not a Number, by Claire Wolfe:

Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act:

NONID FAQ: http://home.lrt.org/lrt.nonid.faq.htm

Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996:


Sunni Maravillosa is a psychologist and web mistress for the Liberty
Round Table (URL http://home.lrt.org/ ). These days you can also find
her in Freedom City   part of another pro-freedom activity she
co-founded with Don L. Tiggre, The Freedom Channel (URL
http://www.evanstonwy.com/freedom ).


from The Laissez Faire City Times, Vol 3, No 16, April 19, 1999
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