-Caveat Lector-

One in four blacks view HIV as federal plot
NEW YORK, Jun 02 (Reuters Health) -- In a recent survey of African
Americans, more than one-quarter said they believed that AIDS was caused by
a man-made virus developed by the federal government to kill black people.

Anecdotal reports by healthcare workers have indicated that many African
Americans suspect that AIDS is part of a federal government conspiracy,
according to a report in the May issue of the journal Preventive Medicine.

In addition, reports in two prominent black publications and discussion on a

popular black television program have suggested that HIV prevention programs

are really part of a genocidal government plan against African Americans.

To investigate the extent of AIDS-related conspiracy beliefs, Dr. Elizabeth
A. Klonoff of California State University, San Bernardino, and Dr. Hope
Landrine of the Public Health Foundation asked 520 African American adults
the following question: ``HIV/AIDS is a man-made virus that the federal
government made to kill and wipe out black people. How much do you agree
with the above statement?''

While the majority of the respondents (50.8%) disagreed with this statement,

14.3% reported that they ``totally agreed'' and 12.2% reported that they
``agreed somewhat.'' Another 23% reported that they were undecided.

The researchers conducted the census in middle- and working-class areas of
San Bernardino County, California, and participants were paid $10 for
filling out the anonymous survey.

Men were 3.5-times more likely to endorse an AIDS conspiracy theory compared

with women, an unexpected finding. In particular, the researchers noted that

respondents who were ''culturally traditional male college graduates who
have experienced frequent racial discrimination throughout their lives''
were more likely to believe in an AIDS conspiracy theory. They also found
that conspiracy beliefs were unrelated to income.

Klonoff and Landrine suggest further study, in part to determine if
knowledge of the infamous Tuskegee study is playing a role in HIV conspiracy

beliefs among the black population. In that study, conducted earlier this
century, black men in the South were not told they had syphilis or treated
for the disease so researchers could study the progress of the disease.

The authors conclude that ``AIDS-conspiracy beliefs among blacks must be
acknowledged and addressed in culturally tailored AIDS prevention and
education programs.''

``It is important to note that blacks who endorsed... AIDS-conspiracy views
did not differ in their degree of residential racial segregation,
religiosity, or distrust of whites in general... and so these issues may be
less important in culturally tailoring programs than blacks' cultural ties
and experiences with racism,'' Klonoff and Landrine conclude.

SOURCE: Preventive Medicine 1999;28:451-457.

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