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Click Here: <A HREF="http://internettrash.com/users/qaz/opihis3.htm">Opium
History Up To 1858 A.D.</A>


Opium History Up To 1858 A.D.

by Alfred W. McCoy

Opium as Folk Pharmacopoeia

Regardless of level of development, most societies have used drugs for
religion, recreation, and medicine. Discovered and domesticated during
prehistoric times in the Mediterranean basin, opium became a trade item
between Cyprus and Egypt sometime in the second millennium B.C.
The drug first appeared in Greek pharmacopoeia during the 5th Century B.C.
and in Chinese medical texts during the 8th century A.D. Inferring from such
slender evidence, it appears that opium farming first developed in the
eastern Mediterranean and spread gradually along Asia's trade routes to
India, reaching China by the eighth century A.D. Once introduced into China,
opium gained a significant role in formal pharmacopoeia.

It was not until the 15th Century that residents of Persia and India began
consuming opium mixtures as a purely recreational euphoric, a practice that
made opium a major item in an expanding intra-Asian trade. Indeed, under the
reign of Akbar (1556-1605), the Mughal state of north India relied upon opium
land as a significant source of revenue. Although cultivation covered the
whole Mughal empire, it was concentrated in two main areas--upriver from
Calcutta along the Ganges Valley for Bengal opium and upcountry from Bombay
in the west for Malwa opium.

The persistent role of opiates as folk medicine and recreational euphoric for
nearly 4,000 years raises very real questions about the enormous difficulties
in effecting its eradication. Through interaction with opiate receptors in
the brain, opium and heroin may well have an inherent biological logic that
makes their mass abuse a likelihood at most times, in most societies, where
ample supply of the drug is available. Historically, every society that has
been introduced to opium as a commercial euphoric has consumed the entire
supply made available to it.


Early European Opium Trade (1640-1773)

The earliest European expeditions to Asia also mark the start of their
involvement in the region's opium trade. As Portuguese captains first
ventured across the Indian Ocean during the early 16th century, they realized
the potential of opium. If your Highness would believe me, Affonso de
Albuquerque, the conqueror of Malacca, wrote to his monarch from India in
1513, I would order poppies...to be sown in all the fields of Portugal and
command afyam [opium] to be made...and the laborers would gain much also, and
people of India are lost without it, if they do not eat it.. From their ports
in western India, the Portuguese began exporting Malwa opium to China,
competing aggressively with Indian and Arab merchants who controlled this

Eager for a commodity to barter for Chinese silks, the Portuguese imported
tobacco from their Brazilian colony half a world away. Although the Chinese
frustrated the Portuguese by growing their own tobacco, the pipe itself,
which had been introduced by the Spanish, turned out to be the key to China's
markets. Indian opium, mixed with tobacco and smoked through a pipe, was
somehow pleasing to the Chinese palate. By the early 18th century, opium
smoking was spreading across China, prompting the empire's first attempt at
suppression in 1729 when the Emperor Yung Cheng issued an edict banning the
smoking of opium.

Arriving in Asia a century after the Portuguese, the Dutch soon became active
in the region's opium commerce. Instead of trading directly with China like
the Portuguese, the Dutch established a permanent port at Jakarta in 1619 and
began purchasing opium from Bengal in 1640 to supply Java's limited demand.
As Dutch colonials won monopoly rights for Java's populous districts, their
Company's opium imports from India rose dramatically from 617 kilograms in
1660 to 72,280 kilograms only 25 years later.

Dutch profits from the opium trade were spectacular. Buying opium cheap in
India and selling high in Java allowed the Company a 400 percent profit on
shipments in the 1670s. Opium, moreover, proved to be a key trade good that
drew Asian merchants to Jakarta. By 1681, opium represented 34 percent of the
cargo on Asian ships sailing out of Jakarta. No longer a lightweight luxury
or medical item, opium was on its way to becoming a commodity.

Although the last of the Europeans to enter the trade, it was the British who
finally completed the transformation of opium from luxury good into bulk
commodity. The British East India Company had acquired coastal enclaves at
Calcutta in 1656 and Bombay in 1661, but it did not become a major factor in
the opium trade for another century. In the interim, a syndicate of Indian
merchants up the Ganges River at Patna held a monopoly over the Bengal opium
trade, making cash advances to peasant farmers and selling the processed
opium to Dutch, British and French merchants. Marching inland from their port
at Calcutta, the British conquered Bengal in 1764 and soon discovered the
financial potential of India's richest opium zone.

In this period, the major change involved a shift from a limited trade in
opium though intra-Asian networks to an expanding European commerce that
stimulated both supply and demand. In the 16th century and earlier, there had
been a pre-existing, modest demand for opium in China and Southeast Asia, and
low-level production of opium in India.

Working separately, European mercantile companies commercialized both opium
cultivation and commerce, making it the basis of a profitable long distance
trade in low-weight, high-value goods. At first, the Portuguese transported
Indian opium to China. Then the Spanish developed a way to mix tobacco with
opium so it could be smoked. Finally, the Dutch took advantage of this rising
demand for opium, but their main market was limited to Java and some
re-export to China. Through these European efforts, the problem of opium
addiction became so serious in China that the Emperor had it banned in 1729.

The extraordinary profitability of this low-weight, high-value commodity was
a key incentive for escalating European involvement in the Asian opium trade.
In particular, the Dutch V.O.C. made a 400 percent profit on its 1679

Increase/decrease in World Opium Production:
--Dutch East India Company (VOC) imports from India rose at a rate of 1.5 per
annum during the 1660s--rising from 0.6 metric tons in 1660 to 72.3 tons only
25 years later.
--In 1699, the Dutch imported 87 tons of Indian opium for distribution to
Java and the Indies.
--British exports of Indian opium to China increased from 15 tons in 1720 to
75 tons in 1773.

Changes in Opium Cultivation by Region:
Indian production increased by unknown amounts in response to stimulus of
European and Indian opium traders.

Changes in Quantity of Opium Consumption by Region:
For the first time in its history, China experienced a significant, but
unquantified, level of mass opium addiction.

Summary and Analysis of Trends within Epoch:
In this period, opium entered a proto-modern phase in which its capacity for
growth as a major commodity first became evident. Significantly, European and
Indian merchants played a catalytic role in commercializing and expanding the
India-China opium trade.

It is during this era that opium's extraordinarily profitability becomes
manifest. Through its peculiar properties, opium is the ideal trade good
during this epoch. As an addictive drug, opium requires a daily dose giving
it the inelastic demand of a basic foodstuff. Long distance sea-trade in bulk
foods was beyond the capacity of current maritime technology, but opium had
the low weight and high mark-up of a luxury good like cloves or pepper. In
the early modern era, opium combines the reliable demand of a basic food with
the logistics of a luxury good. Compounding its profitability, the Chinese
emperor reacted to the rise of mass addiction by banning opium and thus
denying China the opportunity to produce opium locally to undercut the high
price of Indian imports.


European Mercantilism (1773-1858)

The modern era in the global opium trade began in 1773 when the British
Governor-General of Bengal established a monopoly on the sale of opium. Over
the next 130 years, Britain actively promoted the export of Indian opium,
defying Chinese drug laws and fighting two wars to open China's drug market
for its merchants.

Under the British, Indian opium became a major global commodity, giving this
modern commerce a scale and organization that distinguishes it from earlier
forms. When the East India Company conquered Bengal, it took control of a
well-established opium industry involving peasant producers, merchants, and
long-distance traders.

In 1773, the British Governor abolished the Indian opium syndicate at Patna
and established a colonial monopoly on principles that operated for the next
half-century. Under the new regulations, the Company had the exclusive right
to purchase opium from Bengal's farmers and auction it for export. Realizing
that opium was illegal in China, the Governor barred the Company's ships that
called at Canton to load tea from carrying opium, leaving actual sale of the
addictive drug to the private European merchants who bid at the Company's
Calcutta auctions.

In 1797 the Company eliminated the local opium buyers in Bengal and
established a system of direct collection that lasted for over a century.
Under the new procedures, the Company, and the colonial state that succeeded
it, controlled opium cultivation, processing, and export. At its peak in the
late 19th century, Bengal's opium country stretched for 500 miles across the
Ganges River Valley, with over a million registered farmers growing poppy
plants exclusively for the company on some 500,000 acres of prime land.

>From their factories at Patna and Benares in the heart of opium country,
senior British officers directed some 2,000 Indian agents who circulated
through the poppy districts, extending credit and collecting opium. Processed
under strict supervision at the two Company factories, the opium was packed
into wooden chests, each containing forty balls and weighing 140 pounds.
Bearing the Patna and Benares trade-marks, the chests were sent down to
Calcutta under guard and sold at auction to private British merchants.

Since the Chinese state had damned opium as a destructive and ensnaring vice
and banned all imports in 1799, British sea captains bribed Canton's
mandarins and smuggled the chests into southern China where the Bengal brands
commanded twice the price of the inferior local products. For its first
quarter century, this system assured prosperity for British India and a
stable opium supply for China. Not only did opium solve the fiscal crisis
that accompanied the British conquest of Bengal, it remained a staple of
colonial finances, providing from six to fifteen percent of British India's
tax revenues during the 19th Century.
More importantly, opium exports were an essential component of a triangular
trade that was central to England's position as a world power. Trade figures
for the 1820s, for example, show that the triangular trade was large and well
balanced: 22 million pounds sterling worth of Indian opium and cotton to
China; next, 20 million pounds worth of Chinese tea to Britain; and, then, 24
million pounds of British textiles and machinery back to India.

In managing this trade, the Company prized stability above profit, and for
over twenty years it held India's opium exports at 4,000 chests--or 280 tons,
just enough to finance its purchase of China's tea crop.

The system's success was the cause of its downfall. The vast profits of the
Britain's opium trade attracted competitors. Moreover, the Company's
steadfast refusal to raise Bengal's opium exports beyond the quota of 4,000
chests per annum left a vast unmet demand for drugs among China's swelling
population of opium smokers. As demand drove the price per chest upward from
415 rupees in 1799 to 2,428 rupees just 15 years later, the Company's
monopoly on Bengal opium faced strong competition from Turkey and west India.

Britain's most daring rivals were the Americans. Barred from bidding at the
Calcutta auctions, Yankee traders loaded their first cargoes of Turkish opium
at Smyrna in 1805 and sailed them around the tip of Africa to China. Through
these efforts, Turkish opium remained an alternative to the Bengal brands
until 1834 when the Yankee captains were finally allowed to bid at the
Calcutta auctions and abandoned the long haul around Africa.

The major threat to the Company's monopoly, however, came from Malwa opium
grown in the princely states of west India. Malwa opium captured 40 percent
of the China market by 1811. Determined to defend their trade, the Company's
directors decided to promote unlimited production in Bengal. In 1831 the
Governor-General of India, Lord William Bentinck, toured the upper Ganges
with revenue officers to explore new areas for poppy farming and within the
decade cultivation doubled to 176,000 acres.

After the East India Company lost its charter in 1834, its informal
regulation of the China opium trade collapsed, allowing profit-hungry
American and British captains to take control. Indeed, the Company's demise
launched a fleet of new opium clippers to tack to China against the monsoon
winds. As the Company loosened its restrictions in the 1820s and then lost
its monopoly in 1834, China's opium imports increased nearly ten fold--from
270 tons in 1820 to 2,558 tons twenty years later. Opium addiction spread
rapidly, reaching some three million Chinese addicts by the 1830s.

In defense of its commerce, Britain fought two wars along the China coast in
1842 and 1858, forcing the empire to open itself to unrestricted opium
imports. In 1838, the Emperor's launched a moralistic anti-opium campaign
that threatened Britain's China trade, and London dispatched a fleet of six
warships, capturing Canton in May 1839. The First Opium war ended in 1842
with the Treaty of Nanking which required China to cede Hong Kong, and open
five new ports to foreign trade. But China still refused to legalize opium.

The fifteen years following the First Opium War brought a new peak in the
China trade. Illicit imports of Indian opium nearly doubled, rising to 4,810
tons in 1858. At the Calcutta auctions, frenzied bidding drove opium prices
and profits to new heights, making a fast run to the China coast essential
and launching 48 new clippers for the opium fleet. Among the 95 clippers in
the fleet, the Calcutta's Cowasjee family owned six, the Americans of Russell
& Co. had eight, and the British giants, Dent and Jardine, operated a total
of 27.

The era of the opium clipper ended when China finally legalized the drug
trade after its defeat in the Second Opium War (1856-1858). In negotiations
over the tariff provisions of this new treaty that ended the war, the British
emissary Lord Elgin forced the Chinese to legalize opium imports.

In the aftermath of legalization, Chinese officials began encouraging local
production, and poppy cultivation spread beyond the country's southwest. As
addiction spread throughout China, imports of Indian opium rose from 4,800 ton
s in 1859 to 6,700 tons twenty years later. After peaking in 1880, Indian
imports declined slowly for the rest of the century as cheaper, China-grown
opium began to supplant the high-grade Bengal brands.

Demand Increasing Ahead of Production:
It appears that opium, once commercialized as recreational euphoric, produces
a disproportionate demand that soon exceeds the original supply. In this
case, the carefully controlled number of chests from Bengal soon proved
insufficient for the demand in China. The result was stimulation of
production in other opium regions.

Thus, Malwa and Turkish production increased to help meet China's growing
demand. In the end, England capitulated to market pressures, abandoned its
self-imposed restraint, and encouraged an expansion of opium production in

Once introduced, commercial opium stimulated demand in China beyond supply,
encouraging thereby increased cultivation back in India; which, in turn,
stimulated more demand in China, sparking, yet again, higher poppy plantings
in India. In effect, even in this earliest era of commoditized opium trading,
demand and supply increase through a process of reciprocal stimulation that
makes it difficult, analytically, to determine which is the dominant cause.

During the 18th and 19th Centuries, China had a limitless capacity for opium
consumption that continually outstripped all production, both local and

Changes in Shipping Technology:
Since there was now an unlimited amount of opium that could be grown in
India, improvements in shipping technology were needed to move greater
amounts to China. Hence, a competition and the appearance of the clipper
ship. Speed now determined profitability in the opium trade.

Chinese Government Policy:
The Chinese Imperial decrees of 1729 and 1799 banning opium smoking and
importation did not restrain the rising addiction problem. However, the
legalization of opium consumption in 1858 encouraged a sharp rise in both
production and consumption. With legalization, domestic opium superseded
imports, making speed less important in the shipping of opium and allowing
steamships to replace the clippers.

Thus, we must conclude that China's policy of prohibiting opium consumption
and cultivation from 1729 to 1858 assured the East India Company a de facto
monopoly over this fast growing market and created the basic underlying
conditions for the hyper profitability of the India-China opium trade.

Without this prohibition on cultivation, China could have reacted the
Company's aggressive exports of Bengal opium by encouraging local opium
harvests and destroying both market and profits for the Indian imports. As it
was, China's addicts and their near insatiable demand for the illicit drug
created high profits and inspired ferocious competition among merchant
captains competing for a share of this lucrative market--English out of
Calcutta, Indian and English out of Bombay, and Americans out of Smyrna,

Nature of Chinese Demand:
In the midst of the acute demographic and caloric crisis of southeastern
China in the late 18th and early 19th Centuries, opium attributes as a
appetite suppressant may have increased its appeal to users at a time of
scarcity and high food prices. At certain periods, the use of opium may have
suppressed appetite sufficiently to make its addiction economical in
comparison to the cost of eating a normal diet.

Economics of European Mercantilism:
In colonial Asia of this period (1773-1858), all successful European economic
initiatives involved commercialization of drugs in some form--caffeine,
nicotine, or opiates. This 18th century trade transformed these drugs from
luxury goods into commodities of mass consumption, making them integral to
the economies and lifestyles of both Asian and Atlantic nations.

In Java after 1720, the Dutch V.O.C. collected a tax in coffee in the
Priangen region of west Java and made vast profits through sales in Europe
and America, becoming the globe's greatest coffee broker and gaining thereby
a substitute for its substantial share of the China opium trade lost to
Britain after 1720.

Consciously imitating the V.O.C., Bourbon Spanish reformers in Manila
established the Tobacco Monopoly in the 1782 and, for the next century,
financed their colonial administration from their exclusive control over the
cultivation and sale of this addictive drug to Filipinos.

In Bengal, the British East India Company imposed a monopoly over opium in
1773 and used its sale to China to finance purchase of caffeine, in the form
of tea, for export to Europe and North America. Within the monopolistic logic
of mercantilism, the East India Company achieved the highest profits from
opium because, from 1773 to 1830, its strong controls over key
aspects--production, export, and sales.

Increase/decrease in World Opium Production:
--The area under cultivation in Bengal, India increased from 90,000 acres in
1830, to 176,000 by 1840, and, finally, a peak of 500,000 acres by 1900.

Changes in Opium Cultivation by Region:
--Reflecting directly increases in production, Indian opium exports to China
rose from 75 tons in 1773 to 4,810 tons in 1858--a sustained, high-level of
growth over the space of 75 years.

--Again reflecting increases in production, Turkish exports to China
increased from 7 tons in 1805 to 100 tons in 1830--creating another instance
of steady, high-level growth in production over a protracted period.

Changes in Quantity of Opium Consumption by Region:
--Rising from insignificant levels in the early 1700s, by the 1830s China had
an estimated 3 million opium smokers.
--US imports of opium rose 8 tons in 1840 to 62.7 tons in 1858.

Summary and Analysis of Trends within Epoch:

>From the late 18th century onward, opium became a major trade commodity.
Under the British East India Company (BEIC), centralized controls accelerated
the export of Indian opium to China--from 13 tons in 1729 to and 2,558 tons
in 1839. Using its full military and mercantile power, Britain played a
central role in making China a lucrative drug market.

The Company's steadfast refusal to raise Bengal's opium exports beyond its
self-imposed quota of 4,000 chests per annum left a vast unmet demand for
drugs among China's swelling population of opium smokers. When demand drove
the price per chest upward from 415 rupees in 1799 to 2,428 rupees just 15
years later, the East India Company's monopoly on Bengal opium faced
competition from Turkey and west India.

As the Company loosened its restrictions in the 1820s and then lost its
monopoly in 1834, China's opium imports increased nearly ten fold--from 270
tons in 1820 to 2,558 tons twenty years later. Opium addiction grew rapidly,
reaching some three million Chinese addicts by the 1830s. Simultaneously,
China's illicit imports of Indian opium nearly doubled, rising to 4,810 tons
in 1858.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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