-Caveat Lector-

Lasker, G.E. and T. Koizumi, Eds. (1997), Symposium on The Culture of Peace
in Cooperation with UNESCO (Baden-Baden), A Publication of the International

Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics,
Conference Proceedings.


Robert John
International Council on Human Ecology and Ethnology


The power and policy of the U.S.A. seem directed toward moving the peoples
and nations of the world into an American Union, a European Union, and an
Asian Union, and merging these into a World Union of central authority with
military power.  Yet specific limitation of central power, and retention of
optimal power by an informed electorate, were part of the concept of the
Founders of the U.S.A., as was the principle of benign neutrality and
non-interference in the affairs of other states.  Ethno-national cultures
evolve and conflict reduced by boundaries that allow for common mobilization

for defense of interests.  National boundaries and self-rule are checks upon

exploitative trans-national agencies or corporations.  Regional
confederations with minimal explicit powers should deal with regional
concerns, all subject to the ballot of individual voters.

Peace, confederation, imperium, foreign intervention, nationalism.

Prospects are future probabilities based on present indications.  With Peace

and Liberty, the probability of making the best choice among possible
is increased by considering present data, noting indications, and adding
retrospective, historical data.  Of the Pax Americana-Caveat Emptor-Let the
Buyer Beware!

Centralization of Power-Imperium

The world is under a growing imperium (definition: command not subject to
definition or limitation of function; absolute command) with unassailable
American military power.  From Japan and Okinawa, and the Northern Marianas
in the western Pacific, through the Indian Ocean, the Middle East, Europe,
the Americas and Alaska, its armed forces with fleets of warships and
warplanes patrol seas and skies, and its spy satellites look everywhere.
Every day of the year its Pentagon spends $67.4 million ($24,600,000,000 for

1997) to prepare to fight a nuclear war.  The U.S.A. is armed-and dangerous.

"We don't want to engage in a fair fight, a contemporary war of attrition,"
said Defense Secretary William S. Cohen.  "We want to dominate across the
full spectrum of conflict, so that if ever we have to fight, we will win on
our terms" (Ap. 28, 1997).

The direction in which we are being moved for the 21st century, is toward
centralization of power.  Peace, Democracy, and free enterprise are slogans
used to sell acceptance of a loss of liberty to control our futures.  NATO
and the European Union, and their extension eastward, represent European
aggregation of power under American patronage.  European military dependence

is assured through NATO command and American weapons requiring U.S. spare
parts.  Political and economic control may be maintained through the banking

system.  Ignoring the object of lesson of the Federal Reserve Bank in New
York, that-by credit control can influence elections, the European Union is
moved by the United States example and German war-guilt syndrome, towards
central banking and a single currency which, ironically, might have
eventually occurred had that war ended with a German victory!  Planned
interdependence equals loss of independence.

Headquartered in Brussels, the European Union bureaucrats draw large
for fixing the size of labels on wine bottles or the identity of a
Euro-sausage, but the centralization of power is the real issue.  And that
centralization, in sequence, facilitates the move toward global
centralization of power.  American political pressures push the European
Union to include Turkey, and then to be extended by 2010 with a free trade
zone to include the states of North Africa and the eastern Mediterranean,
with future union.

In the western hemisphere, the process is the incremental extension of free
trade zones to the whole continent, to be followed by the dissolution of
frontiers and the setting up on an American Union.  In Asia, there is the
strengthening of SEAC, and similar objectives, to form a Pacific Union.  All

these are being designed to include United States participation, including a

military element.  The economic elements (e.g. World Trade Organization) and

military forces of former states and areas, seem directed toward a master
scheme pushed by a power oligarchy, that sets "fast tracks" for enabling
legislation.  It is not a global convergence of national economic interests
or electorates demanding 'interdependence' that are the driving force, but a

power oligarchy  or imperium.  Such a "fast-track" nearly had the European
Maastricht Treaty ratified before the European electorate became aware of

How do these policies compare with the vision of the Founders of the U.S.A.?

That was a system of very limited central power, with all other powers
reserved to constituent states.   Changing this historic course has taken
several generations.  Continuity in U.S. foreign policy is maintained by the

Council on Foreign Relations.  Thus we find that the planning process on
"methods of limitation of national sovereignty" and "problems of general
machinery of international cooperation," was in place as early as December
1939, by the State Department with the bland title of 'Division for the
of Problems of Peace and Reconstruction.'   How many Americans knew it was
working on methods of limitation of national sovereignty?  In a book
published in 1991, an official of the Council on Foreign Relations tells us
that the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of 1957 had "the goal of
building a unified and integrated global system."(Aho, C.M. 1991)  How long
before did the planning of GATT begin?  The long-term planning of
globalization and the imperium is a fact.

Armed and Dangerous

The U.S.A. has grown very powerful in two centuries, profiting from the two
World Wars, when Allied investments there were sold to buy supplies, and
German investments were confiscated.  It is also a country rich in natural
resources that include its people.  But its fundamental policies have been
moved far out of alignment from the positions on foreign affairs, and
central power, of its visionary Founders.  That formulation on foreign
relations, expressed by its first president as good relations with all,
special relations with none, was affirmed by John Quincy Adams: "America
not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy" (1821).  In 1997, that
position is dismissed a hundred times a day by American warplanes violating
the sovereign air space of Iraq, six years after the Gulf War. The
prohibition and prevention of Iraqi flights across southern Iraq was imposed

to protect Shiite Moslems waging an American-promoted uprising in the south,

from attacks by Iraqi national forces.  Despite receiving millions of
in financing from the United States (NY Times Ag. 24, 1995 A14) in the
a C.I.A.-sponsored secession was stopped by Iraq forces in 1995, and 10,000
northerners have been transported to the U.S.A. to join the million
Vietnamese and other "refugees" from American interventions in other
countries.  The American Congress voted $40 million for the purpose of
destroying the currency of Iraq.

The United Nations Organization is used as a tool of control.  Unlike Iraq
Libya, countries that the U.S.A. supports, Turkey and Israel for example,
confidently ignore its Security Council resolutions without sanctions being
imposed against them.

But is the 'United States of America' not a benevolent democracy that can be

relied upon to support "human rights" of peoples and individuals everywhere,

in which we can safely lodge our trust?

In an interview with U.S. Secretary of State (then Ambassador) Albright (May

12, 1996) on the TV program '60 Minutes,' for which Leslie Stahl was given a

Columbia University School of Journalism award in 1997, she said that U.N.
Food and Agriculture Organization figures showed that half a million
died from starvation as a result of the American-led sanctions against Iraq.

"I mean, that's more than died in Hiroshima.  And, you know, is the price
worth it?"
Ambassador Albright: "I think this is a very hard choice, but the price-we
think the price is worth it."
Stahl: (voice-over) "Worth it because she believes the sanctions are
Ambassador Albright: "He [Saddam Hussein] has, in fact, come cleaner on some

these weapons programs than we thought before, and he has recognized Kuwait,

which was one of the very important reasons that this whole war started."

Is this use of starvation a unique event in the history of American foreign

During the two World Wars, the U.S.A. participated in the food blockade of
the Central Powers before it was a belligerent.  After World War I it
continued this policy for six months after the November 1918 Armistice,
starvation of 800 000 civilians to force German representatives to sign the
Versailles Treaty (Vincent, 1985).  The restriction of food to Germany and
starvation of German prisoners-of-war after World War II was a deliberate
policy of the American-British-Soviet European Advisory Committee (Bischof
and Ambrose, 1992).

The United States has accepted and now officially rejects assassination of
heads of state as an instrument of foreign policy.  During the Kennedy
presidency, the CIA had placed a gangster 'contract' for the assassination
Fidel Castro.   Preceded by a government disinformation campaign, that
fictitious "hit squads" from Libya had been sent to assassinate the American

president, an air attack attempted to kill President Quaddafi of Libya
the 'reign' of President Reagan.  This was denounced as "state terrorism" by

U.S.S.R. head Gorbachev.  Under President Bush, President Noriega of Panama
escaped the death of hundreds of other Panamanians from a huge American hit
or kidnap squad, with the help of an Israeli agent.  In the run-up to the
1996 presidential election, former vice-president Quayle suggested in a
televised press interview that the congressional ban on assassination as an
instrument of foreign policy should be waived and a price offered for the
head of President Saddam Hussein.

"The National Endowment for Democracy, created 15 years ago to do in the
what the Central Intelligence Agency has done surreptitiously for decades,
spends $30 million a year to support things like political parties, labor
unions, dissident movements and the news media in dozens of countries,
including China. . . .In the mid-1980's, it provided $5 million to Polish
émigrés to keep the Solidarity movement alive. . . .It provided a $400,000
grant for political groups in Czechoslovakia that backed the election of
Vaclav Havel as president in 1990."  $3 million went to Nicaragua in 1990
"technical assistance," but actually to bolster the presidential candidate
favored by the United States.  The U.S. has also meddled in Japanese
elections, for example (N.Y. Times March 31, 1997 A1).
Now suppose you are a patriotic candidate for election who does not want to
be an American-supported politician.

"Sometimes directed, but generally coordinated by NATO, with participation
the C.I.A. and British secret service," clandestine groups have been used in

Europe "for domestic political purposes, possibly even terrorism, to justify

government crackdowns and defense preparedness." (N.Y. Times N. 14, 1990
"Breaking with its past," declared the New York Times (Mr. 3, 1997 A12),
Central Intelligence Agency has severed its ties to roughly 100 foreign
agents, about half of them in Latin America, whose value as informers was
outweighed by their acts of murder, assassination, torture, terrorism and
other crimes, Government officials said today."  We are all potential

These are only items in chapters of American interventionism.  To think of
the hegemony of the U.S.A. as a sort of benevolent 'Big Daddy' is like
President Roosevelt talking of Marshall Stalin as 'Uncle Joe.'   Like
decentralization of power, the foreign policy of America's Founders has also

been turned upside down, with a hundred-year history of growing American
intervention abroad, since World War II in the internal affairs of
practically every country in the world.  The Imperium is a Dark Force.  It
more-pervasive, more covert, devious, and difficult to discover, more lethal

to our liberty, than these examples may indicate.

Weakening Opposition-the Hawaiian Method

The third system that the U.S.-headed imperium implements that is opposite
the tenets of its Founders (particularly Benjamin Franklin and Thomas
Jefferson), promotes loosening of national cohesion through alien
immigration.  American immigration policies for the Hawaiian islands have
made the Hawaiian people a minority in their own islands.  The one island
which voted 80 per cent against statehood with the United States was the
island where non-Hawaiians may not buy property; but 'one man one vote'
denied them self-determination.  They are a minority in what was their

It is projected that, with the changes in U.S.A. immigration policies
introduced since 1964, people of European origin, whose ancestors founded
U.S.A., will be a minority in the country in the 21st century.  Why is it
that all the powerful media in the United States and Western Europe have,
since World War II, vilified any person or group that wants to stop alien
immigration, labeling them xenophobic-like a psycho-pathological category-or

extremist.  Why is it that these same organs of public opinion manipulation
glorify the multi-ethnic state?  All polls have shown that a majority of
indigenous peoples want an end to alien immigration.  The 'will of the
people' is ignored.  Alien immigration dilutes 'nationalism,' and makes
resistance to the imperium more difficult to organize and implement.

Nationalism is an ideological  movement for the attainment and maintenance
autonomy, unity and identity of a human population, some of whose members
conceive it to constitute an actual or potential 'nation.'  A 'nation' in
turn may be defined as a named human population sharing an historic
territory, common myths and memories, a mass public culture, a single
and common rights and duties for all members; a kind of social and cultural
community (Smith, 1996).  States are ideally autonomous public institutions
of coercion and extraction within a delineated territory.  The 'Bosnia peace

accord' dictated at Dayton, Ohio, is based on the Hawaiian-type,
neo-American state.  Majorities of its Catholic Croats, Orthodox Serbians,
and Moslems, would rather live with and be ruled by representatives like

The imperium grows in power as its servants and media push the process of
recasting the Euro-Atlantic concept of nationality from one that reinforces
state sovereignty, to a concept of nationality and international migration
a 'human right' (Jacobson, 1996).  To deny anyone any nationality and access

to any territory would make one guilty of denying that person their 'human
rights,' or 'racism'-denunciations equivalent to medieval blasphemy,
resulting in social ostracism and loss of livelihood.

Reject the Peace of Imperium for Negotiated Peace With Liberty

The important British historian with a Marxist perspective, Eric Hobsbawm,
contrasts the bureaucratic, conservative elements of the Communist system
with the restless turbulence of international capitalism.  Capitalism
a country destroys old familial solidarities and increases insecurity.  The
global economy, with transnational corporations, created a new international

division of labor and the possibility of using offshore finance with no
accountability.  "The most convenient world for multinational giants is one
populated by dwarf states or no states at all."  Globalization deprives
states of effective controls and "the interests of the various parts of the
traditional social-democratic constituency" are diverging, and there have
emerged new attempts by groups to separate and define their interests.  Of
this, he disapproves (Hobsbawm, 1995).  Hobsbawm correctly 'doublethinks'
states (and sovereignty) as means for defense of the values of their

We the People are kept far from the planning and control over supranational
authorities.  How are the arbiters of the World Trade Organization
 Supranational controllers, their appointment and dismissal, are free from
electoral vote.  To whom are they accountable?  If they have power over us,
we must have an equal power to remove them.

The U.S.A. still has great strengths in its people and its geography, not to

be belittled, but to ignore the weaknesses imperils the future.  What do the

American people think of their government?  In a 1997 Gallup survey, only 9
per cent of adult Americans reported a great deal of confidence in the
executive branch (the presidency) of the federal government, and only 10 per

cent said they had a great deal of confidence in Congress.  A decade ago,
those numbers were nearly twice as high.  On the issue of honesty,
fared no better; 44 per cent rated congressional representatives and 39 per
cent rated senators as lacking in ethical standards. "Perhaps this explains
why 83 per cent of adults reportedly believe government regulations are a
very serious or moderate threat to Americans' rights and freedom"(U.S.A.
Today  Mr. 31, 1997 15A).
Our duty to the future is to see that our descendants do not have to hazard
their lives for liberty.

The main locus of authority should remain national.  Regional confederations

with minimal specified powers should deal with regional concerns, all
to the ballot of individual voters.  At this level, the re-drawing of
boundaries of states to respond to ethnic or national wishes of
majorities/minorities may be peacefully negotiated.  This would strengthen
social solidarity and the sense of support within culture-communities.
We need not exchange community and Liberty for Peace.

Aho, C.M. (1991); in The Growth of Regional Trading Blocs in the Global
Economy, (eds. R.S. Belous and S.S. Hartley), National Planning Association,

Washington, D.C.  Aho was director of economic studies at the Council on
Foreign Relations.
Bischof, G. and S.E. Ambrose (1992); Eisenhower and the German POWs: Facts
Against Falsehood; Louisiana State U.
Hobsbawm, E. (1995); The Age of Extremes; Random House.
Jacobson, D. (1996); Rights Across Borders-Immigration and the Decline of
Citizenship; Johns Hopkins
Messick, H. (1971); Lansky; Berkley.
Smith, A.D. (1996);The nation: real or imagined?  Nations and Nationalism 2
(3), 1996 (p. 359).  See also Smith's Nations and Nationalism in a Global
Era; Cambridge, 1995.
Vincent, C.P. (1985); The Politics of Hunger; Ohio

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