-Caveat Lector-

Thanks for info Gavin.

Yes, I know the Suppressed Inventions (Eisen) book you mention you were
pleased with - in fact I have it.

As you mention, the book includes alternative treatment for cancer.   I can
tell you a little story about that particular part of that book.

We have recently had a very celebrated (front page) case here of Liam, a
small boy of about four with cancer in his jaw area, who was part way
through a heavy chemotherapy course (etc) via the hospital system.

His parents read that book and told the doctors they wanted to take leave
of the hospital programme (which was painful and distressing for the child,
had not such a great likelihood of a healthy outcome, and worried them very
much) for a while to try some alternative therapy for the cancer.   The drs
said, you can't, we won't let you.   You can do that sort of thing here,
because most medicine is government-controlled.   But the parents insisted.
They had found out that even if the best medically-described outcome
happened for their son, that only meant he would survive another five years
on average.

The doctors went to the government's family-welfare system, who went to
court and asked for custody of the child so they could force the rest of
their treatment on him.   The child would die in six months if not treated
with the rest of the chemotherapy programme, the government/welfare/doctors
said: it was his only hope.   The court ruled against the parents and took
custody away from them, giving it to the state.   At this point the media
started to write front page headlines about it.

   Suddenly the family home was empty and the whole family had disappeared,
taking the child with them.  They were on the run, and being hidden by
other citizens.   The police were searching for them big-time, the NZ
equivalent of the Oklahoma Bombing enquiry it seemed, from the way the
police went about it.

This went on for months, the entire police house-to-house searching around
known alternative medicine proponents and watching for them on motorways
and so on (!!!) while citizens had meetings and wrote letters and held
candlelight rallies and said, "Stop it, tell the police to go catching
criminals, and leave this innocent family alone!"   The publicity got so
bad for the police and medical system that an injunction was granted
preventing any more mention of it in the media.   Silence, for a while.

[Quite often it seems as though the NZ police and legal systems protect the
interests and freedoms of multinational pharmaceutical companies instead of
the interests and freedoms of the citizens who are paying their wages. ...
Let me digress a moment.  New Zealand is a South Seas paradise for the
pharma multinationals - because a very short-sighted former Prime Minister
called Geoffrey Palmer (lawyer, pleasant though boring chap, had one of
those Magically Fortunate Career Paths you see sometimes) brought in an
employer-backed accident insurance scheme in return for which we New
Zealanders had to give up our rights to sue ANYONE, EVER, for ANYTHING
medical, no matter how horrifyingly cruel or incompetent.   "Operated on
the wrong leg?   Sorry sir, you can't sue."   Carte blanche for the medical
profession and their philosophical gurus the drug companies.   So my
country is now a delightful experimental cage for the multinationals, who
know they can never be sued no matter what they try out here.   (Guess who
gets a lot of experimental drugs and procedures first!  Lucky little New

Anyway.   Back to the story.   Meanwhile little Liam was getting
alternative treatment for cancer, while his poor parents were in hiding
near Rotorua and being hounded like major criminals.   The people hiding
them were risking legal processes.   At the end of about six months the
whole family emerged, Parents, Liam's big sister, Mum pregnant, little
Liam.   And Liam had no discernible tumour and was looking distinctly
better.   No guarantees of course, because he has suffered from the chemo
treatments he did get, but it was clear even from telly news shots that he
looked a whole lot better than he had looked earlier when the hospital
system had him.   And much happier.   The medicos reckoned it must have
been from the treatments he did get (though he had only had two out of six
treatments, I seem to recall.)  The parents had some sort of amnesty, went
home, had their new baby, and the matter drifted out of public view.

The cancer/pharma industry does Not Like That Story.   But it all started
out of the book you mention.   Liam's father waved the book on television
news one night and told us.

And thanks again Gavin for the following information on your original
topic, the genuineness or otherwise of NASA's moon probe, (I'm sure you
won't mind me quoting it to the list)

1.   Video on the moon story from Global Insights;  number is 702-885-0700.

2.   Ask Global Insights for a free catalogue because they have some very
interesting books and videos for sale, incidentally, including "Suppressed
Inventions & Other Discoveries" by Johnathan Eisen in which he documents
successful cancer treatments and scientific cover-ups.

3.   The book "NASA Mooned America"  by Rene is available from
his website. Order directly from him, go to


>In a message dated 99-08-28 06:48:25 EDT, you write:
><< Gavin
> Interesting.   Makes sense, in terms of the speed with which they did it -
> only a few short years after Russian sputnik made them look silly.
> Technically possible.   Needn't even have told anyone outside NASA.
> This note is to ask, where does one buy the video?   And who wrote the book
> NASA Mooned America?
> Lyn >>

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