-Caveat Lector-

Polish group wants central Warsaw square renamed for Ronald

12.05 p.m. ET (1606 GMT) July 4, 1999
By Andrzej Stylinski, Associated Press

WARSAW, Poland (AP) ‹ About 100 prominent Poles inaugurated a
committee Sunday to rename a central Warsaw square for Ronald
Reagan to honor the former president for his contribution in
defeating communism.

"Reagan was the main author of the victory of the free world over
the Evil Empire,'' said Solidarity Chairman Marian Krzaklewski in
a letter accepting honorary patronage over the committee.

Although Reagan has never been to Poland, Krzaklewski said the
president was a great friend of Poles and had helped Solidarity
in its struggle against the communist regime in the 1980s.

The Committee to Commemorate President Ronald Reagan, headed by
Deputy Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski, wants the Warsaw City
Council to rename Constitution Square, a large plaza of
Stalinst-era housing blocks and shops at the intersection of
Marszalkowska, Warynskiego and Piekna streets.

The current name refers to the 1952 communist constitution, which
was replaced two years ago by a new, democratic one.

The square bears the name of an "invalid constitution of the
country which no longer exists'' ‹ thanks in part to Reagan, said
committee spokesman Jozef Szaniawski.

If the group succeeds, Reagan would join George Washington and
Woodrow Wilson as U.S. presidents with Warsaw plazas named after

Reagan, who turned 88 on Feb. 6, is well regarded here for his
support for Solidarity as well as sanctions against Poland's
communist rulers after the regime imposed martial law in December
1981 to crush Poland's independent labor movement.

After Solidarity toppled the totalitarian regime, Poles renamed
many streets and public buildings to drop communist-era names.
Constitution Square is one of the last remaining names in Warsaw
linked to the communist era.

           Kaddish, Kaddish, Kaddish, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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