-Caveat Lector-

World Net Daily

Politicizing the IRS
by Joseph Farah

I give up on the idea that the Republican Congress is ever going
to conduct a serious investigation of the way President Clinton
has targeted his enemies -- including me -- by directing Internal
Revenue Service audits.

It's just not going to happen -- not in this lifetime. Evidently,
establishment Republicans -- including the overwhelming majority
in Congress -- are so enamored of the police powers of the state
that they will do nothing to protect the civil liberties of

So, this column is directed to the Democrats. I'm skeptical that
any of you can put aside your own political prejudices in favor
of Bill Clinton long enough to consider what I'm about to say,
but it needs to be said anyway.

Imagine, for a moment, a Republican occupies the White House.
It's bound to happen again some day. Like Richard Nixon before
him, this Republican has a penchant for rooting out vocal
opposition and pesky journalists and compiling enemies lists. One
of his tactics is to fax to the IRS notes from constituents
complaining about the critical work of certain non-profit
organizations. One of those letters rips a group of journalists
who have been investigating administration corruption.

The letter and cover sheet from the White House first go to the
Exempt Office division of the IRS and eventually to the office in
the city where the journalists are based. A wide-ranging audit
begins. The field agent tells the targeted journalists' certified
public accountant that this is a "political case" and the
decision about the organization's tax-exempt status will be made
at the "national level."

The audit lasts nine months and finds nothing awry within the
organization's books. But the ordeal nearly bankrupts the group,
causing it to lay off reporters and close publications. A Freedom
of Information Act request by the group for its IRS case file is
denied. An appeal is denied. Only as a result of a lawsuit are
documents produced two years later -- and there is still some
question about how complete the file is.

Also two years later, the Treasury Department releases a heavily
redacted internal report concluding that the audit began as a
direct result of the letter sent from the White House to the IRS.

With just that information, my Democratic friends, would you not
conclude that there is at least ample evidence to investigate
seriously the possibility that the president is violating the law
by using the IRS for political purposes?

I know you would. Yet those are exactly the facts concerning this
president. There is a perfect parallel with regard to the White
House's illegal actions against the Western Journalism Center, a
non-partisan group of investigative journalists who probe
official corruption as deeply and vigorously when it is committed
by Republicans as they do when it is committed by Democrats.

I know this is a long shot -- a Hail Mary pass, if you will. But
I have to point out the utter hypocrisy you will display if you
ignore the blatantly illegal actions of this president with
regard to the abuse of the IRS.

This is not an idle accusation on my part. We now have the
Clinton administration's own documentation to prove the charge in
a court of law -- and we will do that with the help of our legal
representative, Larry Klayman of Judicial Watch. It may take
years, but we will do that. You will not be able to plead
ignorance when we do. That's why I am making this request to you
at this time. Save yourself some embarrassment, some humiliation
and do the right thing, the honorable thing now.

You don't have to conclude I'm right to take action. All you need
to do is authorize an investigation of this serious, impeachable
offense. It's not complicated. It's actually quite simple.

Imagine how courageous you will appear -- challenging a president
of your own party on a vital civil liberties issue.

If you don't take this advice, you will have no excuses later.
You will also demonstrate conclusively for the whole world to see
that you do not really believe in civil liberties for one and
all. It's only a question of whose ox is being gored.

Republicans don't have a strong record on defending individual
rights and personal freedoms. Democrats at least pay it lip
service. Now it's time to ante up -- to take on an unpleasant
question that will not win you friends in the White House.

But if any of you have a conscience after seven years of Clinton
abuses, now might be a good time to show not all Democrats are
immature lawbreakers who have one set of standards for themselves
and another set for everyone else.

You know where to find me. ...

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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