-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.prevailingwinds.org/reprintmain.html">Articles & Documents
I can never say enough about Prevailing Winds. An excellant resource. Here are
just the first 16 of their reprints.  The total file is over 300KB. If ya
never been  . . . highly recommended.
Articles, Documents, & Reprints

All reprints have been re-typeset and come three-hole punched for
looseleaf binders.

002 How Allen Dulles and the SS Preserved Each Other

by Peter Dale Scott

Peter Dale Scott's incisive survey of the deals cut between Nazis and
Allen Dulles following World War II fills in many gaps in America's
secret history. Scott delves into Mengele's Kameraden, the U.S.
protection of Klaus Barbie (including a 1983 Justice Department cover-up
of U.S. complicity in Barbie's escape). He also explores Operation
Bernhard the Nazis' elaborate counterfeiting and money-laundering
network, then details the alliances forged between SS General Karl
Wolff, Milan Gestapo Chief Walter Rauff, and Dulles' OSS (the CIA's
predecessor). $ 1.00  ORDER REPRINTS

003 The Secret Treaty of Fort Hunt

by Carl Oglesby

Read this article in conjunction with How Allen Dulles & the SS
Preserved Each Other, and you'll have a pretty good idea of how we got
into the mess we're in today. This article from Covert Action tells the
story of ODESSA and its relationship to Reinhard Gehlen's spy
organization, which formed the basis of our modern CIA and NSA-NSC. The
unconditional surrender the Germans made to the Allied command at the
little red schoolhouse in Reims was the surrender only of the German
armed services. It was not the surrender of the hard SS core of the Nazi
Party. The SS did not surrender, unconditionally or otherwise, and thus
Nazism itself did not surrender. The SS chose, rather, to seek other
means of continuing the war while the right wing of the United States'
military establishment, through fears and secret passions and a naiveté
of its own, chose to facilitate that choice. The history that we have
lived through since then stands witness to the consequences.  $1.30

025 Good Americans

by John Judge

Looking for a well-annotated list of scumbags? Although much of the
information in this article is contained in other materials from John
Judge, the comprehensive footnotes provide most of the sources for
John's analysis. Set up as a Who's Who in fascism, you'll discover all
your old favorites plus a few surprises. $2.50

013 The Doctors from Berlin

by Tom Bowers

If you thought the only Nazis brought to our shores following World War
II went to work for NASA, you only know a small part of the story. In
addition to Werner Von Braun and his coterie of Nazi scientists, the OSS
under Allen Dulles also imported hundreds of Nazi intelligence agents
and doctors. The Nazi intelligence personnel mostly went to work for the
CIA and NSA, while many of the doctors went to work for the Pentagon. In
this age of AIDS, Epstein-Barr, Lyme Tick, and Legionnaire's Disease,
this chapter from Tom Bowers' book The Paperclip Conspiracy provides
insight into America's deep (and continuing) collusion with
highest-level Nazi officials and lays bare the numerous ruses used to
get them here without public or congressional scrutiny. .75¢  ORDER

040 "The Sovereign Military Order of Malta by Françoise Hervet

In this scholarly overview reprinted from CovertAction Information
Bulletin , the author describes the shadowy role the Knights of Malta
have played in international intelligence operations. Hervet discusses
the Order's historical antecedents, the American Association of SMOM,
the American-Italian Connection, the fascist P-2 Lodge, Americares, and
the group's Central American operations. The article delineates some
extraordinarily unholy alliances, showing how church and state too often
work hand-in-hand to propagate fascism. $1.50

042 Their Will Be Done

by Martin Lee

Reporter Martin Lee takes a hard look at the relationship between the
CIA and the Vatican, paying particular attention to the Knights of
Malta. Among Lee's charges are that the CIA: (1) passed money to a large
number of priests and bishops, some of whom became witting CIA covert
operators; (2) employed undercover operatives to lobby members of the
Curia and spy on liberal churchmen on the pope's staff who challenged
the political assumptions of the U.S.; (3) prepared intelligence
briefings that accurately predicted the rise of liberation theology; and
(4) collaborated with right-wing Catholic groups to counter the actions
of progressive clerics in America. .80¢

029 The White House War
Against Martin Luther King

by Jeff Cohen

This excellent summary from The Rebel chronicles the FBI's racist war of
nerves against Martin Luther King, showing that orders to shadow and
discredit King came originally from the Kennedy White House and were
then expanded by LBJ after he and his pals had removed Kennedy. The
article also discusses James Earl Ray and the many angles on the murder
that the FBI failed to investigate.  .70¢  ORDER REPRINTS


by Anthony Summers

>From the 1930's through the Kennedy years, not only was J. Edgar
Hoover's F.B.I. strangely reluctant to take on organized crime, the
director refused to admit the Mafia's very existence. Did mobsters Frank
Costello and Meyer Lansky use Hoover's secret homosexuality to blackmail
the most powerful crime-fighter in the country? In this excerpt from his
new book, Anthony Summers investigates allegations of compromising
photographs, Stork Club spies, and drug orgies at the Plaza hotel. .75¢


Featuring Noam Chomsky and Jeff Cohen

In this 37 page transcript of Noam Chomsky and Jeff Cohen's
presentation, sponsored by the L.A. chapter of FAIR, numerous cases of
suppression of news events are examined. Jeff Cohen points out that
recently we've witnessed a series of spectacles where the norm was
outright lying, distortion, bizarre reinterpretations of reality. In
these spectacles, with the help of the media, public figures with long
histories have been able to reinvent themselves almost overnight. A
must-read for those wishing to get a glimpse of what is really happening
in the world of media.  $2.95


007 Two Speeches by Joan Bokaer:
Fundamentalism and the New Right (1986)
& Perspectives on the Arms Race (1985)

Joan Bokaer is with the Center for Religion, Ethics and Social Policy at
Cornell University. These two very informative, meticulously researched
speeches have been widely circulated on audiotape because Ms.Bokaer is a
master at tying together the underlying threads of America's foreign and
domestic policy. Although these two speeches appear to have different
topics, Ms. Bokaer points out that the arms race and the upsurge in
fundamentalist cults are, in fact, intimately related. $2.00

008 Old Nazis & The New Right

by Russ Bellant

If you can bear to think back to the 1988 presidential election, you'll
recall that at one point Bush had to dismiss several Nazis from the top
of his campaign committee. This article discusses the role that fascists
and Nazi collaborators have played in the new right's subversion of
traditional Republican values. Bellant focuses on the Republican
Heritage Groups Council, a Nazi nest which Bush and Reagan have courted
in their pursuit of power. It was Bellant's research which forced the
dismissal of some of Bush's Nazi friends from the campaign committee,
but as Bellant points out, While Bush campaign spokespersons pledged
there would be an investigation into the background and views of the CAN
members whose resignations it had announced, no serious investigation
ever took place and the campaign repeatedly referred to the charges as
unsubstantiated politically-motivated smears. Several of the persons who
had been reported as resigning told journalists they had never been
asked to resign and considered themselves still active with the Bush
campaign. . 50¢  ORDER REPRINTS

009 The Real Enemies of Karen Silkwood

by Anthony Kimery

The Silkwood murder and the resulting motion picture starring Meryl
Streep focused American attention on the murder and subsequent
investigation of this case. The article focuses on Danny Sheehan and the
Christic Institute as they valiantly battled the fascist collusion of
the government and Kerr-McGee in this affair. If you're not aware of the
details of Karen's murder and the subsequent cover-up, this article will
bring you up to speed and paint a picture of the murderous forces at
work in our society behind the illusion of corporate legitimacy and
national security. .75¢

010 Crucial Watergate Tape Edited by
Nixon Library

by David Latuer

You might have known! Ol' Tricky the Dick is at it again!! You'd think
he'd have learned his lesson long ago, but Richard Nixon is still trying
to bamboozle the public and some chumps are falling for it!!! This
article from the L.A. Times chronicles the opening of the Nixon library
and its version of the infamous smoking gun tape. Although the library
asserted that the entire tape would be played, it turns out they've
bowdlerized anything that might have been truly embarrassing for the
criminally corrupt former president. The article reprints the full
transcript of the tape and highlights the few sections that Nixon saw
fit to include. .40¢

011 The Robert Mapplethorpe Trial

by C. Carr

The Cincinnati exhibit of Robert Mapplethorpe's homoerotic photographs
became a cause celebre when local police raided a museum and brought
obscenity charges against its curator for exhibiting the photos.
Although all the local fascisti assumed they'd have an easy victory in
court, the jury surprised them by acquitting the curator on all counts.
Cincinnati is a tightly buttoned town, but the attack on `Robert
Mapplethorpe: The Perfect Moment' may have catalyzed something. I'm
always going to remember that moment when the police came bursting into
the Contemporary Art Center last April, pushing away the artgoers and
knocking down the velvet ropes as if chasing some deadly criminal. And
then, Dennis Barrie going out to address the crowd gathered in the mall,
covering his face with his hands. `It's a very dark day.' I remember the
hundreds and hundreds of people down there, those who'd been waiting to
get in, those the police had thrown out when they'd evacuated the museum
which had been full to capacity. I remember them roaring their outrage.
And I took it as a good sign that Cincinnati, for all its conservatism,
could be the turning point in the war on culture, when they all began
chanting at a surprised-looking police force: `We're the community
standard. We're the community standard.'" .80¢

012 The Iran-Contra Committees:
Did They Protect Reagan?

by Seymour Hersh

This article from the New York Times Sunday Magazine (4/29/90) outlines
the many ways in which the Iran-Contra Committee failed the American
people. Hersh mentions numerous items of interest that the committee had
before them (and elected not to mention publicly) and also discusses the
aborted testimony of James Radzimski which might have led to Reagan's
impeachment. Interviews with the committee chairmen, John Nields, Arthur
Liman, and other insiders demonstrate both the ineptitude and complicity
of the House-Senate panel in failing to expose this assault upon our
Constitution for what it was. . 50¢  ORDER REPRINTS
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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