-Caveat Lector-

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Date sent:              Fri, 4 Jun 1999 04:48:55 +0000
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jean Hudon)
From:                   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (jean hudon)
Subject:                SNET: Prince Charles article against Genetically Modified 
Send reply to:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Media person

Following my recent posting to you on this subject, I recommend to you
this most excellent questioning by Prince Charles of the wisdom of
pursuing "in the fields" experiments with genetically modified foods and
the mass cultivation of these Frankencrops.

Best regards,

Jean Hudon
Earth Rainbow Network Coordinator


From: Steve Emmott (Stephen Emmott) [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, 2 June 1999 11:41

This is the text of an article yesterday in the UK Daily Mail - According
to the media today Prince Charles has single-handedly wrecked the Blair
government's efforts to calm public fears over GM food and crops.


Questions about Genetically Modified Organisms
An article by The Prince of Wales
The Daily Mail, 1st June, 1999,


The debate about the use of GM technology continues, with daily news of
claims about the safety or the risks. The public's reaction shows instinctive
nervousness about tampering with nature when we don't know all the
consequences. There are unanswered questions which need to be asked -
about the need for GM food, its safety, the environmental consequences,
consumer choice and the usefulness to feed the world's growing

At the end of last year I set up a discussion forum on my website on the
question of GMOs. I wanted to encourage wider public debate about what I
see as a fundamental issue and one which affects each and every one of
us, and future generations.  There was a huge response - some 10,000
replies have indicated that public concern about the use of GM technology
has been growing. Many food producers and retailers have clearly felt the
same overwhelming anxiety from their consumers who are demanding a
choice in what they eat. A number of them have now banned GM
ingredients from their own-brand products.  But the debate continues to
rage. Not a day goes by without some new piece of research claiming to
demonstrate either the safety or the risks of GM technology. It is very hard
for people to know just who is right. Few of us are able to interpret all the
scientific information which is available - and even the experts don't always
agree. But what I believe the public's reaction shows is that instinctively we
are nervous about tampering with Nature when we can't be sure that we
know enough about all the consequences.

Having followed this debate very closely for some while now, 1 believe that
there are still a number of unanswered questions which need to be asked.

1. Do we need GM food in this country?

ON THE basis of what we have seen so far, we don't appear to need it at
all. The benefits, such as there are, seem to be limited to the people who
own the technology and the people who farm on an industrialised scale. We
are constantly told that this technology may have huge benefits for the
future. Well, perhaps. But we have all heard claims like that before and they
don't always come true in the long run - look at the case of antibiotic growth
promoters in animal feedstuff...

2. Is GM food safe for us to eat?

There is certainly no evidence to the contrary. But how much evidence do
we have? And are we looking at the right things? The major decisions
about what can be grown and what can be sold are taken on the basis of
studying what is known about the original plant, comparing it to the
genetically modified variety, and then deciding whether the two are
'substantially equivalent'. But is it enough to look only at what is already
known? Isn't there at least a possibility that the new crops (particularly those
that have been made resistant to antibiotics) will behave in unexpected
ways, producing toxic or allergic reactions? Only independent scientific
research, over a long period, can provide the final answer.  3. Why are the
rules for approving GM foods so much less stringent than those for new
medicines produced using the same technology?  Before drugs are
released into the marketplace they have to undergo the most rigorous
testing - and quite right too. But GM food is also designed in a laboratory
for human consumption, albeit in different circumstances. Surely it is
equally important that we are confident that they will do us no harm?

4. How much do we really know about the environmental consequences of
GM crops?

Laboratory tests showing that pollen from GM maize in the United States
caused damage to the caterpillars of Monarch butterflies provide the latest
cause for concern. If GM plants can do this to butterflies, what damage
might they cause to other species? But more alarmingly perhaps, this GM
maize is not under test. It is already being grown commercially throughout
large areas of the United States of America. Surely this effect should have
been discovered by the company producing the seeds, or the regulatory
authorities who approved them for sale, at a much earlier stage? Indeed,
how much more are we going to learn the hard way about the impact of GM
crops on the environment?

5. Is it sensible to plant test crops without strict regulations in place?

Such crops are being planted in this country now - under a voluntary code
of practice. But English Nature, the Government's official adviser on nature
conservation, has argued that we ought to put strict, enforceable
regulations in place first. Even then, will it really be possible to prevent
contamination of nearby wildlife or crops, whether organic or not? Since
bees and the wind don't obey any sort of rules - voluntary or statutory - we
shall soon have an unprecedented and unethical situation in which one
farmer's crops will contaminate another's against his will.

6. How will consumers be able to exercise genuine choice?

Labelling schemes clearly have a role to play. But if conventional and
organic crops can become contaminated by GM crops grown nearby,
those people who wish to be sure they are eating or growing absolutely
natural, non-industrialised, real food, will be denied that choice. This seems
to me to be wrong.

7. If something goes wrong with a GM crop, who will be held responsible? It
is important that we know precisely who is going to be legally liable to pay
for any damage - whether it be to human health, the environment, or both.
Will it be the company who sells the seed or the farmer who grows it? Or
will it, as was the case with BSE, be all of us?

8. Are GM crops really the only way to feed the world's growing population?

This argument sounds suspiciously like emotional blackmail to me. Is there
any serious academic research to substantiate such a sweeping
statement? The countries which might be expected to benefit certainly take
a different view. Representatives of 20 African states, including Ethiopia,
have published a statement denying that gene technologies will 'help
farmers to produce the food that is needed in the 21st Century'. On the
contrary, they 'think it will destroy the diversity, the local knowledge and the
sustainable agricultural systems * and undermine our capacity to feed
ourselves'. How much more could we achieve if all the research funds
currently devoted to fashionable GM techniques - which run into billions of
dollars a year - were applied to improving methods of agriculture which
have stood the test of time? We already know that yields from many
traditional farming systems can be doubled, at least, by making better use
of existing natural resources.

9. What effect will GM crops have on the people of the world's poorest

Christian Aid has just published a devastating report, entitled Selling
Suicide, explaining why GM crops are unlikely to provide solutions to the
problems of famine and poverty. Where people are starving, lack of food is
rarely the underlying cause. It is more likely to be lack of money to buy food,
distribution problems or political difficulties. The need is to create
sustainable livelihoods for everyone. Will GM crops really do anything to
help? Or will they make the problems worse, leading to increasingly
industrialised forms of agriculture, with larger farms, crops grown for export
while indigenous populations starve, and more displaced farm workers
heading for a miserable, degraded existence in yet more shanty towns?

10. What sort of world do we want to live in?

This is the biggest question of all. I raise it because the capacity of GM
technology to change our world has brought us to a crossroads of
fundamental importance. Are we going to allow the industrialisation of Life
itself, redesigning the natural world for the sake of convenience and
embarking on an Orwellian future? And, if we do, will there eventually be a
price to pay? Or should we be adopting a gentler, more considered
approach, seeking always to work with the grain of Nature in making better,
more sustainable use of what we have, for the long-term benefit of mankind
as a whole? The answer is important. It will affect far more than the food we
eat; it will determine the sort of world we, and our children, inhabit.

© Copyright St James's Palace and the Press Association Ltd 1999. All
rights reserved.


Steve Emmott Policy Advisor-Genetic Engineering Green Group in the
European Parliament 1047 Brussels

Tel +32 2 284 2026 Fax +32 2 284 2026

Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

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