1999-07-02 Thread Theodor Parada, MD

 -Caveat Lector-

It is one thing to bomb and nuke a destroy a country. To control it you
need ground troops, easy pickings for marksman (not the spray and pray
crowd, that is now the military). One shot one kill is very demoralizing
for an occupier to have to contend with. There's 70 million or more gun
owners in this country, no occupying force in their right mind would move
in here without having the masses disarmed. Just like what is currently
happening in the Balkans.

Theodor S.Parada, MD
PGP Key ID 0x537C4815

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot
survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for
he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst
those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the
alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor
appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he
wears their face and their garments, he appeals to the baseness that lies
deep in the heart's of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works
secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he
infects the body politic, so that, it, can no longer resist. A murderer is
less to fear. The traitor is the plague."
Marcus Tullius Cicero 42 BC

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1999-07-02 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: nessie [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 When states have overwhelming military forces, not to mention NBC
 [nuclear, biological, chemical] arsenals, 'guns' are absurd tools to
 attempt to oppose the power of such a state.

 Tell it to the Vietnamese. Tell it to the Laotians. Tell it to the

The North VietNamese army had tanks and artillery - the US was NOT
defeated by militias with shotguns and AKs, but by a professional
army - and by a lack of REASON and WILL in the US to 'prevail'.
Contrast the US-VietNam experience with the successful British
counter-insurgency campaign in the Malay territory during the 50s.

Afghans fighting Russians were supplied with mines, rocket launchers,
a vast arsenal of military weaponry, rather more powerful than hand-
guns and hunting rifles - and the current environment there is not
exactly what most people would consider adequate.  Pumping a lot of
weaponry into a region does NOT stabilize a situation.

Uh, just who did the Laotians defeat with their personal firearms?

My point is, if the political masters of a modern military want to
commit their resources to stomp you, then personal firearms are
irrelevant.  To prevail against land/air/naval forces, you need
comparable forces, or weapons of mass destruction and lotsa luck.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-07-02 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

The North VietNamese army had tanks and artillery - the US was NOT
defeated by militias with shotguns and AKs, but by a professional army -
and by a lack of REASON and WILL in the US to 'prevail'.

(1.) The Vietnamese started out against the Japanese with nothing but
small arms. Everything else they captured or bought. The key element in
the French defeat at Dien Bien Phu was the Viet Minh's Hmoung irregular
auxiliaries, many were armed with flintlocks and crossbows. My SO owns one
of those crossbows. You DON'T want her to shoot you with it. The Hmoung
were mad at the French State Monopoly Opium Purchasing Board, particularly
its only Hmoung member, Touby Lo Fang, for swindling them. They offered
their superb hillbilly combat and navigation skills and Vietnamese who
couldn't have  won without them.  They killed outlying French patrols who
would have tipped the main force off what they were up to and led the Viet
Minh up rugged mountain goat trails packing mountain guns. They were the
only artillery that the Viet Minh used in the battle. While the mountain
guns kept the French pinned down Viet Minh foot soldiers with small arms
systematically overran the colorfully named fire bases one by one until
even a fighting withdrawal was out of the question for the French.

The delineation between the North Vietnamese army and the Viet Cong is a
false dichotomy and imperialist propaganda. They were one force, with one
goal. All their activities, and their command structure, were thoroughly
integrated. The Viet Cong were a citizen militia in the sense that they
also held day jobs. They used small arms and improvised munitions for the
bulk of the war. They were supplied from the north, but they also were
supplied from the south. Southerners provided logistical support and
fighters to their own liberation struggle. The northerners helped because
to the Vietnamese there is no difference between north and south; they are
one people. The DMZ was imposed, not by Vietnamese, but by foreigners.
Even at that, it was (on paper at least) never intended to be a national
border. It was a line marking in which direction certain  troop were to
withdraw during the period leading up to the elections. South Viet Nam was
never a country. It was a fiction that the US and it puppets attempted to
fob off on the Vietnamese people who threw their butts out in response.

The key event in the struggle against the Americans, the one that broke
America's will, was the Tet Offensive. It was overwhelming fought with
small arms. By the time the war had turned into a Clauswitzian set piece
affair, the Americans were long gone, driven out primarily by citizen
soldiers with AK-47s.

"The Spirit of the People is stronger than the Man's technology." --Huey
P. Newton

Not to be ignored is the significant role played by what Giap called the
"Second Front," Americans fighting their own government here at home. We
were armed primarily with rocks, bottles and gasoline. Fortunately we had
the numbers. Gradually the anti-war movement took to explosives, both
stolen and improvised. According to a suppressed government study, stolen
and published in Ramparts magazine there were over three thousand
bombing in America in 1971. That's ten a day. It was a major factor in the
US government's decision to disengage. None of those bombs were standard
issue ordinance.

Another key factor in the decision to withdraw was US troop rebellions and
especially fragging. Over seven hundred officers were killed by their own
men, all with bullets and grenades.

(2.) In any armed struggle between the people of America and the
government, the government can in no way be assured of the loyalty of the
armed forces. They are our children, our parents, our sibling and our
neighbors. They won't gun us down in cold blood. Some would; others would
kill them for it, desert, and bring their weapons with them.  Read up on
the Twenty Nine Palms study.

Contrast the US-VietNam experience with the successful British
counter-insurgency campaign in the Malay territory during the 50s.

British success in the Malay campaign was not so much due to British
resolve as it was to their (traditionally) skillful manipulation of the
racial tension between the Malays and the Chinese. Contrast the British
experience in Malasia with their dismal (and supremely just) failure in
Ireland. It is significant to note that the Black and Tan War set the tone
for every subsequent national liberation struggle for the rest of the
century. The IRA pioneered nearly all of the tactics and techniques that
the Vietnamese and others have used since to shake off the yoke of
colonialism by force of arms, the, the homemade bomb, the flying columns,
the bicycles, the whole works, except perhaps for the deep penetration of
English intelligence and counter intelligence services, which saw genesis
in the Maroon Wars in Jamaica.

Afghans fighting Russians were supplied with mines, rocket launchers, a
vast arsenal 


1999-07-01 Thread Lloyd Miller

 -Caveat Lector-


  The State Creates Its Own Enemies

Ghoulishly capitalizing on the tragedy of a mass murder, the anti-gun
forces are surging forward with their plans for total  gun
confiscation. If law-abiding private citizens were disarmed,  they
claim, criminals and crazies would be unable to kill and  maim.
That's an obvious lie -- criminals, by definition, disobey  laws, and
madmen can kill with knives, cars or champagne bottles  as easily and
as senselessly as they can with guns. The not-so- secret agenda of
the State and its apologists is clear: disarm  peaceful citizens to
render them powerless. Turn law-abiding  Americans into criminals
with the stroke of a legislative pen.  Anyone who refuses to
surrender his or her weapons would become  an Enemy Of The State,
much the same as any armed citizen is  right now in the Soviet Union,
or Communist China, or Socialist  Nicaragua, or Fascist El Salvador,
or Monarchist Great Britain.  Gun confiscation is non-partisan -- it
is always and forever  aimed at anyone disliked by the current gang
in power.

 Gun Seizure Sparked 1776 Revolution

The American Revolution began in a dispute over gun control when
British  Redcoats marched toward Lexington and Concord to disarm
farmers there. London claimed to be the "legitimate" government
ruling America, just as Washington or Sacramento or Albany claims to
be today. And their attempt to disarm us stems from the same power
lust that drove King George. We must, therefore, hold on to our guns
-- legally or illegally -- for the very same reason the colonists

The Truth About Gun Ownership

The anti-gunners, certain that the role of government is to grant
privileges and dictate behavior, shout that citizens have no reason
to be "allowed" to own assault rifles, which have "no legitimate
sporting use". The Constitution, though, says nothing about "a
well-regulated hunting club" being necessary. We do not own handguns,
assault rifles, shotguns, and other powerful weapons because we are
hunters or plinkers or collectors. We do not even own guns because
the Constitution "allows" us to. The Constitution does not "grant"
rights. It recognizes rights already and irrevocably held forever by
the people themselves (individuals), and forbids government from
trampling on them. We have a right to keep and bear arms regardless
of whether the Second Amendment exists or not! All Article Two
guarantees is that we shouldn't have to defend that right against
"our" federal government.

We've seen that simple guarantee erode, though, haven't we?

The real reason for gun ownership is to protect the individual from
the State, whether it is an invading State from across the seas or a
domestic State grown tyrannical and oppressive. The goal of total,
repressive confiscation is clear in the subtle, shifting arguments of
the anti-gun forces. When handguns were the target, they clamored for
prohibition because handguns were not militia-type weapons protected
by the Second Amendment. Now they cry for assault rifle bans because
"mere citizens" have no business possessing "military-style" weapons!

These eager confiscators rightly point out that assault rifles,
handguns, and indeed all "weapons" have only one purpose: to kill.
Again they speak a truth, but only partially. The unasked question
is, "To kill whom? And under what circumstances?" The answer is, "To
kill any who attempt to rob, maim, rape, or kill us." Even that
answer, though, does not fully express the most important reason for
gun ownership. Only a small number of people are actually touched by
criminal violence. The State, though, touches each and every one of
us every hour of every day. People in government seek to tax our
earnings to pay for their whims, to draft our children to fight in
wars they start, to regulate and interfere with our lives out of pure
love of power and their desire to wield it. They have become as
tyrannical as any Tory redcoat, Soviet Commissar, or Nazi Gestapo.
And they are coming to steal your last line of defense against them.
Will you meekly obey?

Gun Laws Enforced at Gunpoint

When any law against guns is passed, how is it backed up? How  will
the State remove banned weapons from private hands? How will  agents
of the State disarm the citizenry? Why, by the use of  guns, of
course! This contradiction has never bothered statists.  Why are
handguns and assault rifles evil and wicked in the hands  of private
citizens yet perfectly fine in the hands of employees  of the State?
If this is truly "government by the people" why do  we see the
servants disarming their masters by force? What do  they fear from
us, if theirs is a legitimate, benevolent  government? If the State
does not seek to control us, why does it  want us disarmed?

The usual answer -- stripped of equivocation 


1999-07-01 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Lloyd Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The real reason for gun ownership is to protect the individual from
 the State, whether it is an invading State from across the seas or...

When states have overwhelming military forces, not to mention NBC
[nuclear, biological, chemical] arsenals, 'guns' are absurd tools
to attempt to oppose the power of such a state.  Tactical nukes 
anthrax are NOT countered by gangs of citizens with shotguns  AR-15s.
Personal firearms are useful in assault and terror, nothing else.
If you want to see what happens when organized groups of insurgents
holding firearms confront the power of a modern state, refer to
events in Uruguay, France and Egypt over the last few decades.
Hint: the patriots/revolutionaries are slaughtered.

The "REAL REASON FOR GUN OWNERSHIP" is to enrich the makers and
sellers of personal firearms.  It's no coincidence that many 2nd
Amendment proponents are also involved in pushing gold coins as
a hedge against instability.  Gold has dropped 500% in value in
recent decades; the only people profiting in gold, are the dealers
who find suckers they can scare into buying it.  Same thing with
guns - sharpies sell, suckers buy.  Yow.

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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