-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.consortiumnews.com/">The Consortium</A>
May 26, 1999

Reagan & Guatemala’s Death Files

By Robert Parry

Ronald Reagan's election in November 1980 set off celebrations in the
well-to-do communities of Central America.

After four years of Jimmy Carter's human rights nagging, the region's
anticommunist hard-liners were thrilled that they had someone in the
White House who understood their problems.

The oligarchs and the generals had good reason for the optimism. For
years, Reagan had been a staunch defender of right-wing regimes that
engaged in bloody counterinsurgency campaigns against leftist enemies.

In the late 1970s, when Carter's human rights coordinator, Pat Derian,
criticized the Argentine military for its "dirty war" -- tens of
thousands of "disappearances," tortures and murders -- then-political
commentator Reagan joshed that she should "walk a mile in the moccasins”
of the Argentine generals before criticizing them.

Despite his aw shucks style, Reagan found virtually every anticommunist
action justified, no matter how brutal. From his eight years in the
White House, there is no historical indication that he was troubled by
the bloodbath and even genocide that occurred in Central America during
his presidency, while he was shipping hundreds of millions of dollars in
military aid to the implicated forces.

The death toll was staggering -- an estimated 70,000 or more political
killings in El Salvador, possibly 20,000 slain from the contra war in
Nicaragua, about 200 political "disappearances" in Honduras and some
100,000 people eliminated during a resurgence of political violence in

The one consistent element in these slaughters was the overarching Cold
War rationalization, emanating in large part from Ronald Reagan's White

Yet, as the world community moves to punish war crimes in the former
Yugoslavia and Rwanda, no substantive discussion has occurred in the
United States about facing up to this horrendous record of the 1980s.

Rather than a debate about Reagan as a potential war criminal, the
ailing ex-president is honored as a conservative icon with his name
attached to Washington National Airport and with an active legislative
push to have his face carved into Mount Rushmore.

When the national news media does briefly acknowledge the barbarities of
the 1980s in Central America, it is in the context of one-day stories
about the little countries bravely facing up to their violent pasts.

At times, the CIA is fingered abstractly as a bad supporting actor in
the violent dramas. But never does the national press lay blame on
individual American officials.

The grisly reality of Central America was most recently revisited on
Feb. 25 when a Guatemalan truth commission issued a report on the
staggering human rights crimes that occurred during a 34-year civil war.

The Historical Clarification Commission, an independent human rights
body, estimated that the conflict claimed the lives of some 200,000
people with the most savage bloodletting occurring in the 1980s.

Based on a review of about 20 percent of the dead, the panel blamed the
army for 93 percent of the killings and leftist guerrillas for three
percent. Four percent were listed as unresolved.

The report documented that in the 1980s, the army committed 626
massacres against Mayan villages. "The massacres that eliminated entire
Mayan villages … are neither perfidious allegations nor figments of the
imagination, but an authentic chapter in Guatemala's history," the
commission concluded.

The army "completely exterminated Mayan communities, destroyed their
livestock and crops," the report said. In the north, the report termed
the slaughter a "genocide." [WP, Feb. 26, 1999]

Besides carrying out murder and “disappearances,” the army routinely
engaged in torture and rape. "The rape of women, during torture or
before being murdered, was a common practice" by the military and
paramilitary forces, the report found.

The report added that the "government of the United States, through
various agencies including the CIA, provided direct and indirect support
for some [of these] state operations." The report concluded that the
U.S. government also gave money and training to a Guatemalan military
that committed "acts of genocide" against the Mayans.

"Believing that the ends justified everything, the military and the
state security forces blindly pursued the anticommunist struggle,
without respect for any legal principles or the most elemental ethical
and religious values, and in this way, completely lost any semblance of
human morals," said the commission chairman, Christian Tomuschat, a
German jurist.

"Within the framework of the counterinsurgency operations carried out
between 1981 and 1983, in certain regions of the country agents of the
Guatemalan state committed acts of genocide against groups of the Mayan
people,” he added. [NYT, Feb. 26, 1999]

The report did not single out culpable individuals either in Guatemala
or the United States. But the American official most directly
responsible for renewing U.S. military aid to Guatemala and encouraging
its government during the 1980s was President Reagan.

After his election, Reagan pushed aggressively to overturn an arms
embargo imposed on Guatemala by President Carter because of the
military's wretched human rights record.

Reagan saw bolstering the Guatemalan army as part of a regional response
to growing leftist insurgencies. Reagan pitched the conflicts as
Moscow's machinations for surrounding and conquering the United States.

The president's chief concern about the recurring reports of human
rights atrocities was to attack and discredit the information. Sometimes
personally and sometimes through surrogates, Reagan denigrated the human
rights investigators and journalists who disclosed the slaughters.

Typical of these attacks was an analysis prepared by Reagan's appointees
at the U.S. embassy in Guatemala. The paper was among those recently
released by the Clinton administration to assist the Guatemalan truth
commission’s investigation.

Dated Oct. 22, 1982, the analysis concluded "that a concerted
disinformation campaign is being waged in the U.S. against the
Guatemalan government by groups supporting the communist insurgency in

The report claimed that “conscientious human rights and church
organizations,” including Amnesty International, had been duped by the
communists and “may not fully appreciate that they are being utilized."

"The campaign's object is simple: to deny the Guatemalan army the
weapons and equipment needed from the U.S. to defeat the guerrillas,"
the analysis declared.

"If those promoting such disinformation can convince the Congress,
through the usual opinion-makers -- the media, church and human rights
groups -- that the present GOG [government of Guatemala] is guilty of
gross human rights violations they know that the Congress will refuse
Guatemala the military assistance it needs.

“Those backing the communist insurgency are betting on an application,
or rather misapplication, of human rights policy so as to damage the GOG
and assist themselves."

Reagan personally picked up this theme of a falsely accused Guatemalan
military. During a swing through Latin America, Reagan discounted the
mounting reports of hundreds of Maya villages being eradicated.

On Dec. 4, 1982, after meeting with Guatemala's dictator, Gen. Efrain
Rios Montt, Reagan hailed the general as "totally dedicated to
democracy." Reagan declared that Rios Montt's government had been
"getting a bum rap."

But the newly declassified U.S. government records reveal that Reagan's
praise -- and the embassy analysis -- flew in the face of corroborated
accounts from U.S. intelligence.

Based on its own internal documents, the Reagan administration knew that
the Guatemalan military indeed was engaged in a scorched-earth campaign
against the Mayans.

According to these “secret” cables, the CIA was confirming Guatemalan
government massacres in 1981-82 even as Reagan was moving to loosen the
military aid ban.

In April 1981, a secret CIA cable described a massacre at Cocob, near
Nebaj in the Ixil Indian territory. On April 17, 1981, government troops
attacked the area believed to support leftist guerrillas, the cable

According to a CIA source, "the social population appeared to fully
support the guerrillas" and "the soldiers were forced to fire at
anything that moved." The CIA cable added that "the Guatemalan
authorities admitted that 'many civilians' were killed in Cocob, many of
whom undoubtedly were non-combatants."

Despite the CIA account and other similar reports, Reagan permitted
Guatemala's army to buy $3.2 million in military trucks and jeeps in
June 1981. To permit the sale, Reagan removed the vehicles from a list
of military equipment that was covered by the human rights embargo.

Apparently confident of Reagan’s sympathies, the Guatemalan government
continued its political repression without apology.

According to a State Department cable on Oct. 5, 1981, Guatemalan
leaders met with Reagan's roving ambassador, retired Gen. Vernon
Walters, and left no doubt about their plans.
Guatemala's military leader, Gen. Fernando Romeo Lucas Garcia, "made
clear that his government will continue as before -- that the repression
will continue. He reiterated his belief that the repression is working
and that the guerrilla threat will be successfully routed."

Human rights groups saw the same picture. The Inter-American Human
Rights Commission released a report on Oct. 15, 1981, blaming the
Guatemalan government for "thousands of illegal executions." [WP, Oct.
16, 1981]

But the Reagan administration was set on whitewashing the ugly scene. A
State Department "white paper," released in December 1981, blamed the
violence on leftist "extremist groups" and their "terrorist methods"
prompted and supported by Cuba’s Fidel Castro.

Yet, even as these rationalizations were presented to the American
people, U.S. agencies continued to pick up clear evidence of
government-sponsored massacres.

One CIA report in February 1982 described an army sweep through the
so-called Ixil Triangle in central El Quiche province.

"The commanding officers of the units involved have been instructed to
destroy all towns and villages which are cooperating with the Guerrilla
Army of the Poor [known as the EGP] and eliminate all sources of
resistance,” the report stated.

“Since the operation began, several villages have been burned to the
ground, and a large number of guerrillas and collaborators have been

The CIA report explained the army's modus operandi: "When an army patrol
meets resistance and takes fire from a town or village, it is assumed
that the entire town is hostile and it is subsequently destroyed."

When the army encountered an empty village, it was "assumed to have been
supporting the EGP, and it is destroyed. There are hundreds, possibly
thousands of refugees in the hills with no homes to return to. …

"The army high command is highly pleased with the initial results of the
sweep operation, and believes that it will be successful in destroying
the major EGP support area and will be able to drive the EGP out of the
Ixil Triangle. … The well documented belief by the army that the entire
Ixil Indian population is pro-EGP has created a situation in which the
army can be expected to give no quarter to combatants and non-combatants

In March 1982, Gen. Rios Montt seized power. An avowed fundamentalist
Christian, he immediately impressed Washington. Reagan hailed Rios Montt
as "a man of great personal integrity."

By July 1982, however, Rios Montt had begun a new scorched-earth
campaign called his "rifles and beans" policy. The slogan meant that
pacified Indians would get "beans," while all others could expect to be
the target of army "rifles."

In October, he secretly gave carte blanche to the feared “Archivos”
intelligence unit to expand “death squad” operations. Based at the
Presidential Palace, the “Archivos” masterminded many of Guatemala’s
most notorious assassinations.

The U.S. embassy was soon hearing more accounts of the army conducting
Indian massacres. On Oct, 21, 1982, one cable described how three
embassy officers tried to check out some of these reports but ran into
bad weather and canceled the inspection.

Still, this cable put the best possible spin on the situation. Though
unable to check out the massacre reports, the embassy officials did
"reach the conclusion that the army is completely up front about
allowing us to check alleged massacre sites and to speak with whomever
we wish."

The next day, the embassy fired off its analysis that the Guatemalan
government was the victim of a communist-inspired "disinformation
campaign," a claim embraced by Reagan with his "bum rap" comment in

On Jan. 7, 1983, Reagan lifted the ban on military aid to Guatemala and
authorized the sale of $6 million in military hardware. Approval covered
spare parts for UH-1H helicopters and A-37 aircraft used in
counterinsurgency operations.

Radios, batteries and battery charges were also in package.
State Department spokesman John Hughes said political violence in the
cities had "declined dramatically" and that rural conditions had
improved too.

In February 1983, however, a secret CIA cable noted a rise in "suspect
right-wing violence" with kidnappings of students and teachers. Bodies
of victims were appearing in ditches and gullies.

CIA sources traced these political murders to Rios Montt's order to the
“Archivos” in October to "apprehend, hold, interrogate and dispose of
suspected guerrillas as they saw fit."

Despite these grisly facts on the ground, the annual State Department
human rights survey praised the supposedly improved human rights
situation in Guatemala. "The overall conduct of the armed forces had
improved by late in the year" 1982, the report stated.

A different picture -- far closer to the secret information held by the
U.S. government -- was coming from independent human rights
investigators. On March 17, 1983, Americas Watch representatives
condemned the Guatemalan army for human rights atrocities against the
Indian population.

New York attorney Stephen L. Kass said these findings included proof
that the government carried out "virtually indiscriminate murder of men,
women and children of any farm regarded by the army as possibly
supportive of guerrilla insurgents."

Rural women suspected of guerrilla sympathies were raped before
execution, Kass said. Children were "thrown into burning homes. They are
thrown in the air and speared with bayonets.

We heard many, many stories of children being picked up by the ankles
and swung against poles so their heads are destroyed." [AP, March 17,

Publicly, however, senior Reagan officials continued to put on a happy
face. On June 12, 1983, special envoy Richard B. Stone praised "positive
changes" in Rios Montt's government.

But Rios Montt’s vengeful Christian fundamentalism was hurtling out of
control, even by Guatemalan standards. In August 1983, Gen. Oscar Mejia
Victores seized power in another coup.

Despite the power shift, Guatemalan security forces continued to act
with impunity.

When three Guatemalans working for the U.S. Agency for International
Development were slain in November 1983, U.S. Ambassador Frederic Chapin
suspected that “Archivos” hit squads were sending a message to the
United States to back off even the mild pressure for human rights

In late November, in a brief show of displeasure, the administration
postponed the sale of $2 million in helicopter spare parts. The next
month, however, Reagan sent the spare parts.

In 1984, Reagan succeeded, too, in pressuring Congress to approve
$300,000 in military training for the Guatemalan army.

By mid-1984, Chapin, who had grown bitter about the army’s stubborn
brutality, was gone, replaced by a far-right political appointee named
Alberto Piedra, who was all for increased military assistance to

In January 1985, Americas Watch issued a report observing that Reagan's
State Department "is apparently more concerned with improving
Guatemala's image than in improving its human rights."

According to the newly declassified U.S. records, the Guatemalan reality
included torture out of the Middle Ages. A Defense Intelligence Agency
cable reported that the Guatemalan military used an air base in
Retalhuleu during the mid-1980s as a center for coordinating the
counterinsurgency campaign in southwest Guatemala.

At the base, pits were filled with water to hold captured suspects.
"Reportedly there were cages over the pits and the water level was such
that the individuals held within them were forced to hold on to the bars
in order to keep their heads above water and avoid drowning," the DIA
report stated. Later, the pits were filled with concrete to eliminate
the evidence.

The Guatemalan military used the Pacific Ocean as another dumping spot
for political victims, according to the DIA report. Bodies of insurgents
tortured to death and of live prisoners marked for “disappearance” were
loaded on planes that flew out over the ocean where the soldiers would
shove the victims into the water.

The history of the Retalhuleu death camp was uncovered by accident in
the early 1990s, the DIA reported on April 11, 1994. A Guatemalan
officer wanted to let soldiers cultivate their own vegetables on a
corner of the base.

But the officer was taken aside and told to drop the request "because
the locations he had wanted to cultivate were burial sites that had been
used by the D-2 [military intelligence] during the mid-eighties."

Guatemala, of course, was not the only Central American country where
Reagan and his administration supported brutal counterinsurgency
operations -- and then sought to cover up the bloody facts.

Reagan's falsification of the historical record was a hallmark of the
conflicts in El Salvaodor and Nicaragua as well. In one case, Reagan
personally lashed out at an individual human rights investigator named
Reed Brody, a New York lawyer who had collected affidavits from more
than 100 witnesses to atrocities carried out by the U.S.-supported
contras in Nicaragua.

Angered by the revelations about his pet "freedom-fighters," Reagan
denounced Brody in a speech on April 15, 1985. The president called
Brody "one of dictator [Daniel] Ortega's supporters, a sympathizer who
has openly embraced Sandinismo."

Privately, Reagan had a far more accurate understanding of the true
nature of the contras. At one point in the contra war, Reagan turned to
CIA official Duane Clarridge and demanded that the contras be used to
destroy some Soviet-supplied helicopters that had arrived in Nicaragua.

In his memoirs, Clarridge recalled that "President Reagan pulled me
aside and asked, 'Dewey, can't you get those vandals of yours to do this
job.'" [See Clarridge's A Spy for All Seasons.]

To conceal the truth about the war crimes of Central America, Reagan
also authorized a systematic program of distorting information and
intimidating American journalists.

Called "public diplomacy," the project was run by a CIA propaganda
veteran, Walter Raymond Jr., who was assigned to the National Security
Council staff. The explicit goal of the operation was to manage U.S.
"perceptions" of the wars in Central America.

The project's key operatives developed propaganda "themes," selected
“hot buttons” to excite the American people, cultivated pliable
journalists who would cooperate and bullied reporters who wouldn't go

The best-known attacks were directed against New York Times
correspondent Raymond Bonner for disclosing Salvadoran army massacres of
civilians, including the slaughter of more than 800 men, women and
children in El Mozote in December 1981.

But Bonner was not alone. Reagan's operatives pressured scores of
reporters and their editors in an ultimately successful campaign to
minimize information about these human rights crimes reaching the
American people. [For details, see Robert Parry's Lost History.]

The tamed reporters, in turn, gave the administration a far freer hand
to pursue its anticommunist operations throughout Central America.

Despite the tens of thousands of civilian deaths and now-corroborated
accounts of massacres and genocide, not a single senior military officer
in Central America was held accountable for the bloodshed.

The U.S. officials who sponsored and encouraged these war crimes not
only escaped any legal judgment, but remained highly respected figures
in Washington. Reagan has been honored as few recent presidents have.

The journalists who played along by playing down the atrocities -- the
likes of Fred Barnes and Charles Krauthammer -- saw their careers
skyrocket, while those who told the truth suffered severe consequences.

Given that history, it was not surprising that the Guatemalan truth
report was treated as a one-day story.

The major American newspapers did cover the findings. The New York Times
 made it the lead story. The Washington Post played it inside on page
A19. Both cited the troubling role of the CIA and other U.S. government
agencies in the Guatemalan tragedy. But no U.S. official was held
accountable by name.

On March 1, 1999, a strange Washington Post editorial addressed the
findings, but did not confront them. One of its principal points seemed
to be that President Carter's military aid cut-off to Guatemala was to

The editorial argued that the arms embargo removed "what minimal
restraint even a feeble American presence supplied." The editorial made
no reference to the 1980s and added only a mild criticism of "the CIA
[because it] still bars the public from the full documentation."

Then, with no apparent sense of irony, the editorial ended by stating:
"We need our own truth commission."

During a visit to Central America, on March 10, President Clinton
apologized for the past U.S. support of right-wing regimes in Guatemala.

"For the United States, it is important that I state clearly that
support for military forces and intelligence units which engaged in
violence and widespread repression was wrong, and the United States must
not repeat that mistake," Clinton said. [WP, March 11, 1999]

But the sketchy apology appears to be all the Central Americans can
expect from El Norte.

Back in Washington, Ronald Reagan remains a respected icon, not a
disgraced war criminal. His name is still honored, attached to National
Airport and a new federal building. A current GOP congressional
initiative would chisel his face into Mount Rushmore.

Meanwhile, in the Balkans and in Africa, the United States is sponsoring
international tribunals to arrest and to try human rights violators --
and their political patrons -- for war crimes.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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