-Caveat Lector-

News Law

>From www.lawnewsnetwork.com

<<Begin excerpt>>

> Quayle: Lawyers Are The Root of All Evil
> Kelly Flaherty
> The Recorder/Cal Law
> May 20, 1999
> Presidential hopeful Dan Quayle appears to have shifted his target
> from Murphy Brown to Ally McBeal as the reason for the erosion of
> family values in America.
> At a speech to the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco Wednesday,
> Quayle blamed much of the country's problems on a "legal aristocracy"
> that he said has undermined parental authority, school discipline and
> religious freedom.
> "Every baby boomer with a teenager has heard the words 'I can sue you,
> Mom' or 'I can sue you, Dad. Where do they get that? From society,"
> Quayle said, adding that the legal system has helped erode the role of
> religion in American life.

> Copyright ©1999 NLP IP Company -- American Lawyer Media. All rights
> reserved.

<<End excerpt>>


> Fed. Court Doesn't Buy Into Plaintiff's Repressed Memory Claim
> <Picture>
> Discovery rule not applicable to toll statute of limitations
> Danielle Rodier
> Pennsylvania Law Weekly
> May 17, 1999
> The 3rd Circuit has essentially told a plaintiff to forget about
> pursuing her 20-year-old claim against the psychiatrist she said
> abused her in therapy sessions for 19 years.
> The plaintiff claimed the discovery rule applied to toll the statute
> of limitations because she did not remember that the doctor sexually
> abused her until years later, nor did she realize until after she left
> the doctor's care how inappropriate his treatment was.
> But the court said it did not believe that argument because the
> plaintiff openly admitted through the years that the doctor was
> hurting her and many other people the woman had contact with alerted
> her to the same problem.
> Copyright ©1999 NLP IP Company -- American Lawyer Media. All rights
> reserved.


The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
                                       German Writer (1759-1805)
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It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
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Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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