-Caveat Lector-



Friday July 9 10:15 AM ET

Saddam: U.N. Waging Germ Warfare

Associated Press Writer

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - President Saddam Hussein has accused the
United Nations of mounting a secret germ war against Iraq, citing
his government's accusation that a U.N. employee bred locust eggs
to harm Iraqi crops.

In remarks carried by three state-run newspapers today, Saddam
also charged U.N. employees in Iraq of theft, mainly of
archaeological treasures, for sale abroad.

The United Nations did not immediately respond to the
allegations, the harshest and most serious ever made by Iraq. It
was even more unusual that the accusations came personally from
the Iraqi leader who made no effort to mince his words.

On Thursday, Ian Broughton, a New Zealander working on the United
Nation's mine-clearing operations in northern Iraq, left the
country after he was accused of breeding and planting eggs of
locusts, insects that destroy crops.

The United Nations withdrew Broughton after the government
demanded his expulsion. The government produced no evidence
against Broughton, and a U.N. statement said Thursday that
Broughton was not even in the area on April 8 when he is alleged
to have buried the eggs near the border town of Khanaqin in the

Addressing high-ranking officials of the ruling Baath Party on
Thursday, Saddam said Broughton was acting on behalf of
intelligence services of foreign states.

``This action is not personal. It is the work of states and
intelligence agencies belonging to them,'' he said without naming
the countries.

``The aim of those burying locust eggs ... or transferring
viruses and germs to Iraq is to harm public health and lower
quantities of food available to Iraqis,'' Saddam was quoted as

He did not substantiate his allegation about the transfer of
germs and viruses.

``The enemies were using the United Nations as a means to spread
diseases among the people of Iraq ... There is a germ which is
breeding (here) under the cover of the United Nations,'' he said.

Saddam said most of the U.N. staff in Iraq, whether involved in
disarmament activities or relief distribution, are spies and

``The Iraqi people are aware that the majority, but not all, of
U.N. employees have been engaged in stealing Iraqi antiquities.
They are seen spending the day in markets buying anything that
will bring them a profit abroad,'' Saddam said.

In the past such charges were only made against U.N. weapons
inspectors who left Iraq last year shortly before the United
States and Britain launched airstrikes to punish Iraq for
allegedly failing to meet its disarmament obligations.

Iraq has vowed not to let the inspectors set foot in the country

U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan has admitted that spies
recruited by the CIA had infiltrated the ranks of U.N. weapons
inspectors in Iraq.

Since the inspectors left the country, the government has stepped
up attacks on U.N. relief workers who supervise and administer
the implementation of the oil-for-food deal in Iraq.

The United Nations denies that any of its nearly 400 relief
workers has ever been involved in spying.

           Kaddish, Kaddish, Kaddish, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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